Thursday, August 03, 2006

game OVER!!

finally my hall camp has ended today!it wasnt as tiring as last yr when i was the GL..there were times of fun, boredom, anger n appreciation..

my grp was small..n for the last 1.5 days there was onli 1 ger freshie whu joined us for 2 events basically we were an all guys grp! tues..mes alr off!my freshie, the gl zhenming was alr. drained. tink he was quite sian tt e grp wasnt as enthu as the rest n they had their own cliques.on my side i felt that he shld haf tried to keep the spirit up instead of jus letting things be..but me cun n din wanna interfere much cox hes the GL afterall..din wanna mix w the freshies much oso..din noe wad to tok to em bt n dey look quite sian to tok to..aint comfy toking to guys whom im nt familiar w..esp after being violated on mon..realli tramatised!urghh..hes sick lahs..n hes cfmed CONDEMNED in the camp n HALL 3!!hes name is ABEL!he an asshole lahs!!spoilt my mood and me jus felt lyk gifing him two tight slaps!!bastard!!urghh!ill never play gmes again i swear!never ever play gmes w guys!dun care whether its accidental or deliberate..ive gtta protect myself!wad the hell..thot i shld jus help out since we din haf enuf female the end it had to happen n my mood during the cmp was jus affected n i jus dun wish to b w the grp!!
mb im asking alot n i noe me cnt cox its alr god enuf to be attachd to one with winnie n deniece zhenming least i noe em..but it wld b much nicer if me cld be with daph dere all..grp led by my freshie jingda oso..haha..basically 4 out of the 6 OGs r led by my freshies!!if onli we aint split up we wld be super powerful yeah?n its cfm gg be so so fun!!hahas..too bad..jindas grp gt a freshie called bao he..was surprised that he rejected joining the hall pageant!realli tken aback!!hes so cute..tanned, not veri tall but talle than me!, acc. to daph hes the veri nice n guai kind..yah spoken to him bfore n tink hes quite alrights..n he CAN SING SO WELL!!wah!felix no. 2!!tink he cn be even better than our mr. felix!!haha..great cn gt him to join our ktv gang!!woohoo!
ytd night was unexpectedly was the SP night..not tt me was excited to meet my was super bo liao i felt cox as a yr 3 me still had to entertain the freshies n play the couple gmes!urghh..fortunately it wasnt much n after hanging ard for a while me was required to go practise for a performance with one of my freshies.i had to do a duet with him cox me grp gt no female freshie to sing w was a duet sung by kelly tan n xu zhi an-zhi zao lang man!a veri catchy song n ive sg this during ktv bfore!!!haha..the freshie TJ was super worried tt he will paiseh himself n we practised mani times!haha..n samuel my jamband guitarist played for sorrie dude!me din noe u said hi to me..haha..yah n thanks for those compliments!!:):)
ive always wanted to perform for the peeps in hall but me nv gt into geyao despite 2 auditions..cun understd y oso..mus admit dat mes super depressed n 'bu fu' but whu cares now?haha..i was really a rare opportunity to sing in front of the freshies n the unexpected tt even some seniors were lyk asking..joleen noes hw to sing mehs?haha..i treated it as a gift to em bfore i leave the place bfore i leave em:) it was fun!!my dream finalli came true!we were the last grp to perform...w the og peeps n seniors gathering behind us n waving their hands in the air as we sang the atmosphere was great!thanks everyone:) it was this time when me gt the chance to tok to bao he n his sging partner..haha..he cn realli sing so well!!im thoroughly impressed..a soft spoken boy..w/o ani airs though he has good looks!oops..hes so humble to sae that the rest of the pageant bois r more gd looking than him..i was lyk..huh?sure anot?no lorhs..some CMI!!!haha..yah tink i can babble non stop bt him!haha..its been some time since ive gone so so gaga..oh no!!mus control!!haha..even zhengguo was lyk saeing: hey u onli noe ur bao he onli lahs! funnie!!!
was so tired tt us the seniors slpt early ytd!concussed at 2am n wk up at 7 for the cmp's finale n we jus stood dere n watched..super hot morning n i was in my shades n cap!!nonetheless gt tanned again:(..dunno y me keep hearing praises these days:P hahas..mb its jus out of good will!
oh yah my president said i look slimmer!! happie!okie dat means my extreme diet is shwing some kind of effect!!i mus continue with this..i noe its unhealthy but i dun care so much so lg as it wrks..mummy has given up toking me out of my dieting has been 7yrs since i started my intensive has gtten worse over the yrs esp when i entered JC..i guess n im used to not hafing meat in my life..dey r jus not tempting to me..schs starting n me shall stick to my one meal/day n fruits at night.cant stock up anything in my room..mb jus packets of hi-calcium n lo fat milk frans n sis commented that im missing out a lot of good food in life!haha..yah i noe but its been lyk half a decade since i haven tounched prata, chicken/duck rice, KFC, Mac(except breakfast, fried guo tiao,wanton mee etc. basically anyhing to do w fried n meaty stuff..haha..cnt resist beef though..n of cox during realli special occasion..haha..i can onli sae im used to it
oh yah bfore me forgt ive gtta go collect my lappie frm 8 flags sfter its being reformatted!urghh..skipped war gmes to send it for service!haha..din wanna go for war gmes intentionally cox me dun wanna gt dirtied!!so yucky!!urghh ill onli gt myself drenched by mud bombs n mud water!!yucks!!oh yah,thanks kh for accompanying me n sending me ard dat dae again, else gtta walk ard the sch..n its gtta kill me esp after hafing lyk 2 hrs of slp in the morn!:) bot an ext drive for 175!!urghh!my mummy so nice shes gg to sponsor half of it for me n oso paying half for my contacts!!yeah!!so im at least 100+ richer n cn spend on my hair n a new bag!! so happie!!:)
next week sch's starting but im still in a holidaying mood!! for ktv tmr n blading in the afternn..sat tuition n gg for zhenhaos farewell at safra..sun shall gv tuition n go mk contacts n rest!n next tue ktv with yj felix dey all again!!wed mtg shans for lunch n shop!!!wah!!!family gathering on thurs!! pked that its as if im still hafing hols..haha..
my mood is up for several reasons:)

sleepy again..shall concuss soon n i noe ill sleep well tonight:):):)

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