Monday, August 28, 2006

Nocha Magica!!

this weekend passed so fast!jus so fast dat me cant realli figure wad i had done!mb its cause it was a veri hectic and FUN weekend!!to be exact..cox of our hall's DnD-Nocha Magical!!
super duper zuper excited bt it!!n now its OVER!!good times passed jus so fast mans!!yah in the midst of collecting photos frm peeps! my costume?haha..can see frm my MSN pic ritex?haha..yah the black arabian costume!haha..suddenly im known as the black pearl?haha..thanks zhiyong!!yupps quite a nice costume ritex?though its black!!:)
din feel real good at the start when me n daph reached..thot gonna do some light shopping bfore the end walked like super far n fast to gt the prizes for the dnd's lucky draw!yah nice vouchers frm adidas,nike taka...but again me din win!!!haha
reached the hotel..mb they were busy..but tink it aint an excuse to be busy n cun be bothered to sae 'Hi' or acknowledgement the presence ritex?hw bad cn the wrld gt?how impolite?jus a simple nod or saeing hello..will kill mehs?n somemore bothered to come early n help buy n carry stuff lehs!yah mb im tinking too much or xiao qi..but pls lorhs!so next time if ya were to see me better acknowledge my presence hors!if not..ill bitch abt u like now!!hahas
so me jus took it as if they were 'busy'..yah as if i buy went to bathe n gt ready for the night..tinking tt me cld finish making up on jus dilly-dallied!n best after 45mins!mes still not done!best lorhs n my precious necklace gt entangled lahs!!bestesT! in the end me jus took my own sweet time n din care!hey me gtta look good k?haha..tell me who doesnt?
looking at the nature of the costume u wld haf known that we cun eat much dat night else all the bulges..haha..self conscious ritex?or issit me onli..yah im super conscious bt this!esp. twds the noticed my fellow 'arabian princesses' hafing bulges!!wah..unsightly cfm!so mes wary when i tk photos afterdat!haha..paranoid..
yay!!jus now deniece said dat ive becm slimmer!haha..dats great!this shws that my diet is wrking..yah i mus admit dat my energy level is dropping..considering wad i eat..yah..but ive to carry on cox its not up to std yet..good good!its wrking!!tink ill jus collapse some day..but then..haha
mes going to save up to buy myself a a xmas prezzie!
den me can jus snap here n there, this n that whereever i go!!haha..oso cox of oits absence me din tk mani peeps w mani pple ytd..haha..but nvm lahs
so we went to watch a midnight shw snakes on the plane at the new cathay cineplex..yah the 215am shw!so it lasted till 415am n thruout me n a freshie were practically screaming our hearts out when the snakes made their sudden appearnaces..jus felt so so exhausted after the whole thing!!!wah..but was fun watching a shw e so mani pple n at such an unearthly hr!!!after dat went to the 24 hrs kopitiam n dey had their 'supper cum breakfast'!dats early yah?den headed bk to the hotel room n tried slping..FAILED!!cox dey were so noisy!n felix n a few were determined to wake me up!!!!went home w a freshie at 630 n slpt gv tuition n cm bk hall for jcrc mtg!wah..
next sat will be the same as well..sorri darius wun be staying too long at ur party gtta attend my 23rd JCRC gathering at marine parade so the latest will be ard sorry:(
i dunno if ive reconsidered correctly or not..but mb staying thu if my daddy's agrreable in helping me pay half of my hostels fees..aha..den i mb able to enjoy the best of both wrlds?some frans r jus so pretentious!dey jus wan glory for themselves..twds franship im always puttin in much so tt me feel that ive been tt i mus gt appreciated for everything but hey!i dun owe u a living!
comin to realise tt it aint possible..yah i agree w u bt e possibilty..well wad to do?jus mv on bahs:(
its cming!n its realli cming!so fast...wah my dream my aspiration, my life!

aim: digicam this xmas!
slimmed me
a revaMPED life!

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