Sunday, July 09, 2006

shopped till ive DROPPED

today was the best!!haha..
met up w shans in the morn for cartel's breakfast..afterdat shopped all the wae frm 12pm to 8pm!!n wads the outcome of this?our legs are so so tired!!walked all the wae frm PS to Wheelock to far EAst! wonder our legs r now aching!!n for a few moments during the shopping spree me was feeling giddy!dunno y oso..but we did enjoy ourselves ritex shans?haha..we the gungho babes!too bad din manage to gt any new clothes..but nvm!gt myself a new pair of shades!haha..yeah n it was on sale!im so happy was depressed for a while when my the other pair broke:(:( this pair more zai!darker shade of brown n i shall test it tmr!haha..tmr gtta gif two tuition den KTV at Dynasty..this sleazy place a t PEACE centre..hmm i din choose the place n i tink i nid help to gt in..afraid to go in alone:( gtting the jitters!urghh

tmr me shall wear my new pair of shorts which me gt frm BUGIS!haha..den wad top to go alg?has been tinking for a while!hmm..polo tee?sighh..provided the weather aint hot!shall tink tmr!haha..

i haven been so slack for a long time..esp. today when i gt a chance to stroll down orchard with shanx n was indeed a luxury yah?n best!both of us cancelled our tuition!haha..not too bad at least we gt sth each yeah?

pissed with the fujitsu center!it aint at taka alr!moved out gtta send to ntu's eight flags instead this cming fri!urghh!dat means me wun b haing my comp with me during seniors camp!die!urghh..nvm lahs..this is betta finish my PA report quick!!shall wake up earli tmr to do it bfore me go out n haf fun!
cant wait for tmr to come to put on my shades..n tmr betta not rain ahh!!

nice to noe that my intern frans r org a lunch mtg n KTV session sometime next week i guess!2 to 7pm!but tink it will co-incide with the NBS CAMp..hmm..tink will go for the session bk for camp bahs!whu ask me to be so KTV-Crazy?no choice!!haha..

so happy with in im enjoying my slacker's life!!woohoo!

to shanx!hey ger a few more weeks onli yah!!good dat u r earning more bucks so we cn go spend again!haha..hey cant wait for the 24th n 25th july when we cn meet up n stone!!yeah!!

to frans ending PA this coming fri: hey!5 more days!!jiayou!we've come thus far so jus do it n endure a bit more yah?:):)

n to those whu r working: kempate!do rem to enjoy urselves too!!!

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