Sunday, July 16, 2006

finally ended!boooo...

the hall's seniors' camp has finally ended!was dere for half of the activities n MIA-ed for the rest..fri was still tolerable..amazing race n played some gmes..haha..nv in my life have i rowed a dragon boat!haha..was apprehensive but it turned out fun!!though i tasted the saltish kallang waters!yucks!!haha
one of the stations was the army market food center at beach rd..something diff n i lyk the tang yuan dere!shall order that during the actual camp!haha..the rest of the day was spent in hall playing childhood gmes led by darren n a few innovative ones..of cox smes dirty ones with soap water n stuff..of cox dis kinda gmes joleen shall steer clear!!haha..crazy gt myself dirtied after ive bathed?no way mans!!haha
sat missed the gmes in the day to meet the freshies for next week's NBS precamp!haha..went w mel n kit n met edmund, liying, delvin, yongxiang, danny etc. so many elated to see the my freshies too lyk sophia, junliang kelly, kellyn, yiping etc etc..heehee..nice chatting w em!of cox some whom we dun lyk!!shant name em!haha..hmm toking bt our batch of freshies!weve gt the most no. of good lking guys cfm!!haha..esp one named kip peng!!haha..super gd looker..nt veri tall though but hes tanned!n the sunshine boyish kind!haha..guess everyones aiming him!!aiyas but hes my batch so sm yr..wasted! for gals..a few nt too bad but dey had makeup on!so during camp dey may nt look as good..lyk wad mel said: we r the best batch!!n of cox WE AGREE!!!!haha..RIOJA RULZ!!!
hey mel so sorrie dat me onli joined u n kit for a while cox me gtta meet me sis..thanks anw!!lufing my super pinkish top frm topshop!!heehee..nv bot such an ex tee bfore but i really lyk the cut n the colour n its this is my first tee frm topshop!!shall go earn more..cnt afford zara as yet..shall wrk harder to conquer those higher end brandS!im hafing mango..aiming for topshp, zara n levis..tink ill nid many more years to achieve gtting more vain n dissatisfied with wad im at now..of cox i do go for cheap n nice stuff..e.g. i luf BUGIS street!!went with sis ytd n she bot so many things..2 bottoms, a top n a bag..wah!!me stpped myself frm buying cox of the topshop tee!!hee..nvm..ive seriously bot a lot these hols esp with GSS!dunno hw many hundreds ive spent..mb 200?haha..oh no!!but im happie..cox ive gt new clothes to wear to sch!!yeah..nice shoes!!new bottoms!!im jus lyk a spendthrift a shopaholic lyk wad felix always sae..haha

rushed bk to hall after dat for hall's monster std in for a fran to act as a gal named meiling whus in luf with her fran johnny but johnny is in luf with meilings good fran victoria..den one day victoria was drunk n gt raped by one of their frans ah tek..den out of jealousy meiling took the chance n killed victoria in the midst of a basically the freshies gt to find out whu killed victoria whu is me..haha
n so dey wanted me to hide meself in a deep dark corner at the toilet area at LT was so eerie so deep inside..i was super duper reluntant..if not for ELIZA my senior whu accompanied me throughout my acts i wld jus plainly refuse to help out..i noe im super selfish..but im truly frightened..i dun wanna meet timid!!n i agree..thanks eliza!i dunno hw many times ive thanked u but im jus veri appreciative for ur presence!!!thanks again!!!
i felt really bad..really guilty for raising my voice at my seniors/ was part of the supposed to act psychotic n haf to be jealous over their r' ive to ans the freshies qns n thru my ans dey r suppose to guess whus the killer..of cox me cnt sae its me lahs!!haha..i had to tink of the ans instantly..impromptu ans..wah nv tried this kinda of acting bfore..prior experiences were all script-based..haha..oh well i thought i did pull it 3 cheers for joleen!!haha..but due to my senior's presence,almost all those whu came in asked: so whus she..haha..of cox me cnt sae shes here to acc. me ritex? ill jus shut em up n act angry n ask em to get out!!yah dis is one of the parts which ive to raise my voice be it my seniors/ sorrie if ive been too sorrie if ive scared really apologetic for doing so yah?hope u peeps understd:( not gg to std in during the actual monster hunt night..dey r gg to darken the entire place with black cloth n its during the 7th lunar NOT gg to act i swear!n its super tiring to act 18 times lahs!!crazi!!no ways..

i had fun though.its a kind of experience which one will not be able to gt easily..once im acting im too engrossed but me noe when im acting n whens beauty wrld bitchy highclass educated bitchy role in First impression..n ytd's psychotic, caring n bitchy roles!!wah..ive been typecast cfm!! if i were to stay in hall till end of yr 3 which will b highly impossible tink ill gt awarded for ms BIMBO in hall 3!!haha..apart frm the mini acts i had to do a closing scene with yaen(victoria)..haha..shes so experienced..thot of how the story shld end n such..dere were ard 50 peeps at least with the grand seniors n all..haha..wah..had stage fright at first esp when we din even rehearse, we din even rehearse the was jus going up dere n whack!i din noe hw i survived dat!really..but when everything started..i din feel anything i jus followed wad i had to do..suddenly everyone was quiet..attention was on her, den me when i walked was was the exact attention which i had yearned for..the attention was on us!i had to carry was a re-enactment of the raping n me finding victoria, she confiding in me, me refusing to help her cx of johnny,telling her i luf johnny too..we fought den 'pushed' her to the wall n she was killed by me w an learnt alot from this few hrs of role play, the emotional changes involved, the tonation, the positioning, the mutual trust n communication bet actors..this is one aspect which i have to wrk on..n i acted, we acted n twds the end, the appluases..i din regret!thanks junwen n seok hui for this chance..though ive malu-ed myself infront of so many but i hope it was convicing enuf to bring out wad im supposed to was definitely an unexpected priceless experience for me to brush up my acting skills..

sometimes i do reflect..if acting becmes part of ur life den wun it be frightening?pretending to be close to one n cares for her jus lyk meiling twds victoria den back stab her not lyk not!
proud of myself..thanks junxiong for saeing it was good..thanks i nid this kinda of comments for me to wrk harder, to go further, thanks again!hope u peeps din change ur impression of me but i noe u peeps lyk to sae that im an airhead..wadever!i dun care alr.!wadever impression ive given its no longer impt cox my hall 3ian days r limited..this is the wae i m..u like it or nt i dun care..

haha..enuf of my lengthy hafing a super bad headache n din go for war bk hm to slp..jus dunno why me cnt slp well in hall..keep waking up in the middle of the night..accumulation of 2 consecutive slpless nights..pengs!!

tmr suppose to meet daph to shp in the day den meet the hs guys n qianyi at 4pm for pirates n dinner..but daph cun mk it last min:(sians..finding someone to spend the day with me.hopefully weinee an mk it either for ktv or jus shpping again!haha..gtta gt a pretty elegant white watch!hmm..budget as cheap as possible!saw a veri pretty 'my-kind' white leather watch frm espirit but its 130+..sighh..nvm..i shall gt a brandless one for less than 15 bucks!haha..n e lifr span?a yr i guess?haha..

may this week be a fun week with tmrs movie..but darren asked if we cn cater to IA pple cos he ends wrk at 6pm..dats means if this is so den me wun be able to watch pirates alr cox me wanna be home after the shw n nt join dem for dinner..reason?safety lorhss..but gt home bfore sunset dun wanna risk my life again!!shld i?shld i tell em to watch w darren n sacrifice myself n ask yanshan to watch w me?but the aim of the outing is to watch pirates if nt me will be watching with yj alone..n daph dun try to hint hint paiseh ytd when u asked him to go watch w me alone..wah..thanks lor!!n yj!!can u pls tink bfore u ans??hw cn u sae u dun mind!!urghh..gei ni qi si le!u noe hw gossips spread?esp in hall..oh no!!urghh..

sis is gg for dble eyelid operation on wed..hope everything will go well!den u will haf beautiful dble eyelids!! this rd u win yeah?haha

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