Thursday, July 13, 2006


finally went blading with my SIS this morning!!wah n nw im aching!!tink haven been exercising dats y:( shall go swim today!im jus amused by my extent of fear to b tanned!haha..applied my loreal sun block..den nivea my pink puma cap!wanted to wear my shades but me wasnt pro in blading yt,,a bit exaggerating n AA so in the end dats all n mes wearing my FBT n my t-shirt though not really covered fully but dats the best i can do..haha..den my new espirit slippers!haha

wasnt confi dat me cn blade smoothly at first but after warming up it becm betta..haha..a few falls n stuff but its part n parcel of sis is cfmed more zai den me!!this her 5th time at ECP balsding this hols!! wonder me gt no major improvements lah!shall ask me sis to go with me to blade after her ops n bfore her sch starts!!yeah!!so nice the morning breeze n everything..still remembered the days when me jus luf jogging lyk crazi after sch during my free breaks in VJ along the nice!the sun!the breeze..the accomplishment at the end of the runs!i jus felt good..mb dats y me felt great during dat period!even when me had to manage the stressful A's n my busy council i jus missed those days..guess im feeling more depressed bcox of this:( too bad i dun live in marine parade else me will definitely make it a pt to go jog n blade once a week!!:( sians..too bad me aint a cyclist..if not cycle will be great too..haha..gtta find a pillion..

u said u wld pillion me but it nv happened..haha..its jus another passing promise n an unfulfilled promise.but its alrights im used to it hey babes n dudes!dun ever make promises when u aint confi of fulfilling them!cox these promises wld be remembered

haha..i really cnt std myself!haha..cnt resist laughing at myself!malu-ated myself this morn AGAIN!!this time rd in front of so many NS guys!oh mans!luckily gt my cap on!else me cn jus go dig a hole n jump deep in!!haha..dey were resting alg the rd n me was on my blades..dere was a hump n i was gg at top speed while my dearest sis was safe after clearing the hump..dunno y me cleared the hump but den it was so fast that me cun strl n me FELL lahs!!!so PAISEH!!in front of the NS guys whu were resting while hafing their debriefing or sth..aiyas dey jus had a morn jog or mb morn run?dey were crazi lahs!ran frm one end to the other n back...aiyos realli so paiseh!of cox me quickly gt up n bladed twds my sis!urghh..not cool at all!so embarrassing!!thot me cun clear n b off!urghh..
it was heartening when me sis told me that actually one of them wanted to gt on his feet to help me but he was too slow cox mes already off the ground!haha..luckily me was fast else it wld be really dramatic..those in the dramas whereby a gal will fall n a guy will go help her n tada suddenly dey fall in luf!!haha..oh mans!my meimei thot of it when she told me bt that guy's 'kind' act!hey..dun be silly ger!dis kinda of things wun happen one lahs..n im keeping my fingers crossed hoping dat that bunch of peeps aint tinking that me was deliberate hors!I AINT DELIBERATE!else me wun be lyk trying to hide my face when we saw them again at macs after our dey were still toking bt it when dey walked past sense it lahs..MALU!!!even my sis thot it was ridiculous!aiyos..joleen CMI sia!haha..but nvm lahs..jus let em laugh lorhs..if sth lyk this din happen tink it wld be odd for me lg as peeps r happen laughing at me or suan-in me..guess me wun mind bah..

toking bt suaning!oh no!i can forsee wads gg to happen for the next 2 to 3 will be bombed lyk crazi!with pple lyk felix n yongjie n zhao ard!oh no!im a goner!!will b suaned to death!!haha..oh well dis this deir fun?haha..dun mind jus playing alg anw dey mean no harm...zhiyu asked me this qns:'wld u rather b the center of attraction or wld u rather that they ignore u?'haha..of cox i wld prefer the sis saes im an attention seeker..yah i dun deny to a certain extent..judging frm wad i haf, my lifestyle the peeps ard me, me cnt sae me aint one..however, dere r times when me dun even see myself as whu attracts weierdos?hmm..i dunno lahs..out of nowhere me cn gt strangers following me home den ill gt super afraid n try to tk the longer route bk home.. happened last sun again..its always when me go out at night or haf mtgs at night..n i jus down on my luck or wad..i dun understd n cun believe dat im jus so unlucky..lyk wad my mum says shang de shan duo zhong yu hu!n yah ive met many hus alr but me jus cnt bear to resist the mtgs esp when ur frans r gg overseas n some hafta wrk till evenings..its not nice to turn down ritex?sians..last sun was freaked out toatlly when i was in the taxi..tinking dat taking a cab home will be safer n be bk home faster..yah dun mind de cost cox me dun haf a the end the cabbie was weird..he jus drank i guess..i seldom gt this kinda of feeling when i will sae shit!i wanna gt off the cab when me jus gt in! felt veri uptight cox he was really freaky..switched on the music till damn loud..i cun help but admit that in it i was tinking of how me shld jus jump off it if he were to tk me to somewhere deserted or try sth funnie..urghhh..wad kinda in the end me asked him to stp at a bus stp near old airport rd n took a bus home..n dats not the end of the ordeal..a guy alighted at the sm stop at me..he was behaving oddly when we were gtting off the bus..den while he was walking he kept gazing bk..freaky!tink ive bogged this part in my previous aint gg to continue..aiyos so attracting attention isnt dat good oso yah?super afraid to meet pple at night alr..n i aint gg to do it mum is anxious..she will nag for a few days everytime me illustrate my encounters to her..yah she always sae i zi zao de..yah i agree so me shant n be a good ger n stay indoors..hate it cox she will always bring up the matter of hafing a bf as my bodyguard n stuff..aiyo ma e most dun go out till so late dun nida bf one lahs..haha..funnie!

sianx tmr mus wake up earli n head for sch..shall tk my time since amazing race is at 930 shall go send my lappie to 8flags first den walk back to hall..sians..walk back so damn far lahs!hope me will haf fun..n shall go dere w an open mind..but gt no lappie to acc me at night:( nvm me shan slp after the debriefing at 1200 n sat yeah!!meeting the NBS FOC freshies!

haha..tink i look yg!cox the bike auntie thot that me n me sis r uni first yrs!!haha..i luf lking youthful!!!yeah!!!

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