Sunday, July 30, 2006

it aint that bad afterall

ytd was hall camp day one..was rather apprehensive n din wanna go for it on sun..was totally in a super sian mood!was feeling better when me gt regrped into my freshies gt a bit one turned out not as bad as wad i had imagined..there were as many or even more seniors compared to weird..the feeling was as if the seniors were the ones hafing an annual bonding camp in the new hall!n best still/worse still there are more guys then gers freshies!!my grp gt onli one freshie ger!n kellyn's grp gt no ger freshies!imagine those so-called 'army-deprived' guy freshies tinking that they will haf a chance to noe some meimeis n turned out that its a 6 days of army camp!haha..hmm..luckily, gt senior gers ard! more guys=better for us gers=not enuff gers=super duper tired!!!no freshies gers so all the senior gers mus join in the gmes!learn the mass dance, be participants n play the 'secret pal' game!aiyos!!n of cox hafing said all these..IM INVOLVED!!urghh..thot i can jus slack at one side n crap n be n observer!urghh!nonetheless, felt that its a time to noe more peeps?haha..

gt quite a number of goodlooking guys in the camp my grp gt one but those in other grps r betta!! lahs..eye candies onli mahs..n saw my 2 NBS freshies cheryl n eunice too! hall 3..however, aint clse to em n tink dey cun rem me as forgt it..mummy saes i can choose my SP!haha..she asks me which shuai ger i lahs can i jus sae whu i dun wan?cox gt one guy in my grp is quite irritating!during gmes ytd, din noe if its accidentally/purposely,he wld stick so close to me..urghh..yucks..cmon lorhs..urghh..gonna stay far far away frm him!hate playing gmes cox of these n there was one which we were suppose to untangle ourselves w/o letting go of our suxs lahs..suddenly felt so violated as everyone was so close to each other n jeff my yr 1 vball(guy) manager had his arms ard me lahs..urghh..jus cun std it!we gv up in the end n i was lyk thanking god for that!!

today cm home to gif tuition so im glad to be slacking now:)haha

its incidental that im in the limelight again..sighh..i din noe y mb it was cox i was last yr's GL thus im more familiar with handling freshies n talking to as they gathered in a cirle, me daph n huijing were tasked by my mummy to take over the GL's roles for a waa great to see everyone listening to me n it felt good. den in our individual grps, i helped alg w my shuaishuai gl zhenming n cute co-gl seeyee w the cheers n again broke the ice with my crap!haha..i jus noe hw to crap my wae thru i usual me hate playing those finger gmes!still rem last yr!i was damn good n familiar w cheers to hype up the atmosphere whiile darren was busy doing the admin n entertaining the freshies..well my seniors did help me alg too!so thankful!!so dat was last yr..therefore while the rest were entertaining them me jus walked ard n slack n take a breather by gg to daphnes grp to see the shuai ge bao he or ming lun!haha..eye candies!!haha

it is alr my third yr in hall n my mummy n the rest r still harping on the 'darren n joleen' issue!wahs..mb thats y we gt a bit embarrassed or din noe wad to sae to each other when we do meet..weird..mummy n aileena were trying to preach bt it again..still dare sae it was from yr 1 this n that..n e rumour spread lyk wild fire with hall pple tinking that we r tgt!den last yr wrked tgt as GLs for the same it was rd 2!den this yr..rd 3!started w him saeing that me mus grabbed my last chance since ive onli 2 mths left n so the opportunity arose for mummy n aileena!!aiyos!!headache!so paiseh but im alrights lahsn best still gt a freshie told us that we shld b GL's for this yr again since we mk such a great pair!!urghh..sds weird!!oh pls pple..if it happened it wld haf happened lg ago lahs!!..used to it alr..haha..his birthday is cming soon(17/8-oso e day when my grandma passed away).tink we r gonna haf a mega celebration for him again..hopefully wun tekan him too much but we will nv noe. cox its hillstreet!!!hopefully mes not gg to be the one buying his prezzie again.but if mes in twn..i wun mind..he was my co-gl:)haha

the next few days seem to be packed with more exciting acivities n i jus wish tmrs monsterhunt wun be too bad!!i will cfm die!!my grp gt so few gers n seniors will cfm get it frm the 'ghosts' i dun wan!!die!!oh mans!!u cn call me a scardy cat wadsoever but mes really scared heh!!urghh..afterwhich the rest of the days seem to b alright..looking fwd to amazing race n we will end off in aloha loyang instead of sentosa this yr!!then its SP night..sian gtta entertain pple with my introduction n stuff n im bk to my yr one days!urghh..still remembered my sp was robin n he was proclaimed as goodlooking by my mummy..hmm..i beg to differ lahs!!so mes gg to bring my mkup set!haha..den its break camp on thurs morn..n ill be back to slpoing my dae away n meet up with hs n kangjian on fri!!!haha..

toking bt makeup!so glad that daphne has the same mentality as me!!okie shall go shp for new eyecolour when sch reopens n during our free days!!! happie..

my throat gt better bfore the camp n now its on its way to bcm more sore again:( cnt gt worse so ill minimise on doing the cheers since ive so mani guys in the grp n dey shall be the man n do the wrk!!haha..n i mus definitely remember not to outshine the GLs n overshadow em n not to attract too much of an attention n gaining unnecesary one!urghh!i mus remember since im not the GL!!too much attention n too high profile aint good sometimes as well!!

sensing some fun n feeling excited finally

Friday, July 28, 2006

wheres my devil?

jus finished watching devil beside you..expected the ending but me still enjoyed the shw..haha..wad to expect?thrashy love story with super sweet ending!dats wad me n me sis lyk to watch! will be watching love contract!yeah..frm the title u can tell that its another shw bt love!yah..

tmrs the start of hall least the regroup n im happier cox im no longer in the previous grp!yeah!at least my GL is my freshie!the shuai shuai zhenming! if there aint any eye candy/candies in the grp..still gt him!haha..we r all excited to find out if our frans will b in the same hall as us!at least im hoping to see one or two whom i noe tmr!

thot my tutee's prelims is next week but in the end it gt postphoned till 2 weeks ltr..haha..but nvm me shall b a good tutor n cm bk for tuition on sun!!den its bk to hall on mon..n all the wae till thurs..its gg to be shagged!n mes gg to arm meself with my cap n sunglasses n litres of sunblk lotion!tink its useless but ill jus haf them on!desperate alr!haha

haf been observing pples it on tv/photos..wanna learn hw to haf a nice makeup done..hmm..haf been putting my mkup set into good use recently when i go out..dun wanna waste an eyebrow curler a few days ago n it costs 6 bucks..a little betta den shans..hers power!!13 bucks n its ar hafen gtten the chance to put on my mascara!haha..hmm..hafen learnt hw to put on dst yet..okie..shall examine somemore:) wanna gt a new fa its mostly glittery pink n purple..tinking of getting green but afraid that it wun look good on me lehs..hmm..its lyk wasting of money ritex?hmm..but i thot as one grows older its normal to wanna look better..n with mkup on to hide those flaws its lyk shwing more respect for the others..furthermore, makeup gifs one a more radiant look!haha..tink im jus convincing myself to be more vain..haha..shan!we shall go shpping for mkup ya?oopps!

schools gonna start soon..hmm...not quite prepared to study again!urghh!ive still gt so mani things aint done!n if sch starts it means that its really coming!do i haf the courage?its a chance..a chance if i were to forego wld be me shall try issit?yah i guess so!its passion!but i nid practice!i nid lotsa lotsa practices!oh mans..ill tk it easy i guess!jus tk it as part of my life..yah my life n this life of mine shall b a colourful one!:)

may the power be with me!always!!!

Thursday, July 27, 2006


cant remember wad exactly caused me to haf im lyk coughing blood!alas..despite all the liang teh,sorethroat pills etc..sighh..
nonetheless i went kbox my throat is really feeling bad, can feel the heat in my throat..the burning feeling..urghh..mb its a blessing in disguise..nid nt cheer during halll camp next week..den gear up for ktv w huishan n kangjian..hey mel wanna come alg oso?plan: 11-2pm kbox at parkway parade after dat..blading at east coast park! me gtta protect my voice!!

todays kbox session aint exactly as fun as ive thot..first my fran was late!even later than me..sianx..i did mention dat i dun realli like guys to be late..okie its again a guy gal thing..yah..trying to bitch complain again..haha..hey dude luckily me aint ur ended up waiting for him:( den gt a rm which is too big for 2 peeps..n the food aint tempting..suxs!walked ard marina sq den suntec after dat..quite sick of the places..dats y becm quite boring afterdat..sighh..if ya ask if i did enjoy myself not ill sae 55/100..ooppss!haha

oh yah a pt to note for GUYS!!!haha..actually can be applied to gers as well..
pls do not wear bermudas n slippers to shop!!n esp. w a ger ya?its quite unglam!dats how i least wear jeans n shoes?more proper ritex? being picky least this the minimum a guy shld be clad in be it gg out w ger/ pls..think this is not too high an expectation i guess!

thanks for riding me home..its realli scary to be on a bike..this the second time im on ur bike n ill definitely be the last time!my mum will slaughter me!will disown me!will nag at me!will jus be exremely disappointed in me!will lose trust in me if she were to find out!luckily mes safe n sound n living charmaine me cnt ride on ur bike when u finally gt one as well:) but me noe u will gt ur licence soon!!oh yah mentioning bt charmaine..she has good dress sense mans!!u guys shld learn frm her!!haha

i dread gg bk to hall on sat!i realli dread it..thot camp will end on wed but me was wrg..jus realised i wld end on thurs morn!sian!!mummy!save me!im bk to my yr 1 days when im dreading hall camps!im well aware its diff. now cos as a leader in hall i mus set an example..but im realli exhausted frm all these!seriously speaking if me noe that by joining the comm. it will result in me irking hall life, i sldnt haf done so last yr!i shldnt!!i aint enjoying!i can sense my depression setting in again..i dont seem to noe hw to control hw im feeling..mb mes hafing split personality.mb i do nid some medical aid..yeah..

my hall senior is salvaging my lappie..tink hes still managing quite well w it..though he aint frm computer engine he tried to help appreciative twds this gesture but i tink im screwed!i knew he wun be so nice to help me w/o condition..i nid help!i dun wanna go out one-on-one with him..its gonna b super awkward!pls can someone advise me wad to do..hw to reject n stuf?hmm..if i knew i wld haf sent it straight to 8 flags though me hafta pay for the repairs..sigh..its realli betta of than hafing to entertain him..guess me will ask yj to accompany me:p im seriously turned off by the idea of gg out w him..hw silly i can gt?!!urghh!i tink im jus stupid!!so stupid that even me cant std myself!

oh yah..thanks kh for accompanying me ytd:) thanks for driving me home as far frm jurong:p thanks thanks!!

my tutee was so sweet..hafing known dat mes hafing sorethroat, he offered me a sorethroat candy during lesson ytd:) so nice of him to do so!haha..jus realised that hes hafing his prelims this cming week!n he had his oral prelims exam alr..told me he cld handle..phew! this will be my excuse for skipping a day of my hall camp on sun!!tuition!!

not gg to care wad others sae..not wishing to hear wad others sae..not hoping to seek any gg to do wad i want..wad i realli tired..i jus wan my freedom n stop telling me that as a______ im SUPPOSE to_______. ive had enuf!!!u r driving me crazy!i cant breathe alr!im stressed!i nod the beach..the serenity in the morning..the breeze..these calming elements:)

understanding myself has become a chore

ivw cm to realise its true that dreams wun cm true..realli no matter hw hard i dream..wad i will nv come wonder my mum told me not to daydream..not to set too high an expectation cox no one can match mine in reality!yah afraid to fall in love..not that ive been in one bfore..its cox im afraid he aint the has gt its ups n downs jus afraid that it will be too painful..i dun wan my heart to bleed cox i dun wanna experience the healing process again

Monday, July 24, 2006


was scrolling down my msges ytd night n saw his msg..nah not his but my jc fran..its been 2 yrs since i last saw him..though we nv arrange to meet up he will msg me on my birthday to wish me..its feels good hafing someone remembering ur bdae:)
actually i felt guilty..mb he said all those at the wrg time, he those when we were suppose to b busy with our A's preparation..wun noe if he was kidding den or not..i dunno..was flustered n i guessed i jus blurted out rubbish..i mean words of rejection..i din noe wad i was became awkward when we see each other in sch after dat..hes a talent..not veri well-liked but super exercise freak jus lyk me n a basketballer?not veri zai though..dat was alr the past
i dun realli lyk to think of my aint really glamourous..wad made me today has to really be attributed to my colourful secondary sch life!realli my good frans my teachers n im really glad that i was the chairman for a straight four yrs..then i found my confidence, trained myself to speak to the masses, to speak up etc. to be open-minded n make veri appreciative of those tk life n i really miss those days!
vj gv me a chance to mix ard with guys, it took me awhile to be comfy to tok to guys since ive been in gers sch for 10yrs n ive 2 sisters n my cousins r females too..gradually i gt more used to it n dey becm jus lyk my gal frans..haha..of cox us gers always go gaga tgt in the canteen over the pretty high profile bois
still remember my yr 1 days when i was really infatuated with the student's council head allan yue!haha..its so funnie..he was in 4/5 whilst me was in 4/4, one yr my senior!i respect him!hes not that good looking but i lyk his aura..his confidence n that pt of time,i lyk guys whu has leadership abilities i guess..mb i still lyk?haha..cant stand myself even my frans were telling me he aint suai or anything jus a president..but whu cares ritex..ill jus gt embarrassed whenever hes silly!!so silly!!
when i entered guessed ive gotten over the rara phase..of cox over realli cute ones will be a bit off lahs..haha..mb as one saes as u gt older ull realise n mature?takin things easy..but my mummy sis frans qi gua
haf been getting visitors these few days cox my sis frans cm to visit her since she cnt go out for weeks..dey r so entertaining! at home recovering from my fever n flu so its as if dey r here to visit me as well..haha..her frans when a bunch of gers get tgt the topic will definitely drift to bgr again..
so dey asked 'whus the guy whu scored 100 in ur list?' i said none..haha..90?80? den wad bt whu n whu? sis' frans ah..jus trying to dig out my affairs but its normal lahs..they r jus so cute..cute little gers:) so the topic revolves ard my standard their standards lg as me aint attached this topic will always surface..haha

feeling veri depressed n deprived cox me cnt find a ktv khaki!!haven been to k for 2 weeks!urghh..hafta wait for my sis which will be next fri!i dun wan!!i wanna go..
cnt ask meimei cox she jus had her op
cant ask tingx shan n charms cox they dun like to sing
cant ask weinee cox ahes busy with her nus camp
cant ask zhiyu cox ahes in shanghai hafing her pa
cant ask yj cox he went tioman
cant ask felix cox dun dare n dunno if hes free
cant ask mel n shan cox dey dun k
cant ask von cox shes wrking at uob
cant ask zg cox he doesnt k oso
suddenly i feel dat i dun actually haf many frans sian..
mb frans whu share common interests..tink onli yj is the onli one whus willing to listen to my crap, my complaints, go window shop, go ktv, chat online..haha..

hall camp is starting this sat n im gg to MIA on sun to cm bk for tuition..haha..

din hafta go bk to sch to hand in report on wed since i can send in thru email..but me gtta do my fran a favour..din noe y i agreed to help him even when i noe theres a good chance that me cn send thru weird..tink i owed him n his gf cox of the birkies..mb its cox hes quite nice to us during our mkting project..the leader so responsible n stuff..hes nice lahs dats wad i can in the end he drove his black madza frm bishan to my hse n passed me his report..was expecting his gf's too but there was onli his..guess its out of goodwill dat me agreed. furthermore hes gtta leave for bk this morn so guessed he was realli despo alr bahs?anw thanks for the pack of dumpling noodles which was gobbled up by my two sis!haha..hes a nice chap n mel n i used tok bt he n his gf..both rich n good looking..haha..mel u remember?

still hafing block nose..n its affecting my singing..very miserable..hafing sorethroat n also phlegm so it aint suitable for singing as depressing..i hate to fall ill..i dun wanna be ill anymore..i cnt do the things which i like..ive gtta drink liang teh..yah i mus go gt liang teh

Friday, July 21, 2006

rasta, rioja, shiva, krrydis!!!

din see him at the camp eventually..tink god is on my side as well..haha..its god's will?maybe.

the past 2 days were eventful dat im finally down with fever and flu..blocked nose n ears!haha..slpt the entire day today n im slpy again..waiting for the time to pass so that me cn take my next dose of medicine..sian..tmr mus still go gif tuition:(

it was fun gg bk as senior for the NBS camp..sort of regretted not gg bk earlier so i can gt to noe the freshies better!!wasted!haha..the gers r so young but some of them r so mature-looking!some even have attitude!ellos!no nid to attitude us lahs kids!!haha..we were so excited finding out whus the ger representing kyrrdis in this yr's pageant!haha tough fight!hopefully dey r sticking with duanjie..elegant looking i guess..oh well none of my business oso!

went bk with mel on wed for the perf..n was realli glad to see liying,sansan,danny,alvin,edmund,delvin,xiaohan,joseph and of cox our CGL yongxiang and grand seniors lydia n teckwee!!it was realli nice seeing all of them n i thot we enjoyed chatting n entertaining ourselves than watching the performances..onli paid attention to ours n cheering for em!n its cox of the continuous cheering that i had a bad sore throat afterdat!!nonetheless it was so fun so fun!!brought bk the times when i was still a freshie in the camp..though it was so tiring n shag..i had fun!!it was during then when i made many frans..did funnie stuff which me wun do usually..still remembered vividly that me liying n sansan bathed tgt to save time! funnie n me n liying were the first to wake up daily to put on our contacts n wash up cox we were the slowest!! funnie!we had fun for the last 2 days n it felt great toking to if we were bk to those days!

the sp interaction night was hilarious!!the freshies were blindfolded n dey were suppose to talk to each other..some had interesting conversations n we as seniors simply stood beside em n eavesdropped!!haha..a lot of us went to disurb kim peng n his sp..damn fun!!cox hes the best looker in our grp..sighh..he was frm jjc..n dun realli lyk the wae he portryaed superficial n shallow..eekss..not my type so this is a typical case when looks aint everything!haha..

reached aranda at 3am after the sp interaction..haha..started our traffic light gm at ard 4/4+am..haha..only one of em is ever-green!the rest were all red before..haha..wad m i doing mans?haha..interesting to find out whus attached n whus not n this yrs was spread out quite evenly..yinghan was the highest scorer amgst the senior guys n of cox joy wasnt veri happy bt it haha..n yongxiang gt at least 3 votes too!dats good!tink me gt one but aint cfm cox was alr dozing off alr..haha..kelly was so nice to lend us his car n danny drove us out to gt a cab at 6+. me was home n immed. concussed at 7 n wk up at 10am..dazed!

went to meet mel at chinatwn at 1230pm..good to see huishan there!!!hey babe!lg time no see!n i lyk ur shorts!!so pretty wanted to gt the skirt but too short lahs!!cfm gt stoned to death if me were to buy!!haha..luckily me bot the liang teh n my sore throat gt betta!hee..wasnt as fun as compared to last yr n ended so early that we were alr bk in safra at 3pm!hengs im a senior else haf to play those gmes n im sure gg to lose n be the one doing those forfeits!!phew! exhausted that me managed to squeeze in at least 15mins of slp..haha..while mel hafing slpt alot the night before was busy waking danny up!poor danny!!haha..finally liying cm bk n entertained mel..

the night ended when we had our fun tekan-ing the boys whu cm over to our grp in search of their sps..made them do stupid stuff n requested them to dance n sing..aiyos!CMI...cant sing or dance!haha..requested a guy to sing tong hua!haha..okie lahs..passable but still quite cUI!!hahatink the worst was a guy named jeffrey..a senior with super bad reputation..he lks detestable n was glad that teckwee was ard to 'kill' him!whu ask him to be so lecher-like?see his sp n thot hes a senior so hell haf it easy?no way mans..usually we will jus be lenient twds seniors but this one?no way!!hoped our freshie was alritex...hey we din choose this guy for u yeah?he chose u my dear..

wanted to go suntec for dinner w the rest of the seniors but it was alr 9+..ivor drove us..wanted him to drop me somewhere near my house so me cld tk cab home in the end he drove me home!!haha..thanks yah? so saved on cabbie fare..

haven realli planned the activitiesf for next week except for tues..will b mtg shanx tingx n charms for penang lunch buffet n guess we r gg to slack tgt as usual!!dats good,,i luf to hang out w em!gg to squeeze in an afternn for KTV most prob thurs i guess!whus onx?haha..mb shall ask weinee or yj..but dun realli feel lyk asking the latter lehs..shall see how

so weird..a few of us seniors were toking bt whus attached whus not n suddenly teckwee asked if im still evergreen..haha..yah lahs..aint it quite obvious?haha..n cnt std u guys toking bt off..even the juniors r harping over it..eeks.after a yr alr..not funnie lehs..hes so scary n he has super big ego!yucks..hes the last person me wanna see during camp!haha..oh ya forgt to mention me spotted this freshie named gary..din actually notice him till his name was mentioned a few times during the traffic light game..haha,,nt veri good looking but boyish cute..mel spotted another named timothy.. okie lahs boyish oso..both r bespectacled..haha..

time now is only 1128 n ive to wait for 12+ in order to tk my med..its isnt a good feeling to be sick!all i feel lyk doing is to slp n slp n slp..oh well one benefit i cld tink of is that i cn lose wt!toking bt losin for camps is another alternative!the food suxs..u play n walk ard n eat veri little! yeah?shall tk the opportunity to lose as much as possibe during the hall camp..i seriously dun wish to go..wun be as fun as NBS one i guess..

sighh 30mis more!urghh..

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

sudden surge of pain

cant fathom y im feeling this way again..hate it when im experiencing this kinda of feeling..cant understd myself either..its jus so stupid..

was typing n chattin w my frans online when suddenly me cld sense that my eyes were wet..mb its the thot of the banana zmoothie..mb its those thots which aggravated my emotions..mb im really not done with it..

my pals haf bros whu treat em betta then me..whu cares for em..sighh..mb cox he aint my real gor frans gors haf gf alr..mine oso..mb its too much to ask for some of their attention..but whu will care bt u mans? mb i shld jus stop this crap!lyk wad my mei said:' its so silly!never play this again!!' at that moment i still told her its fun wad..haha..yah fun not when the gm loses control..not when u cnt melancholy!me cnt sink silly me jus gt out of it..

chamaine..u will kill me wun u?so long never see u alr!haha..hope u r doing fine yeah?2nd week of wrk in exxon!so hws wrk?hafing fun?me fd a number of new places when me went shp ard we my frans today!!shall yeah?haha..yah n i miss u!PARTNER!! lg nv see alr!!haha..hope to catch up with ya soon!!:)

brain's dead..cnt tink much oso..shant continue else ill jus blog stuff which i aint suppose to..dere r ultimately some stuff which me cnt reveal even if ya kill me!!

oh yh..hey KH!!hope u realli did haf fun in at least u aint feeling so stressed up etc..i always wnder y u will feel inferior..u r realli not that bad lahs..!gif urself another chance cox by doing so u urself aint gifing urself a chance!den whus gg to gif u?be more confodent of urself yeah?pls dun make ur mei worry for u lahs..being meis aint easy k?yah hope u will find ur happiness soon n smile!!!haha..n btw do train up n go shpping!!!oso..practise hw to crack gg can?mus do all these for gf one lehs..if dunno hw cn?so weird..haha

okok..shall stop here..really CMI alr..timecheck 1248pm..its time to jus concuss nt not think!!but i still wan my KTV!!whus ons..:(

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

pirates 3!!!

i broke m own promise again..not to anyone but to myself..n mb to my mummy:(

was suppose to watch pirates with the hs n lh peeps ytd during the early evening slot so dat me can be bk at ard the end me compromised n we ended up watching the 745pm shw n it ended at ard 1020pm..sian..again went home n prayed hard!my mummy gt used to me calling home n telling her im gg to be late cos of this n that..sighh..mb me shldnt promise myself anything in the first place..the reason y i gv in was firstly of majority's wld sd damn off n silly if i were to sae i had to be home early or im afraid to go home late as...cfm will gt suan by em!!aiyas..wadever!secondly,cox weve decided to wait for darren to finish his wrk as its his IA period..since he helped me with the hall app fees n was my co-GL!haha..

pirates wasnt up to my expectation but it was quite an experience watching as a large grp..haha..if nt me will b watching with yj uncle ok lahs..hes always helping me here n there..

it has been a lg time since me last organised an outing mb im jus too tired of the liaising n msging...was doing it frm sec 1 to sian alr..however, ytd's turnout wasnt too bad..7 guys n 3 gers!haha..dere will always be more guys den gers during hillstreet n ladyhill outg!haha

finally completed my PA report n sent to mt mentor!okie!great!now me mus try to edit a bit so that the number of wrds fall within 2000!haha..din actually hit 1500 at first..hey KH!thanks for ur template yah?n thanks for criticising mine!!haha..ya n so me followed ur template n it exceeded!!haha

alrights timecheck 1016 am...sheesh betta go prepare to meet mel n kh!!n im gg to be late!!!sheesh!!!late again!!!:(

Sunday, July 16, 2006

finally ended!boooo...

the hall's seniors' camp has finally ended!was dere for half of the activities n MIA-ed for the rest..fri was still tolerable..amazing race n played some gmes..haha..nv in my life have i rowed a dragon boat!haha..was apprehensive but it turned out fun!!though i tasted the saltish kallang waters!yucks!!haha
one of the stations was the army market food center at beach rd..something diff n i lyk the tang yuan dere!shall order that during the actual camp!haha..the rest of the day was spent in hall playing childhood gmes led by darren n a few innovative ones..of cox smes dirty ones with soap water n stuff..of cox dis kinda gmes joleen shall steer clear!!haha..crazy gt myself dirtied after ive bathed?no way mans!!haha
sat missed the gmes in the day to meet the freshies for next week's NBS precamp!haha..went w mel n kit n met edmund, liying, delvin, yongxiang, danny etc. so many elated to see the my freshies too lyk sophia, junliang kelly, kellyn, yiping etc etc..heehee..nice chatting w em!of cox some whom we dun lyk!!shant name em!haha..hmm toking bt our batch of freshies!weve gt the most no. of good lking guys cfm!!haha..esp one named kip peng!!haha..super gd looker..nt veri tall though but hes tanned!n the sunshine boyish kind!haha..guess everyones aiming him!!aiyas but hes my batch so sm yr..wasted! for gals..a few nt too bad but dey had makeup on!so during camp dey may nt look as good..lyk wad mel said: we r the best batch!!n of cox WE AGREE!!!!haha..RIOJA RULZ!!!
hey mel so sorrie dat me onli joined u n kit for a while cox me gtta meet me sis..thanks anw!!lufing my super pinkish top frm topshop!!heehee..nv bot such an ex tee bfore but i really lyk the cut n the colour n its this is my first tee frm topshop!!shall go earn more..cnt afford zara as yet..shall wrk harder to conquer those higher end brandS!im hafing mango..aiming for topshp, zara n levis..tink ill nid many more years to achieve gtting more vain n dissatisfied with wad im at now..of cox i do go for cheap n nice stuff..e.g. i luf BUGIS street!!went with sis ytd n she bot so many things..2 bottoms, a top n a bag..wah!!me stpped myself frm buying cox of the topshop tee!!hee..nvm..ive seriously bot a lot these hols esp with GSS!dunno hw many hundreds ive spent..mb 200?haha..oh no!!but im happie..cox ive gt new clothes to wear to sch!!yeah..nice shoes!!new bottoms!!im jus lyk a spendthrift a shopaholic lyk wad felix always sae..haha

rushed bk to hall after dat for hall's monster std in for a fran to act as a gal named meiling whus in luf with her fran johnny but johnny is in luf with meilings good fran victoria..den one day victoria was drunk n gt raped by one of their frans ah tek..den out of jealousy meiling took the chance n killed victoria in the midst of a basically the freshies gt to find out whu killed victoria whu is me..haha
n so dey wanted me to hide meself in a deep dark corner at the toilet area at LT was so eerie so deep inside..i was super duper reluntant..if not for ELIZA my senior whu accompanied me throughout my acts i wld jus plainly refuse to help out..i noe im super selfish..but im truly frightened..i dun wanna meet timid!!n i agree..thanks eliza!i dunno hw many times ive thanked u but im jus veri appreciative for ur presence!!!thanks again!!!
i felt really bad..really guilty for raising my voice at my seniors/ was part of the supposed to act psychotic n haf to be jealous over their r' ive to ans the freshies qns n thru my ans dey r suppose to guess whus the killer..of cox me cnt sae its me lahs!!haha..i had to tink of the ans instantly..impromptu ans..wah nv tried this kinda of acting bfore..prior experiences were all script-based..haha..oh well i thought i did pull it 3 cheers for joleen!!haha..but due to my senior's presence,almost all those whu came in asked: so whus she..haha..of cox me cnt sae shes here to acc. me ritex? ill jus shut em up n act angry n ask em to get out!!yah dis is one of the parts which ive to raise my voice be it my seniors/ sorrie if ive been too sorrie if ive scared really apologetic for doing so yah?hope u peeps understd:( not gg to std in during the actual monster hunt night..dey r gg to darken the entire place with black cloth n its during the 7th lunar NOT gg to act i swear!n its super tiring to act 18 times lahs!!crazi!!no ways..

i had fun though.its a kind of experience which one will not be able to gt easily..once im acting im too engrossed but me noe when im acting n whens beauty wrld bitchy highclass educated bitchy role in First impression..n ytd's psychotic, caring n bitchy roles!!wah..ive been typecast cfm!! if i were to stay in hall till end of yr 3 which will b highly impossible tink ill gt awarded for ms BIMBO in hall 3!!haha..apart frm the mini acts i had to do a closing scene with yaen(victoria)..haha..shes so experienced..thot of how the story shld end n such..dere were ard 50 peeps at least with the grand seniors n all..haha..wah..had stage fright at first esp when we din even rehearse, we din even rehearse the was jus going up dere n whack!i din noe hw i survived dat!really..but when everything started..i din feel anything i jus followed wad i had to do..suddenly everyone was quiet..attention was on her, den me when i walked was was the exact attention which i had yearned for..the attention was on us!i had to carry was a re-enactment of the raping n me finding victoria, she confiding in me, me refusing to help her cx of johnny,telling her i luf johnny too..we fought den 'pushed' her to the wall n she was killed by me w an learnt alot from this few hrs of role play, the emotional changes involved, the tonation, the positioning, the mutual trust n communication bet actors..this is one aspect which i have to wrk on..n i acted, we acted n twds the end, the appluases..i din regret!thanks junwen n seok hui for this chance..though ive malu-ed myself infront of so many but i hope it was convicing enuf to bring out wad im supposed to was definitely an unexpected priceless experience for me to brush up my acting skills..

sometimes i do reflect..if acting becmes part of ur life den wun it be frightening?pretending to be close to one n cares for her jus lyk meiling twds victoria den back stab her not lyk not!
proud of myself..thanks junxiong for saeing it was good..thanks i nid this kinda of comments for me to wrk harder, to go further, thanks again!hope u peeps din change ur impression of me but i noe u peeps lyk to sae that im an airhead..wadever!i dun care alr.!wadever impression ive given its no longer impt cox my hall 3ian days r limited..this is the wae i m..u like it or nt i dun care..

haha..enuf of my lengthy hafing a super bad headache n din go for war bk hm to slp..jus dunno why me cnt slp well in hall..keep waking up in the middle of the night..accumulation of 2 consecutive slpless nights..pengs!!

tmr suppose to meet daph to shp in the day den meet the hs guys n qianyi at 4pm for pirates n dinner..but daph cun mk it last min:(sians..finding someone to spend the day with me.hopefully weinee an mk it either for ktv or jus shpping again!haha..gtta gt a pretty elegant white watch!hmm..budget as cheap as possible!saw a veri pretty 'my-kind' white leather watch frm espirit but its 130+..sighh..nvm..i shall gt a brandless one for less than 15 bucks!haha..n e lifr span?a yr i guess?haha..

may this week be a fun week with tmrs movie..but darren asked if we cn cater to IA pple cos he ends wrk at 6pm..dats means if this is so den me wun be able to watch pirates alr cox me wanna be home after the shw n nt join dem for dinner..reason?safety lorhss..but gt home bfore sunset dun wanna risk my life again!!shld i?shld i tell em to watch w darren n sacrifice myself n ask yanshan to watch w me?but the aim of the outing is to watch pirates if nt me will be watching with yj alone..n daph dun try to hint hint paiseh ytd when u asked him to go watch w me alone..wah..thanks lor!!n yj!!can u pls tink bfore u ans??hw cn u sae u dun mind!!urghh..gei ni qi si le!u noe hw gossips spread?esp in hall..oh no!!urghh..

sis is gg for dble eyelid operation on wed..hope everything will go well!den u will haf beautiful dble eyelids!! this rd u win yeah?haha

Thursday, July 13, 2006


finally went blading with my SIS this morning!!wah n nw im aching!!tink haven been exercising dats y:( shall go swim today!im jus amused by my extent of fear to b tanned!haha..applied my loreal sun block..den nivea my pink puma cap!wanted to wear my shades but me wasnt pro in blading yt,,a bit exaggerating n AA so in the end dats all n mes wearing my FBT n my t-shirt though not really covered fully but dats the best i can do..haha..den my new espirit slippers!haha

wasnt confi dat me cn blade smoothly at first but after warming up it becm betta..haha..a few falls n stuff but its part n parcel of sis is cfmed more zai den me!!this her 5th time at ECP balsding this hols!! wonder me gt no major improvements lah!shall ask me sis to go with me to blade after her ops n bfore her sch starts!!yeah!!so nice the morning breeze n everything..still remembered the days when me jus luf jogging lyk crazi after sch during my free breaks in VJ along the nice!the sun!the breeze..the accomplishment at the end of the runs!i jus felt good..mb dats y me felt great during dat period!even when me had to manage the stressful A's n my busy council i jus missed those days..guess im feeling more depressed bcox of this:( too bad i dun live in marine parade else me will definitely make it a pt to go jog n blade once a week!!:( sians..too bad me aint a cyclist..if not cycle will be great too..haha..gtta find a pillion..

u said u wld pillion me but it nv happened..haha..its jus another passing promise n an unfulfilled promise.but its alrights im used to it hey babes n dudes!dun ever make promises when u aint confi of fulfilling them!cox these promises wld be remembered

haha..i really cnt std myself!haha..cnt resist laughing at myself!malu-ated myself this morn AGAIN!!this time rd in front of so many NS guys!oh mans!luckily gt my cap on!else me cn jus go dig a hole n jump deep in!!haha..dey were resting alg the rd n me was on my blades..dere was a hump n i was gg at top speed while my dearest sis was safe after clearing the hump..dunno y me cleared the hump but den it was so fast that me cun strl n me FELL lahs!!!so PAISEH!!in front of the NS guys whu were resting while hafing their debriefing or sth..aiyas dey jus had a morn jog or mb morn run?dey were crazi lahs!ran frm one end to the other n back...aiyos realli so paiseh!of cox me quickly gt up n bladed twds my sis!urghh..not cool at all!so embarrassing!!thot me cun clear n b off!urghh..
it was heartening when me sis told me that actually one of them wanted to gt on his feet to help me but he was too slow cox mes already off the ground!haha..luckily me was fast else it wld be really dramatic..those in the dramas whereby a gal will fall n a guy will go help her n tada suddenly dey fall in luf!!haha..oh mans!my meimei thot of it when she told me bt that guy's 'kind' act!hey..dun be silly ger!dis kinda of things wun happen one lahs..n im keeping my fingers crossed hoping dat that bunch of peeps aint tinking that me was deliberate hors!I AINT DELIBERATE!else me wun be lyk trying to hide my face when we saw them again at macs after our dey were still toking bt it when dey walked past sense it lahs..MALU!!!even my sis thot it was ridiculous!aiyos..joleen CMI sia!haha..but nvm lahs..jus let em laugh lorhs..if sth lyk this din happen tink it wld be odd for me lg as peeps r happen laughing at me or suan-in me..guess me wun mind bah..

toking bt suaning!oh no!i can forsee wads gg to happen for the next 2 to 3 will be bombed lyk crazi!with pple lyk felix n yongjie n zhao ard!oh no!im a goner!!will b suaned to death!!haha..oh well dis this deir fun?haha..dun mind jus playing alg anw dey mean no harm...zhiyu asked me this qns:'wld u rather b the center of attraction or wld u rather that they ignore u?'haha..of cox i wld prefer the sis saes im an attention seeker..yah i dun deny to a certain extent..judging frm wad i haf, my lifestyle the peeps ard me, me cnt sae me aint one..however, dere r times when me dun even see myself as whu attracts weierdos?hmm..i dunno lahs..out of nowhere me cn gt strangers following me home den ill gt super afraid n try to tk the longer route bk home.. happened last sun again..its always when me go out at night or haf mtgs at night..n i jus down on my luck or wad..i dun understd n cun believe dat im jus so unlucky..lyk wad my mum says shang de shan duo zhong yu hu!n yah ive met many hus alr but me jus cnt bear to resist the mtgs esp when ur frans r gg overseas n some hafta wrk till evenings..its not nice to turn down ritex?sians..last sun was freaked out toatlly when i was in the taxi..tinking dat taking a cab home will be safer n be bk home faster..yah dun mind de cost cox me dun haf a the end the cabbie was weird..he jus drank i guess..i seldom gt this kinda of feeling when i will sae shit!i wanna gt off the cab when me jus gt in! felt veri uptight cox he was really freaky..switched on the music till damn loud..i cun help but admit that in it i was tinking of how me shld jus jump off it if he were to tk me to somewhere deserted or try sth funnie..urghhh..wad kinda in the end me asked him to stp at a bus stp near old airport rd n took a bus home..n dats not the end of the ordeal..a guy alighted at the sm stop at me..he was behaving oddly when we were gtting off the bus..den while he was walking he kept gazing bk..freaky!tink ive bogged this part in my previous aint gg to continue..aiyos so attracting attention isnt dat good oso yah?super afraid to meet pple at night alr..n i aint gg to do it mum is anxious..she will nag for a few days everytime me illustrate my encounters to her..yah she always sae i zi zao de..yah i agree so me shant n be a good ger n stay indoors..hate it cox she will always bring up the matter of hafing a bf as my bodyguard n stuff..aiyo ma e most dun go out till so late dun nida bf one lahs..haha..funnie!

sianx tmr mus wake up earli n head for sch..shall tk my time since amazing race is at 930 shall go send my lappie to 8flags first den walk back to hall..sians..walk back so damn far lahs!hope me will haf fun..n shall go dere w an open mind..but gt no lappie to acc me at night:( nvm me shan slp after the debriefing at 1200 n sat yeah!!meeting the NBS FOC freshies!

haha..tink i look yg!cox the bike auntie thot that me n me sis r uni first yrs!!haha..i luf lking youthful!!!yeah!!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

early rainy morning

its raining this morning again!phew..luckily deres no nid to rush to wrk!hee:)
im awake so early cox me wanted to amend my PA report....but m currently distracted by my sis MP3 and of cox the Net..hafing Brodband aint good afterall..happily thot that mes odne with the report but after looking at my fran's i felt so embarrassed by my own:(urghh!

okie the rain had stopped!hopefully tmr wun be raining as its my blading dae!!has been postphoning the session cox it rained the past few days oso!yucks!wad kinda of weather?gg swimming next mon and tues it betta dun rain!!toking bt raining!urghh..jus time me betta not try to predict the weather..wanted to wear my newly bot shades n it really rained the entire day on SUN!!yucks!!!n now?ive not worn it yet!!wads this?bot n cant wear?im not feeling good!!haha its 854m..will be making my way to PARKWAY's KBOX soon!its a last minute arrangement with my this makes it the 4th time in 9 days!!my last was on sun but it aint satisfying cox me dun gt to sing alot of sgs!me shall stick to gg with the max 4 peeps rule!but best is to go with sis!!can mike hog!!wanted to go swim today but rain..but nvm shall haf fun at kbox ltr den go recoup my losses by gifing tuition at 3 afterdat..haha..tink my outflows r on par with my inflows yah? sis gg for eye operation n cant accompany me for 2 weeks:(so its gonna b after 2 weeks dat me cn k w her again!haha..still haf 20bucks party wrld voucher n this session will ask my sis n her fran yonjie n felix along else not worth the $!

yesterday was at my aunts place!went dere to visit aunt n my little nephew..hes onli a 18mths old n hes so so clever!oh my!i was totally w myself when i was playing n entertaining him! stress!guess me n my sis enjoyed our time spent dere..he knew hw to speak a little..haha..n he noes hw to call out to us!he called us 'yi' cute..jus cant resist helping him to pick up little toys n stuf when he called out to us!hes so adorable!im so happy! his name is xuan peng..was suggesting xuan kai den but lucily my cousins din call him dat else ill be reminded of little nephew pengpeng!so cute..hes so playful..hes super smart i tell u!serious!!he noes wad r the dos n donts..he noes was will anger u n wad wunt!haha..hes a brillant kid whu makes everyones day!!but my aunt seems tired lking after him..guess its part n parcel hafing to look after her daughter's son
it pains me to see pengpeng sad..he cried when he realised that me aunt gv him milk of another brand..oh no..poor boy:( he merely took a mouthful n refused to continue drinking even when aunt tries veri hard to coax n talk him into drinking..he jus refused to open his mouth to drink..felt veri useless for not being able to help him..he looked in my direction s if saeing:'yi, help me...i dun wanna drink that!' oh no..i simply dunno want to do:( he looked at me twice..his tears were flowing already..i was stunned..i dun lyk to see him cry..hes such a wonderful toddler!finally my aunt had no choice but to remake another bottle of milk for him..carried him n could see dat his eyes n cheeks were wet..heart ached.
my little nephew my little nephew...he took his milk n fell last my aunt cun take a rest n he was so exhausted frm the afternoons play w me n my sis!din count hw mani times we had to sing him happy birhtday song!cos hes simply so intelligent that he noes which button to press on his fake keyboard to gt the sg!he wld den smile at u when u sg him the sg!jus cnt resist to see him smile!so cute!so adorable..wad else can i ask for?

pengpeng ahs..ya noe hw much time n the amount of effort aunt n ur parents have put in for u?the amount of $ as well..y r jus too little to realise yah?but whu cares ritex?u r the center of the family..u bring the family tgt..u bring happiness n laughter to the hsehold..with u ard me gt to see the importance of hafing children n ive a better understanding as y pple keep saeing that with children ard u may gt a closely knitted family..i tink ive cm to understd dat..however, tink its only when dey r in the growing up stage..when dey r grown up..even when u ve children it seems as if u haf none..or worse still children becm a nuisance for u!jus lyk my mum..she wld rather us nt be at home..she wld rather me go stay in hall..but i tink deep down inside she aint tinking this way.. i noe she cares for us..i noe my daddy too!if not dey wun be sp worried when we cm home late..wun nag at us when we do this n a nutshell, no matter hw they behave, wad they sae, they do care n i noe:)

last sun met up with CT gang for a short ktv session n a steamboat dinner at chongqing after 2 sessions of tuition..its been quite sometime since 9 of us gathered..haha..quite fun though..lin is gg to korea for a 6mths exchange n the boys r gg overseas for their uni studies..leaving me n von, marcus yiwen n emma..haha..darius clarence n zhenhao-the scholarly three r gg overseas uni..wah!n of cox not forgtting marcus our another SChoLAR!wah!all scholars n im wondering wads up with me?aint anything..haha..but nvm..jus a simple joleen will do..haha

ytd was toking to my sis..she asked me a question which me found quite ridiculous!haha..wad kind qns is this? 'jie, why arent u attached?'haha..wad kinda qns ritex?dumbfounded i guess..simply jus told her..y cnt me be single?haha..den she cm up with all her funny theories n happily and voluntarily counted the number of guys whu tried to enter my life..haha..oh sis!come on!stop ur nonsense sia!i agree im alr in yr 3 n i am alr considered being left on the shhelf according to the uni's theory: yr one u r lyk a fresh flower highly sought after, yr 2...blah blah blah..mei!u tink i care?haha..mb i do..but im not desperate to be attached dear sis!im okie!dun mind being alone sia at least for the time being..n i hope u aint helping mum to try sding me out hors!if mum is veri open bt such stuff n i dun mind telling her as well..jus that i will hate it when she dun wanna ask me direct n has to go thru my sis!no nid lahs..nothing to hide wads!anw, i fd wad mei said quite interesting..its impossible to live alone esp when we grow older, may not feel the impact now, mum n dad will fade away, she n my other mei cnt be w me forever too..dey haf the own life as well..this pt i agree!totally..well of cox, felt comforted when u said that me shldnt jus lower my stds n accept anione w no stds jus becox me hafta gt attached!haha..yah of cox me wun b so silly yah..hey im ur sis!!

seriously speaking me dun tink my stds r dat high..tink its actually whether i can click or not, interest wise and stuff..aiyos!relaxing lahs its onli my uni frans whu r mostly attached tk 2 closest tk pals n my closest Vj gals aint its still okie ritex? most spend a few more lonely valentines day big deal..anw me dun celeb on that dae oso hurry i guess...SINGLEHOOD RULEX!!!

wah..dis a lg lg entry..if only me cn type these much for my reprt i wld haf completed to wake me sis up for ktv else we will b late!!haha..its vocal trging time!!!haha

Sunday, July 09, 2006

shopped till ive DROPPED

today was the best!!haha..
met up w shans in the morn for cartel's breakfast..afterdat shopped all the wae frm 12pm to 8pm!!n wads the outcome of this?our legs are so so tired!!walked all the wae frm PS to Wheelock to far EAst! wonder our legs r now aching!!n for a few moments during the shopping spree me was feeling giddy!dunno y oso..but we did enjoy ourselves ritex shans?haha..we the gungho babes!too bad din manage to gt any new clothes..but nvm!gt myself a new pair of shades!haha..yeah n it was on sale!im so happy was depressed for a while when my the other pair broke:(:( this pair more zai!darker shade of brown n i shall test it tmr!haha..tmr gtta gif two tuition den KTV at Dynasty..this sleazy place a t PEACE centre..hmm i din choose the place n i tink i nid help to gt in..afraid to go in alone:( gtting the jitters!urghh

tmr me shall wear my new pair of shorts which me gt frm BUGIS!haha..den wad top to go alg?has been tinking for a while!hmm..polo tee?sighh..provided the weather aint hot!shall tink tmr!haha..

i haven been so slack for a long time..esp. today when i gt a chance to stroll down orchard with shanx n was indeed a luxury yah?n best!both of us cancelled our tuition!haha..not too bad at least we gt sth each yeah?

pissed with the fujitsu center!it aint at taka alr!moved out gtta send to ntu's eight flags instead this cming fri!urghh!dat means me wun b haing my comp with me during seniors camp!die!urghh..nvm lahs..this is betta finish my PA report quick!!shall wake up earli tmr to do it bfore me go out n haf fun!
cant wait for tmr to come to put on my shades..n tmr betta not rain ahh!!

nice to noe that my intern frans r org a lunch mtg n KTV session sometime next week i guess!2 to 7pm!but tink it will co-incide with the NBS CAMp..hmm..tink will go for the session bk for camp bahs!whu ask me to be so KTV-Crazy?no choice!!haha..

so happy with in im enjoying my slacker's life!!woohoo!

to shanx!hey ger a few more weeks onli yah!!good dat u r earning more bucks so we cn go spend again!haha..hey cant wait for the 24th n 25th july when we cn meet up n stone!!yeah!!

to frans ending PA this coming fri: hey!5 more days!!jiayou!we've come thus far so jus do it n endure a bit more yah?:):)

n to those whu r working: kempate!do rem to enjoy urselves too!!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

so sweet

if ya were sk hw im feeling right now..i can tell u LOUDLY that IM FEELING LYK SHIT!!yesh!!actually LIKE SHIT!!urghh!

my lappie jus crashed on me!!not only this!!my PA report is IN IT!!!AHHHSSS!!wanna cry alr!!wanted to back it up after ytd's wrk but whu noes?!!!it jus went off like dat!din even signal dat its gg dead!!!wad the hell!!!ive gtta retype everything!!n yes!!EVERYTHING!!n i din back up my sgs my photos!!!oh no!!!im gg to send it to the fujitsu's center for repair tomorrow!!urghh!!YUCKS!!

nw im using my sister's lappie n had jus retyped most of it n ive gtta finish everything on sat!which is lyk tmr night?yah cox tonight gtta go bk to hall for mtg and tmr norns mtg shanx for cartels breakfast den gif tuition at bedok..aiyos den left tmr night!oh mans i can sense that me cnt finish by tmr night!sun will be gifing tuition and mtg with CTC gang at suntec!so this mkes it the 2 time at suntec this week! dey r having KTV at KBOX from 2 i guess!htink most probs ill join em or go shp aln before mtg them for dinner!
mon will be packed too!gg blading with sis den go shpping n bk to watch SUPERBAND!tues?aunts place i guess den mb wed rest n give tuition..thurs either swim, jog at east coast or blade again:) fri to sun will be hall's FOC seniors' camp!sianx! ut nvm mes gg to escape on sat to gif tuition n meetup with mel n co.n the NBS FOC freshies!haha..go there n seesee!next mon to fri wlll be the actual NBS FOC camp..yah will see when mel dey all r gg bk den me shall decide..sighh..its all the camps again..den hall camp..aiyos headache!

had been immersing myself in love dramas!haha..yah love stories etc! as i was saeing me sis rented the taiwanese version of the anime of e zuo ju zhi wen..yah jus finished watching this afternoon.the guy(zhi shu)was touched finally or shld i sae he fell in love with her(xiang qing) as well..its such a sweet feeling to watch them fall in love with each other..hao tian mi orhh...haha
the gal 'courted' him for 5 yrs..mved into his hse with her dad coincidentally den created tons of troubles for him both in sch and at was amusing how his initial irritance with her can turn out to be affection.
den another guy(ah jin) was in love w her for 5 yrs but it was painful..jus when he thot she had forgtten bt zhi shu cox of a misunderstanding that zhi shu is gg to marry a rich ger n had no feelings for her, zhi shu told her xiang qin that he liked her..haha..drama n expected ritex?haha
tink it was bcox of his reserve nature, his intelligence, his upbringing and his wealthy family background that had caused him to be so aloof, so cnfident of himself..aiyos..

aey, jus realised that this shw is somewhat similar to the channel u shw,currently airing at 7pm frm wed to fri..its again 2 guys after a ger in the end. the channel u's one is more serious. whereas e zuo ju zhi wen is more of a comedy reflecting the innocence of xiang qin..dere were moments where i nearly embarrassing cox ive watched bfore..but they were touching moments..moments when dey went out tgt, had fun, when they expresses their love for each poor thing.haha..
so dats the end of this soapy yt lovey dovey drama!amazed that im still into such shws..weird huh..not a teen any more n im still into it..

sighh.shall go gt ready to go bk to hall
hopefully my lappie can be cured..shit once reformattd my stuff will be gone!!!oh mans!!!!!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

indication of boredom?

ive been online n blogging almost daily if ya were to this an indication of boredom?sighh...

din really progressed much for my usual..slack the afternoon away after my swim..was watching the DVDs which me sis had rented..haha..yah its the taiwanese version of the anime e zhuo ju zhi wen..again a love story starring a high school ger deeply in love w this tall, hunky brillant rich kid..weve watched the jappie version on channel 8 before!yah its all ritex lahs..when ones bored..whu cares wad version ritex?moreover, it was screened some yrs back so its cute the ger..n of cox the guy lahs!haha..

todays swim was satisfactory..but me cn definitely do better!im declaring the sun as my enemy!gt out of the poolat 850 and dashed to the shower rm!wah!de weather is killing me!im like in the oven lahs!cant stand!hw m i gg to survive the camps?oh no!tmr i gg watsons to go find the cure!the cure for everything!sighh...

haha..its blading next mon!auties place next tues!!mb blading again on thurs or jogging?wah!okok!me mus focus!gtta do up my report yah!urghh!

12 hrs ltr me will be hafing fun!!yippee!:)
its time to gt some beauty slp again!!nitexnitex!!!:):)

Monday, July 03, 2006


had fun today!haha..of cox!wad cld be more enjoyable than SINGING our hearts out at SUntec's KBOX!woohoo! itsw was indeed fantastic!!4 hrs of songs!n the cold honey lemon was jus so sweet so sweet!mb the pple jus wan jus to gt diabetics?haha
went with my bestest fran Zhiyu today!2nd mtg since her return from US..n she gonna fly to Shanghai for her internship again!:( ill miss u ger!but dun worry!we will go KTV again yah?!!:)

it was singing all the way..but behind those songs i cldnt help but sense the sadness beneath it u or me?u mus be strg yah?i like u positive n bubbly nature and ur outlook!i wish u well yah? yah best thing is to cool down:) n its true..hes not the only one..u haf other suitors as well..take care ger!haf fun in SHanghai!!

tmr im finally gg to the pool!haha..gtta wake up early n mk sure i start at 8pm n its gg to be an hr swim!bfore i get all tanned n browned again!
sighh...gtting all tannd n black wasnt a concern for me at all!now im lyl so afraid of the sun!so conscious that im subjecting myself to using umbrella!yucks!used it for the past 2 days when me went to my tutees place..ive become more auntie!oh no!if i dun use ill be bbq-ed!yucks den ill be black again?fairness=beauty?fairness=pretty?stressed den ill definitely nt be pretty or a beauty!hahahahaha..

no mood to write my PA main parts aint completed yet..sighh..but gonna finish by thurs!urghh..okie tmr afternn!ill be slackin at home after my morn swim!cant wait for wed!its KTV den shoppin w my sis!den ill be back to watch my taiwan shw!dat super weepy but touching n as sweet as malt candy shw!!haha..cant wait!!

reflecting on my frans behavior..i cnt help but comment that if me were to be in her situation ill definitely be super lost..i dun really understd hw to accept another person after an immediate breakup with another?or even during the cooling down period?it seems impossible for me..mb dats y u seem as carefree as ever!i cant n wun be bahs.. to slp soon since im lyk so bored..haha
its blading next mon!wah!!cant wait!!!