Tuesday, May 03, 2005


yes im pissed!
simply..extremely pissed!jus pissed!dunno jus PISSED!PISSED!PISSED!PISSED!

morning was still fine..
maybe its because he called to arrange to meet ytd( lin i just cannot type full lah!so mafan!)
will try again next time mes not in the mood todae!
so sorrie

yah..as i was saying..yah im pissed coz promises r broken yes made and broken!
wad e hell sorrie for the swearing..but i cnt take it animore!pls dun make empty promises if u dun intend to keep em!
pls i beg u!

he called to arrange to meet up,,yah when i was bt to slp ytd nitex..okie lah..meet up den meet up lor..i dun mind lah..
hey c'mon lor..me intended to meet up w lin n von n esp thot dat it shud b alrite to meet in the evening since u r so insistent to meet!specially brought the cookies..who noes as usual ganna pangse..nt as if im desperate to meet u but u r e one who said so!

mood was lousy upon receiving ya msg..yah was affected n ewas half sianx alr..luckily von n lin were ard else i wld realli jus flare up man!yes!
dis me..ganna pangse is nt gd!
the feeling suxs!yes suxs!

u wan me to make time for u?yah i did!nt dat i didnt make time..i did todae..too bad u missed the chance..yes frans im dis mean...dun incur me wrath!i cn b nasty oso!yes when i wan to be...i dun wanna be the angelic joleen whom one noes..im sorrie..im PISSED IM PISSED REALLI PISSED!!

i had enuf of ur sweet talking.yes i had enuf!stp toking to me bt the crap!
i hate guys at the moment!including u!i dun care hw much u sae bt gor n mei!
i jus dun care!hope dat i cn jus burst out crying nw!yes nw!teas brimming again!i jus cnt cry nw..parents everyone is at hm..no i cnt..

wad tim sum?wad wanna go out wif mei?a piece of shit!sorrie im swearing again:(i cnt stand it animore!u hafta wait?yah!u haf to wanna ask me out is nt easy u noe!im lyk hw pked!im sorrie!u jus hafta wait n i noe u will jus forget!n yah forgt kor!i dun care!i dun wanna care!im me

i love myself!jus myself!i dun wanna get hurt!im gg to be selfish!joleen is gg to be selfish!its gg to b me n onli me!

u made me upset!u made me despair!u made me bcome sm1 whom i dun even dare to noe!u r the culprit!

joleen u r nuts u r a failure..thot u gt over it alr?u didnt did u?u r confused bt ur feelings arent u?even u cnt help urself who can?u r starting to hate to loathe to forgt to ignore..the feeling..u keep denying..but do u mean it?
pple ask u said no..yah confidently...but u realli mean it..u seem excited when u tok bt it..y?when u rceive e msges u r over the moon..y?hw cm?yah he cares..but does he mean it?u r jus a spare tyre joleen!yes!u r theirspare tires!

onli my yanshan my yiting my tkgs charmaine my yvonne my weilin..my zhiyu r my true frans..my soulmates..my everything.dey r always dere for me!

yanshan!i miss toking to you!i need ur listening ears!i wanna cry out loud u noe yanshanx..i cnt!im depressed!onli u noe me well!yes well enuff!

i hate the wrld!i hate my present life..i hate everything..yah i may seem happi on the outside..i try to be!try nt to affect others..coz i dun wanna affect me impression as a cheerful gal..but inside every cheerful gal..joleen cn b veri miserable..im still a fragile person..i do break dn..n esp ever since last yr dis feeling has been grabbing me for a long time..it jus cnt disappear..yah cnt disappear..

god pls gif me sm enlightenment!i need sm!im suffocating!

n rem!promises r realli meant to b kept!

1 comment:

yVONne said...

Heys Zu Ren...
i can totally understand how u feel man...cos i have been through it...it's just plain miserable to continue being normal to everyone when everything inside u is jus not right. It's hard but once everything is over, u can look back at urself and it will be the smartest thing u have ever done. Been there, done that! Trust me okies...But one thing, dun hate him la...there are many ways to forget him besides hating him ok, i am sure u are not that bitter :)

We are always here for u ya...