Tuesday, May 17, 2005

iTS nOt too BAd aFTerall!

yah its wasnt as bad as i thought..

i went out with him..yah went out on a one on one 'date' with him yeaterday..was really apprehensive to meet him actually..dunno why..maybe coz tink we dun really have much to talk about..i wanted to pass him the cookies which ive bought for him:)

yah i was early n was alr at orchard at 1pm.after gg to a jb agency in the morn w huishan and mel.he woke up at ard 1+pm and he msged to meet at 43opm..was fine w it and went to gt bks frm orchard lib and happily indulged myself in a cup of vanilla latte at coffeebean whilst reading e bk..

huishan saw him online..she told him to come n meet me asap..he wanted to go for a swim first..but coz of huishans wrds he din go swim afterall..i wasnt pissed or anithing that he made me wait..afterall im always waiting for pple to turn up..for the past years my frans even the gals.. i dun mind or maybe its coz of another reason? i cnt confirm..

he msged me n told me that hes on his way alr..i asked why he din go swim?as usual..he thought i din noe its coz of huishans chiding dat he decided to come earlier..he msged dat hes worried dat im alone and will be bored..!haha..c'mon lah!huishan called me lor!hey!mes nt stupid u noe!try to sd nice issit..try harder yeah!mes nt like ur other gals boy!u can do all the sweet talking..its nice to hear..touches one heart..but..hey!joleens noe her stuff..coz i didnt show..im smart kaex?

went to watch the interpreter..nt too bad though..he finished half of my popcorn!and the cookies which i gt for him..haha..

ill give him credit to be sweet enough to bring a huge addidas sweater with him..
for me i mean..haha..and it was really comfy to be covered in it during the show as it was really cold!thanks boy!yah!maybe dis is the kinda of little minor things that will make me feel a little for him..

mes a simple gal..jus a little care n concern ill be happy already..haha..

he drove me home..yah its nice coz dun nid to take train and walk 2 stops back home..its lyk the 2nd time if im nt wrong dat he sent me hm..or was it the 1st?i cant remember


i told my mum bt him and the stuff he told me yeaterday and wad he did..his actions his words..yah my mum is very open bt dis kinda of things..which is good!my mum is lyk my fran..

she act din disapprove me gg out with him in the future..if ever deres one!yah..she jus asked me to be careful about wad he said and his various more than intelligent qns and ways to sd me out..haha..im nt ignorant too u noe!im nt taken in by ur wrds n sweet talking dear..haha..coz im immune to them alreadi!yes im!

btw shanx and tingx dun tink highly of him..yah not at all..tingx saes he does not look lyk a good guy..shanx commented nonstop dat he lks lyk a beng..haha

okok..me mum tinks otherwise though..haHA

he has his mind of his own..he plans for his future..a high achiever..a focused boy..but sad to say a flirt?

haha..he has so many gals who throw emelves at him..no fear that he will be lonely..he goes out will different gals..haha..flirt?maybe?maybe not..he goes out with them cox he wans to noe them better yah better as in to find out more about em..i think its not considered flirting..y am i finding excuses for someone whom everyone calls him a flirt?i dunno ..jus dun ask me y?i realli dunno..

jus wan the storm in my heart is clearing..deres another waiting to come..i cant let my heart be filled w this feeling again..yah..i am a deep thinker..i jus think too much..sometimes i jus hope to nt be bothered bt it so much..

im seriously tired..real exhausted..im a depressed soul..i cant wait to see a peaceful sea..a beautiful shore..a better joleen!

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