Saturday, March 31, 2007

does it matter?

does it really matter that im attached?issit really important for u to noe tt im attached n hence u will stop n GET ON W UR LIFE?yah i noe it hurts..whu wun feel the hurt when u gt a rejection?but no nid to msg n tell me tt cos i wun back off i wun be moved..wadsoever wun reciprocate now means ill nv will..u simply dun geddit!stop asking if im attached or not..uve asked bfore..i dun owe u an answer, ive certainly no obligations to msg n gif u an ans..n i wun be replying tt msg..ytd's msg was clear n its my last to u..u made me do this..u make u wanna hate u..u made it such dat me wun even wanna keep u as a fran..yes..fran?wondering if u r even jus an acquaintance..i dunno n i dun wanna haf anything to do with this and u!
yes heartless u peeps reading may say..not caring wads ya view/s...even if mes unattached till death..u will still b in that basket!no chance!to be blatant: i will nv like u?din wanna type this in the msg will cause a trillion more pain than now!so ive gt this entry to vent it out n get it clear!so it realli doesnt matter whether im attached or not!stop asking me this qns!!!get it clear!!!urghh!!!
dun force me to change my hp no. i tell u!seldom blocked peeps on msn n u r in alr..cutting it off may be betta for u..ya im a heartless soul n frans shld be chiding me now...go ahead for me will not look back for me had nv bothered to..yes i nv consider at all n im sure me wun be considering now or future or yrs down the road!the more qns frm u the more resentment i haf! guess u r smart enuf to comprehend the msg n my choice to not reply urs. dats it n u better jolly well move on i tell u..even if ya cnt ive nothing else i can do..drowning in ya own sorrows while im leading my normal n better life..geddit?me will be hafing lotsa fun with my trips hafing my hols n wrking life..!me wun be affected by ur dun be silly..uve been thru tt for 5 yrs aint u tired?even if ya aiint, i am! so wadever msges u ever sent u noe where dey will g0--outbox, deleted without second thots!yes mes this jue!!!u forced me to!
dun qns y u wun be considered..perfectionist sae so means its like this, subjectivity is the answer, go find one whu can see all ur good..for me can onli c ur flaws..yah..dun make me list down y u dun fit the bill dun make me be dat nasty cos i mus admit tt mes at a level worse than being just nasty alr..dun make me gif u my 'checklist' to see hw many pass n fail..dun force me to do things tt me haven nv done bfore

alas..needing a good good nap n continue with my prep for my 10% quiz on mon n its happy time with zhiyu on tues!!!yeah!!!:) so while u r in depression, im in my i sd demonic to u or u still tink im dat angelic?u shld noe for urself..c' will always be a will nv ever become a yes! GET A LIFE!

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