Monday, April 02, 2007

aim high, work smart, hit max!

im so motivated!!haha..

came back hall early cos ltr deres a 311 mes settled in my room:)if not for this, me wld haf gone swimming n be bk tmr lahs!oh well..hopefully wed and fri wun rain else ill reallie 'sweat'!haha..

so so motivated realli..these few days the neighbours r all so excited over the upgrading for my family we voted 'no'..wads the point?i mean small means small mahs..wads the diff w another utility room?u might as well name it store room lahs!bestest n weve gtta pay so much for it? 10+k..not alot actualli..if mes like capable so smart so pretty n earn 12k per mth!wads 10+k mans!but seriously not worth!

mes gonna aim high wrk smart n hit the max. increment n performance bonus with my stay in kpmg!so so motivated lahs!working hard wun do wrking smart will!n me cant wait for the bucks to be rolling in!with me upgrading to prada, gucci etc..owning gold card den platinum card..travelling ard gg on hols w my family n frans..eatin at higher end rest. cool!n gonna save up to gt a bigger house enuf for my family..with good accessibilty..signing up for facial pkges for ma etc!well after another 2 yrs mei will be out too so we shall wrk towards the dream hse!:)mum brought up a gd point matter wad weve gtta gt another hse basing on our ability shldnt sell the current flat..makes sense i we shall rent this out end extra cash for them n MOVE tgt!!:) i cant wait for the day when mes capable enuff to go 'hse searching'!

i wanna be able to provide the best for family!hey look study for 18 yrs to haf come thus far an honours grad with a above ave. job..i aintgg to be satisfied with jus gettin married off early den degenerate with kids ard!no no no way i tell u!last time mb but now focus has changed!marry can..but wait..:P

16 days to my first 2 papers n after tmrs meetup with my dear zhiyu me will spend the next five days mugging at home!haha..n thanks mei for lending me ur blackie top!!gonna dress well for the last lect n since mes gg out so might as well!

goal for the week: complete own notes for 311 chapters, finish studying jap syllabus for next week's listening n oral exams, complete the notes for next week me can conc on revising these mods n preps for 2 presentations!n after 18 mes more or less done!cool right..25th will be the last time mes tking a NTU paper..may not be the last paper in my life cos tinking of pursuing masters in hospitality..shall see hw wrk interest is still in the hospitality n tourism arena..but oh well it will be quite some time ltr till i will be in touch with exams!

can u understand hw im feeling now?excited!!realli!:)

so happy cos meis asking if mes able to go study w her next week..haha..of cos can!!dat will be my revision week!n me shall go mug at coffeebean pw this thurs!!wed thurs fri all activities packed cum mugging!!

im lufing my life now!n my goals my aims r coming true!!:)

simply luf being this joleen!

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