Friday, April 20, 2007

perfecting imperfections

it was a splendid swim this morn!forget bt the sun..laps after laps..blessed with the cleaned, disinfected water surrounding me:) few peeps, sensed the calmness n simplicity in life..away frm the noises of kids, the naggings frm me, the buzz frm the working crowd..for an hr i was transformed back to my past:)the feeling was indescribable:) mon's gg be another session n im definitely looking fwd

wun be able to go bk to sch next mon n tue cos me kids r hafing exams n me gtta gif them extra sessions at home..hmm..betta msg von ltr:P

tired n feel like napping ya i will since me woke up at 6 today..haha..blame the bio-clock? used to it..even ygest sis asked:'y wake up so early when u dun nid to study?' haha..she mus haf thot tt mes a weirdo lahs..waking up at the same time as her n mes not preparing for sch..oh well..dis me:)

ytd was at raffles city n me decided on hafing soup spoon instead of the cheaper alternatives at the food court! gd..yah me din realise tt it was the last time we could o/s she decided tt we should haf sth better! usual according to my one meal policy me had a clam chowder bread bowl similar to e me ordered when i was w zhiyu less than 2 weeks ago!haha..satisying..mei aint a pantry kinda of left some bread n me ate them up for her..yup n after dat we went gloria jeans to mug..the drinks r ard 60 cants for tast wise..i prefer the espresso chillers the mocha ones taste time shall stick to the former when mes dere..yah o dats it for the day..haha..the doughnut factory's q was/is super long lahs..nv stopped at all during our 5 hrs 'stinct' dere!zhiyu saes not worth so mes quite skeptical walked past but they dun look as tempting as the ones sold at taka mb ill gif it a tt me completed 2 jap papers when i was dere..hmm..shall do 2 more ltr after my nap den its tuition tonight..n for the next few days

aint perfect dats y mes always on my toes to perfect those imperfections..physical imperfections r especially obvious when bulges appear, when ur clothes feel tighter, when u start to use ur pimple cream, shades for shielding, when pple tell u dat u r veri xin-fu, when u r in ur costumes..mental imperfections occur when u r super concious, when u r sinking into depression, when u dunnoe hw to ctrl ur life, when u dunno wad the hell u r doing in this wrld..when uve lost ur goals in life..academic imperfections r the number of distinctions uve missed, the renowned schools where u shld haf gone to, the scholarships which u shld haf tried to aim for..interpersonal imperfections?relational imperfections? wad bt all these..dere r so many imperfect things in least in mine..trying to accept as much as i can cos im sensible enuf to look ard n see tt there r poorer souls ard..always haf the urge to pass 10 bucks to the auntie seeling tissue paper outside the mrt station..empathise with her..sigh..when i m 'loaded' k,auntie?

moving home soon..mums correct in chiding me jus now..3 yrs of hall life had morphed me into another person..more independent but one whu noe not how to live with others..i agree..i dun really haf a personal space at home..wadever i say will not b pleasing to her ears. so im always choosing to keep my mouth shut unless necessary..hw long can this last? son? shes always complaining dat sons r better..keep mentioning bt whuever whuever's son..irritated cfmed! cmon lorhs..good cos hes capable enuf to gof his mum at least 6oo to 7oo bucks mthly wad..if he din do u tink his mum will praise him or even show off in front of the relatives? it all boils down to money? i rem doing gd essays discussing on the good n ills of it has becm a reality in life

hopefully the situation will be better..with me shutting up n try not to rebute n be so vocal bt my thots..praying hard tt it will work out

haha...cant wait to go taiwan in 2 weeks' time..a diff environment, quite bored with twn alr..dunno wad i can do mans apart frm shopping eating movie ktv-ing etc..ya toking bt ktv-in!where r my khakis??desperate craze to go!haha..oh well shall wait a little little longer:)

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