Tuesday, April 10, 2007

fun sake

decided to just give it a try for fun sake,regardless of the outcome at least ive tried:)

mei said mes AA..hmm..really?but wad did i do?me really 'tone' down alot alr..where gt AA?pls enlighten me someone!haha

gonna sleep..din nap today..so unusual right?cos after jap class at 1230 today, me n von went to CS to print notes, can b for light lunch n den off to Jp to mug..so sad tt coffeebeans closed so had to make do with mcafe..hmm..cheaper but smaller serving..oh well not dat bad i guess..was dere frm 3 to 6..at least me completed my last mindmap for ge!haha..great so now can really conc on studying n memoring the theories n stuff..so sick mus memorise..okie understd if dat sds better?urghh..tmr 311's case is gonna be out n me shall spend half of my free day tmr to do CS, the rest of the day to churn out the framewrks etc for 311..hmm..thurs shall continue oso..gtta revise for oral for fri's jap oral test..haha..jus whack i guess..after this fri its gonna be 311 n 814..nothing else till the 18th den shall be full-fledged jap..tink it wun be tt bad cos mes almst done with it:) good!

looking fwd to kpmg's invitation party on thurs night..sds cool right?hmmm..filled with apprehension though..mtg my bosses colleagues..bestest me forgt the names of my interviewers!:( not a good sigh though..luckily msged daph ytd..else will be overly formal..hmm...great me shall be in my best n comfy outfit..at least its more me!more joleen!hhaa..hmm..not as in best best..jus a formal white sleeveless top with my beige mango skirt!n heels n shoulder bag..heh!at least me will feel comfy in this i feel:) fun fun!

was quite interested to find out hw much me will be able to earn in 10 yrs or shld i sae for me to wrk frm a low level risk associate to a direstor?dats if me stay long enuf n mes dat capable..haha..n shall base on the most conservation cal with perf bonus n rank increment..dat will be ard 12 yrs to earning the first million+..note its earning!!!not saving!!!haha..so if it aint such a conservative cal..mb 10 yrs?haha..

mums funny...she used to tell us tt caucasians wun make good bfs..or at least telling us not to haf angmohs bfs or husbands...i mean nt dat we will gt but jus saeing or warning..cos she said they haf 'high sex drive'..hmm..i dunno if its a myth or fact oh well mes jkus quoting ya!haha..n now cos she heard dat some relative's daughter is married to one, haf migrated n living super well with her angmoh hubby earning 30+k per mth etc, she started to 'hint'?dunno mans...sometimes i tink me mums very cute..contradicting herself mans..so me jus answered..yah dats good...n luckily e conversation ended dere haha

can tell mums really getting worried..dunno but can sense her agitation over this daughter of hers still be single n wonder if shes gg to jus remain so..haha..though she keeps saeing n 'preaching' bt the disadvantages of marriage n starting a family, its clear dat she hopes dat we will be married off well..yah which parent on earth wun right?haha..2 days ago was on the topic up raising up kids..yah was mentioning bt my cousin n hubby whu r both 36 tinking of sending their only son to a private nursery/kindergarten..hmm..mind u hes only at the tender age of 2!n dey r tinking of it alr!yah n it aint cheap ok!the bill is lyk 2k..acc. to mum..but i tink its a little less...mums was complaining dat its too ex n its like wasting money lahs...esp. when theres like the kindergartens run by the PAP...hmmm..i was dere for 3 yrs including nursery..not much of an experience or me cant rem since i was too yg..i guess in the future me wun be sending my kids dere..considering dat me cn afford a better edu for my kid y not!i dun mind spending more by sending him to a private sch..at least deres like proper learning,mb couple with music lesson etc etc..n mum went quiet..the disparity is great..then n now..

i guess as i climb further up..our distance will b drifting further...mentality will be changed..views will differ, conflicts will surface..unhappiness will arise..i noe i noe..im trying to minimise all these n m gtta minimise all these!cos we r a family they r my parents whu haf provided me with so much..im really grateful for wad im now for all the investments in terms of time n money..i thank mum n dad! no matter wads the status im proud to tell everyone dat u r my parents!

working twds it n the motivation is so stg tt its becoming overbearing on me:) yt the responsibility is so great dat me wun be able to share it in the near future..
feel like doing wad i like..hopefully everything will wrk out well:) i really hope!

okie 2308//sleeping time!14 days to graduation n fun!!!

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