Saturday, March 03, 2007

looking forward

so nice to have gone out with mei today..apart frm gg to sch on monday, tues to the pool, thurs to aunts place n today to ms' kbox n bugis..ive been a 'good' ger n is gg to be one tmr again..on the one hand, me cnt really ask my frans out as dey r busy w tests, me sis w lessons, shan whu has started sch huishan w tuition during jus rest at home n youtube is my mes really glsd dat me gtta go out after gifing tuiton at 1..

sworn tt me will nv go marina sq's kbox for good!lousy sucky service! aiyas n bestest both of us forgt tt we shld go to the one at suntec!alas!haha..oh well..we did enjoy ourselves..drooling over wuzun n da dong in their fei lun hai's mtvs, busy tking shots of ourselves n recording our to resist when our phones r so multifunctional?haha..i wanna go k soon!haha

thanks mei for enlightening me, wad uve said are true..wishing us all our best n we shldnt gif up on our interests, dreams, desires..yah mes gg to grab any opportunities which come by:) thanks..haha..looks lyk u r always shwing me the way..

looking fwd to our movie outing on the 16th mar..guess dat will really be my last last outing..1 mth to my first 2 papers so hey!mes gg to mug again! n dat means more trips to coffee bean:) my 'mugging' cafe:) had the caesar salad n my fav. mocha n dey were splendid!hmm..salads healthy n filling so dats gg to be on my foodie list for long:) yeah! wondering if me shld bring my ygest sis out for sukis buffet since ive gt the craving for jap food:)haha..shall c hw n depends on my dieting outcome..mes forever under this 'self-torturing' regime so wads new? tempted to gt the nivea's cellulite cream which in offer so its now 29.9 instead of 36.9...haha..shan will cfm scold me n comment dat i mus be crazi!haha..hmm..jus wanna be slimmer mah:)

todays sat so it means recess' left w a bk on mon w mei n its gg to be all the way till fri..fris gonna be our hall's night cycling event..thot me wldnt be involved this yr..oh well,its always so unexpected..daph told huanlong to ask me to be the first aider!haha..thanks daph a good idea to keep me involved..haha..whu ask me not know how to bike?so first aider lorhs..gosh..tink ive gtta to be aided instead.not the other way!
so its gg to be an overnight thing..ok so dat means full scale mugging in hall during the week days!

have been watching corner with love starring show luo n barbie tsu..barbie's so elegant looking!her clothes, style, behavior cool!i definitely wanna be lyk her!so pretty some more! not as goodlooking as wu zun..but ma saes he me mum n i have different taste..jus lyk her commenting dat my frans r not bad while me tink dey r jus mas std aint HIGH!haha..wadever..
theres dis segment whcih was so close to heart..truly reflected wad i felt..wth!mus dey include those? wadever experienced had been experienced?yeah dey mus have..n the best was one of the actors' name is his!gt more coincidental not?not dat his is super unique but its not exactly dat common wad!told mei this afternn n she gasped too!oh well..gonna continue with this show while waiting for hanakimi's last epi tmr to be uploaded on mon..den ill start my girl..n en dats it!its back to books

gonna look for a temp job to try kill my 2 mths bfore wrk starts at kpmg..hopefully cn gif tuition oso..yah admitting tt mes a workaholic..really can sit still at home n least earn a few more hundred bucks for me to spend..haha

meis sae its obvious mes materialistic!wah..wads so evident?dun understand..i mean i dun realli stuff r mostly below 30 n me seldom buy tops which r bv 30 depending on the material n design..must admit dat me gt 2 to 3 expensive bottoms but dey din cross the 40 for shoes..okie..most ex my imported birks=60..dats it mah..not counting the wrking suits which i gt for pa last april lahs..accessories..veri few, a long necklace=36..anithing else?yah toking bt facial?hmm but tt i sacrificed too esp m,y nov n dec hols last yr..terrible terrible..hating the life hafing to live w limits..urghh!so restricted! big item?gt a digicam!:) okie so now i noe wad mei means!

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