Sunday, March 11, 2007


it was a really tiring fri cum sat!

rushed straight back to hall after lunch with von n guobin n his proj napping for 2 hrs still felt super tired so slpt again after an hr odd of youtube
the long n eventful night started frm 8pm..with duties or shld i jus admit tt they r sai gang..!haha..alrights la...end of term, end of schooling years..this is the onli way me can 'contribute' to hall for the last time? shant complain so much!yah
practiacally sat in the roving vehicle'car with the chair of the night cycling committee, huanlong, frm 1130pm to 630am. of cos they were mins when me was out n WALKING STANDING (not jus sitting)..times when me was hafing fun with the hs n lh peeps!last out of hall event tgt..though not mani gers jus me daph n 2 junior was alrights cos we haf a bunch of our hs guys..crappy souls! the rest of the time was in the car helping huanlong with the picking up of phonecalls frm the route leaders n calling them for updates while hes driving, planning of the schedule..flexibilitys involved..alas!the worst was tt me aint awake n had to depend on ko-hi!haha..yah caffeine for us..else cfm cnt survive the afterall we reached east coast in the car whilst the garang cyclists 'flew in' in the bikes!haha..nearly gt 'killed' when me told them tt i was tire n my legs were cramped..haha..not cycling but siting!haha...
by the time me gt home, was alr 8pm..after was slping time frm 9 to 4pm!haha..n had my early night at 830!plus all the way to this morn(sun) 530!haha..jus revised my jap for my quiz on tuesday..mes gg nap soon to haf enuf energy for 3hrs of tuition till 3 ltr n yah its jappie revision again!
cant wait for this cmcing fri cos mes gg to watch cyborg starring rain with mei!n mes gg to wear my pull n bear skirt!haha..pretty pretty!
this session is a session of break-ups!cfm!after hearing so many of them in hall..quite sad..oh well..shant be a kaypoh n me shall jus mind my own business..!yawns

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