Saturday, March 24, 2007

taiwan coming true!

there are 2 things to be happy about today!firstly, went NATAS fair with mei n her 2 frans so in the end we managed to settle on a 7D package there, with a price of onli 926.6 including of insurance, airport taxes, tourguide's tips..heh, wad a bargain right? least the 4 of us r happy bt it..secondly, best of all is that huishan is gg with us oso!!!yeah!!!she is my closest fran ive made in ntu n yeah!!we can go for our grad trip tgt!!thanks ger!!! really looking forward to it!!!yeah!!yipppi!!guess we r all veri excited :) haha

hmm..gonna brag a bit bt the itinerary..haha..we r gonna stay in 4/5* hotels thruout and AND AND!!!wads real exciting is tt we r gonna stay in the 5stars hotel where jerry yen aka dao ming si filmed his debut ahow--meteor garden...wah!!!cant imagine me have been dreaming of the sheltered swimming pool, the wen zuan!!!haha..good good n mes gg to enjoy all these with my mei and my good fran!!!yeah!!!n theres another night at another 5*!:) the food? guess its quite good oso..haha..oh yah at least we r travelling on EVA air instead of chinaair, hmm..SQ is simply too expensive alr..haha..oh n we r gg take a train from taipei to hualien..first time on a train..hw issit like i wonder..

cant wait!n so mum is nagging now..n i literally now!!!urghh..okie..surprised to see felix n jeremiah at the air as well..yah..

its been quite long since i had eaten at KFC..hmm..gonna treat it as an exception cos bdae is cming?hmm..shall not take a heavy brekkie n mon gonna swim!!

seemed like a long day..gonna sleep n wake up early to mug..test cming!n next exams cming n off to taiwan!!!:)

hw i wish me haf a more supportive parents or at least dun nag n nag..i can feel tt mes irritating!snap like siao..can understd hw it realli wonder..suddenly mes appreciating my hostel room more!sighh

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