Wednesday, March 28, 2007


thank you frans for ya wishes ya:) thanks!!

wanna thank my nbs coursemates: huishan,joey,iris,mel,kangjian n kahhon for celeb my bdae w me ytd..aint easy cos its exam realli appreciate ya presence ya!n thanks for the gift oso:) thanks!

wanna thank darius!yeah!darius for wishing me ytd..haha..n hope ull have fun with ya trip ya..n we wan u n clarence n zhenhao to be bk in sing!!!quick finish ur exams n cm bk quick!!!make us wait n wait!!heh!!dun forgt our pressies k??haha

wanna thank zhiwei for ya real earli n realli 'timely'--2222h wish!haha..n its cfm a day early lorhs..anw, thanks for the thot n hopefully the thai food on fri will taste good:)looking fwd:)

wanna thank yongjie for ya 40mins early wish too..haha..wondering y pals r wishing me so early nowadays..haha..thanks 'uncle'!thanks for rem..n thanks for the times uve heard me complain n complain..a great listening n soulmate i feel..realli thanks alot..n im waiting for ya second wish TODAY!!YTD's dun count!ill rem ya!!u owe me!haha

wanna thank daphne for wishing me as well..haha..since mes jus beside ur room dun nid to msg ya..haha..thanks ger!!known u for cming 10 yrs alr!!!dats lik a decade!oh man!haha..n looking fwd to the yrs to cm in kpmg!!:)

wanna thank stanley for ya msg..another vj fran for the 0000hr msg..thanks..other than thanks me dunno wad to sae alr..wish u well..n all the best fran

wanna thank zhiwei again for his 2nd msg!haha..this time rd ill accept n mes appreciative hors!!see me dedicate so much of this entry to u lehs!haha..thanks alot yah u r indeed a great fran worth keeping for life ya!!!:)

wanna thank yingni!!yeah my jc classmate n now nbs schmate!!thanks for the msg n wishes..after 4 yrs u still rem..mes feeling gulity tt me din reciprocate..thanks babe!my triplet!haha

the list shall accumulate since its onli 53mins past 0000h..haha..yah n mes turning in:)looking fwd to mtg shan at menolti tmr for hi-tea!yea!!!:)a last min arrangement..since me will be mugging in twn so might as well meet up right..haha..shan wun mind hors!!haha..:) shall go walk walk n shp bfore mtg u n of cos will situate myself in coffeebean n immerse in the aroma n ambience!!yeah!good life sia!!n shall go shp as well:)


(yongjie: birthday=mature, more chio, wiser etc...mes onli gg to agree with the 2nd!!haha)

aint suppose to *** aint suppose to **** but when daph mentioned they jus came..oh well..its okie..the higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment...y bother when one doesnt matter how, its gg to be dat way..deep breathing helps..keep breathing..aint worth the effort,time,****

shall enjoy this day as its my day n yah..ive great frans with me n my closest bestest fran gonna dine with me:) thanks yanshan!!!:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey gal, HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY!!! you must be alseep now so i shall not disturb you from ur sweet dreams on ur birthday. Instead, i shall wish u here. hmmm, i have to say that you have been a great fren to me, offering me help in all situations:). I really appreciate tt very much!! in the coming years, i hope that we will not lose contact due to us working in diff Co. N i hope that you stay happy n not be easily affected:). Most importantly, if u have any problems that u can't resolve or u need a listening ear, you can always look for me:)!

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