Saturday, March 31, 2007

does it matter?

does it really matter that im attached?issit really important for u to noe tt im attached n hence u will stop n GET ON W UR LIFE?yah i noe it hurts..whu wun feel the hurt when u gt a rejection?but no nid to msg n tell me tt cos i wun back off i wun be moved..wadsoever wun reciprocate now means ill nv will..u simply dun geddit!stop asking if im attached or not..uve asked bfore..i dun owe u an answer, ive certainly no obligations to msg n gif u an ans..n i wun be replying tt msg..ytd's msg was clear n its my last to u..u made me do this..u make u wanna hate u..u made it such dat me wun even wanna keep u as a fran..yes..fran?wondering if u r even jus an acquaintance..i dunno n i dun wanna haf anything to do with this and u!
yes heartless u peeps reading may say..not caring wads ya view/s...even if mes unattached till death..u will still b in that basket!no chance!to be blatant: i will nv like u?din wanna type this in the msg will cause a trillion more pain than now!so ive gt this entry to vent it out n get it clear!so it realli doesnt matter whether im attached or not!stop asking me this qns!!!get it clear!!!urghh!!!
dun force me to change my hp no. i tell u!seldom blocked peeps on msn n u r in alr..cutting it off may be betta for u..ya im a heartless soul n frans shld be chiding me now...go ahead for me will not look back for me had nv bothered to..yes i nv consider at all n im sure me wun be considering now or future or yrs down the road!the more qns frm u the more resentment i haf! guess u r smart enuf to comprehend the msg n my choice to not reply urs. dats it n u better jolly well move on i tell u..even if ya cnt ive nothing else i can do..drowning in ya own sorrows while im leading my normal n better life..geddit?me will be hafing lotsa fun with my trips hafing my hols n wrking life..!me wun be affected by ur dun be silly..uve been thru tt for 5 yrs aint u tired?even if ya aiint, i am! so wadever msges u ever sent u noe where dey will g0--outbox, deleted without second thots!yes mes this jue!!!u forced me to!
dun qns y u wun be considered..perfectionist sae so means its like this, subjectivity is the answer, go find one whu can see all ur good..for me can onli c ur flaws..yah..dun make me list down y u dun fit the bill dun make me be dat nasty cos i mus admit tt mes at a level worse than being just nasty alr..dun make me gif u my 'checklist' to see hw many pass n fail..dun force me to do things tt me haven nv done bfore

alas..needing a good good nap n continue with my prep for my 10% quiz on mon n its happy time with zhiyu on tues!!!yeah!!!:) so while u r in depression, im in my i sd demonic to u or u still tink im dat angelic?u shld noe for urself..c' will always be a will nv ever become a yes! GET A LIFE!

Friday, March 30, 2007

once and for all..please..

has been looking fwd to today since tues:) and yeah!!!todays been a great day till 9pm..
as usual met up with hs for 830am's 311 class..the usual brekkie n walk to class..todays class is small lahs..n i fd it amusing when the prof..dunno if hes degree has increased..actually said tt my photo looked like hs'!wah..hellos n whey dun u understd english??i told u im joleen which is equals to im not hs n u mus keep repeating the qns:'r u hs?' hellos!!!!feel like struggling u lahs!!haha..hmm..looks like hs is a compliment sia!so pretty!!haha.. n hey ger!!n my fran yanshan saes dat you r pretty too!!haha..n bestest my mummy saes u look like some actress..haha..hmm..ive pretty frans yeah?!!!n yes!i mean franS with the S!!!!haha..n so the classes ended at 1230..

went to zhiwei's hall n hey it had to rain lahs!!in the end left ntu at ard 230 n reached vivo at ard the time we were both starving!wad to do din tk dinner ytd night n had a bun for brekkie..haha..btw u shld realli go THAI ACCENT!the reviews were npot exaggerated i feel..good food..we ordered the green curry chicken,beef with basil leaves, otak and seafood glass noodles..nice!!!i love the curry!!!:) n the bill came up to 63 for 2 of us!!ex right but i think its good value for money!!thanks zw!!!so its a certified place for me to bring my mummy dere for mother's day!n mes gg to treat my family to ding tai feng:)haha had our dessert at earl swensons decided to treat myself betta by ordering the chocolate crunch, thanks zw for the dessert treat..nice toking to u n oso thanks for listening to my complains..u r one of those frans whom i can complain to!haha..thanksthanks!!so felt real great!!nce food nice places, good frans!great

mood was down but was lifted a little cos was toking to zhiyu-my good fran frm tk too..yeah good to be mtg u on next tues dear...cant wait to see u babe!n hopefully zhuo hao n u wun mind gg hk with me n yanshan in june:) haha.. cnt wait for tues to go raffles for another rd of good food!!!:) so..its gg to be dieting for the next 3 days

im gg to slim swimming on wed n fri next week n gonna speed up the process by tking slimming tea which i haven decided on which one!urghh..

yesh!!me n zw have a common goal!to be able to earn tt much dat we will be able to walk into the shop n jus get things that we want!not hafing to consider further n not even to hafta haf the word 'but' when buying more 'i feel like buying but...'!!!it will hafta be ' i feel like buying cos i want to n i can afford it!!!' yesh!!dats it!!!go dude we can do it!!!n dun forget me when u r offered a job of 12k per mth or more horSSS!!!!haha

yah..n here comes y my mood was down..he msged to ask if ive rec. the bdae card..wun at home so of cos not..guess tt when things hafta come it will come..was still toking to zw bt him this afternn..sians..told u!im cursed!exam period realli is an idiotic period for me!ive decided to end it..yes i crushed ur hope..that lasted for 5 yrs..yah..i admit dat mes a bitch to haf given u false hopes..i admit dat me shld be more frank n sae:'we cannot, will not be able to be tgt!' mb these will it straight!yah so dat explains the lengthy sms which ive sent..u shld gt it now right?clearer?a witch i am!but ive gtta let u noe this!n im seriously qns ur reason of not gg imperial for ur uni now..but me shant probe further..dunno hw mani times ive said sorry but its now or least please gt it now yah?once and for all pls!i will be realli speechless if u aint gg or refuse or try to act blur bt it..dun mind as a fran but pls dun push further cos it will turn into irritance n i dunno how nasty i can pls..sorry dat u r gtting this during this exam period..wake up ur idea? u will find the one n i will nv be ur zuan shu tian shi like wad uve mentioned in the card..n now im like gonna hate this song alr!sians...mood was totally affected

at least this aint as bad as last sem's, last last sem or even for the past 4 me gtta jus tk it easy..for me after this blog..this complain..this will be alright but for him..hes gg to gt it tons worse..u haf a bright future realli..nothings wrg on ur part..nothings wrg to like someone but mus noe its not dat if u like means hw hard u try the other party will reciprocate!

yah my frans reading these paras may despise me may chide me for being heartless..yah i not denying..jus leave any comments if ya r me i dun believe gan qing shi ge yi pei yang means click, attraction means attraction, whens deres not even an initial attraction dun tok bt pei-yanging anithing practical..both guys n gers r shallow lorhs its jus the extent alr mentioned ieven if one is super zai will super good credentials talents if hes cui looking..its cmi it shows sth..

im a perfectionist i told an elitist kj told me..m frans ys n von too r the former so wad can u expect frm us?mb me shld apologise to those guys whom we haf rejected?haha..not trying to sd wanted or desirable but m jus wanting to voice put wad im feeling n thinking..not tt me tink im perfect..i noe no ones perfect n perfect is an subjective issue..but we do haf a choice to decide wads perfect n wads not right?or blatantly phrased, whos able to mk the mark whos not right? to us (guess im correct)till weve fd the 'perfect' one guess we wont be settling down or even not be bothered to consider those below 'the mark'..we r independent gers though family n kids r important, for us they r secondary..wads impt is enjoyment, fulfilment..whether to start a family or not aint the topmost..if not we wun be mentioning bt our bachelorette's club,mansion, remaining single but desirable?yah

so its bedtime n mugging for exams..heartless, yes dats me, cruel, yes i am, evil, yes not denying, wadever u sae im not shaken n not gg to be shaken cos wadever it is its impossible n m glad those previous ones do gt it..

focusing on my final exams, focusing on my tutees exams, focusing on my grad trip n fun with hs mei n jennifer, focusing on fulfilling my mei's dream, focusing on starting work, a new life in july, focusing on my career n savings for next yrs 2 weeks london trip with von, focusing on my near 1k perf increment next june or end yr..focusing on gaining status in the wrking wrld, focusing on fulfilling my daddys dream, focusing on alot alot more, n u focus is not on getting into a rship..when it comes it has to come, if hes mine, he will be point forcing no point trying to get into one dats not urs n ultimately hurt urself thru a breakup..seriously ive realli gt lots more to do den to tink of these n to deal with rship problems!!!

so its gonna be a good slp, wake up early n mug for my mon's quiz n jap self study lesson tmr!whether he replies doesnt affect me since its clear on my part.. keeping my 1st june free jus for u!if anything crops up or u gt pangseh again..uve me!we will go dolphin lagoon n underwater wrld like cos u haf always wanted to..n mes gg to save n not spend n gif u a nice treat yah?me will save more to bring pei along den the 3 of us can haf fun tgt!n haf good food dat dae k?i promise u n ill fulfill it!

yes!so my family comes first, my frans n myself..

Thursday, March 29, 2007


yah mes as blur as usual!huishan left me a comment after reading my previous post n my jap cmi till me read 'huishan' as 'kanjian'!haha..n happily msg kj to thank more paiseh one not?haha..
anw..dey r my close frans so nvm right?haha..jus cnt believe myself!
anw, thanks ger!
n look!!hs even went to photoshop this photo!so pretty right?with the frame n words..its like a neoprint!haha..n the peeps removed at the back..wah..immense amt of effort put in..bestest!she did it till 4am!!:( xin ku ni le ger!!thanksthanks!if ya were to ask me to use photoshop will nt be able to do so alr..

hmm..nice nice pic!thanks again ger!

oh ya jus to add on, thanks edmund, wanyu n charmx for ya msges:)

so my birthday came n went jus lidat..haha..

looking fwd to gg vivocity after jap tmr..its a dunch with zw..haha..thanks dude for taking time off to celeb my bdae despite the cming exams!thanks in advance sia!!haha:) wanna try the thai food frm thai accent..wondering hw it will tast like:) need to wait till after exams le..if its great me shall bring ma dere to feast after exams den!:)

quite proud of myself to haf gone for info visualisation class today..cos kj n joey nv attend..hmm..its alrights lah..lecture onli..n cos me gtta go print stuff oso..but as usual my laziness or 'enthusiam' to pon classes has set in n mes tinking of whether to skip tmrs 311..haha..oopps!haha

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

thanking session 2

yah wanna continue my 'thanking' session:)

thanks von for ya msg n wishes ya:) u mus be hafing a hard time rushing for ya proj n mugging for ur exams in 2 weeks' time..jiayou ger!!:)

thanks mel!thanks for ur msg:) hope ya had a great day today too:)

thanks shan!!!yeah!!thanks yanshan for ya early wkeup msg:) my bestest fran whus always dere for so sorry to have to paiseh u n go taiwan:( i wanna thank u for alot of things dear ger!despite hafing lessons in sch today, u dun mind mtg me for dunch...though it was a short meetup but i felt veri good:) veri at ease n at least its wad i had looked forward to today:) thanks..though usually me will spend it at home me decided not to travel back n forth this year so dats y:) alot of things i wanna tell u..alot alot but me gtta be strg:) realli appreciate ur presence!n not forgetting ur sweet exam goodie bag with the marks n spencer sour gummy:) yummy!ill go q for the doughnut when exams over n pass half to u!!!cant wait!

thanks shunzhao for ya wishes as well..real surprised to rec. urs..thanks dude!!

thanks weinee for msging me ya:)meet up soon ger!

thanks daphne!!DAPHNE!!my ex-roomie my current neighbour, thanks for the litle surprise..this is my second slice of bdae cake..yah n me finished it alr..minus away the cream:) thanks!!so heartwarming!!:)

kangjian oso..haha..if me nv check my blog ill nv haf read ur wishes..n hey me dunno u haf my link lehs..hmm..anw thanks for offering ur help!thanks dude!:)

pampered myself today!really 'pampered'!haha..went coffeebean n had my vanilla ice blended, bot a loreal hydrating eye gel, n best!proudest gift for myself..a chrisyl mini hairclip for 9.8..yesh its ex but im gg to wear it for wrk..cos tink me look more pro with my hair clipped to the back..yah she me decided to jus whack!wanted to gt chomel's but its like 20 for one lahs!!!when im richer mb ill consider..yah so u see the materialistic me? i believe tt me will be more confident with it..its bt brand, style yah n shans sae shld gt heels from aldo but aldo sia!!how ex..haha..ill wrk towards dat ger n me will make sure me will get dere..a provider for my family, myself n sisters!

the phrase realli proves itself:' higher the expectation, greater the disappointment' n im believing it truly...

(there r 2 frans whom ive treasure..n treasuring since my tk days..guess its the slip of their mind..its okie..exam period..jiayou gers!meetup soon:0)


thank you frans for ya wishes ya:) thanks!!

wanna thank my nbs coursemates: huishan,joey,iris,mel,kangjian n kahhon for celeb my bdae w me ytd..aint easy cos its exam realli appreciate ya presence ya!n thanks for the gift oso:) thanks!

wanna thank darius!yeah!darius for wishing me ytd..haha..n hope ull have fun with ya trip ya..n we wan u n clarence n zhenhao to be bk in sing!!!quick finish ur exams n cm bk quick!!!make us wait n wait!!heh!!dun forgt our pressies k??haha

wanna thank zhiwei for ya real earli n realli 'timely'--2222h wish!haha..n its cfm a day early lorhs..anw, thanks for the thot n hopefully the thai food on fri will taste good:)looking fwd:)

wanna thank yongjie for ya 40mins early wish too..haha..wondering y pals r wishing me so early nowadays..haha..thanks 'uncle'!thanks for rem..n thanks for the times uve heard me complain n complain..a great listening n soulmate i feel..realli thanks alot..n im waiting for ya second wish TODAY!!YTD's dun count!ill rem ya!!u owe me!haha

wanna thank daphne for wishing me as well..haha..since mes jus beside ur room dun nid to msg ya..haha..thanks ger!!known u for cming 10 yrs alr!!!dats lik a decade!oh man!haha..n looking fwd to the yrs to cm in kpmg!!:)

wanna thank stanley for ya msg..another vj fran for the 0000hr msg..thanks..other than thanks me dunno wad to sae alr..wish u well..n all the best fran

wanna thank zhiwei again for his 2nd msg!haha..this time rd ill accept n mes appreciative hors!!see me dedicate so much of this entry to u lehs!haha..thanks alot yah u r indeed a great fran worth keeping for life ya!!!:)

wanna thank yingni!!yeah my jc classmate n now nbs schmate!!thanks for the msg n wishes..after 4 yrs u still rem..mes feeling gulity tt me din reciprocate..thanks babe!my triplet!haha

the list shall accumulate since its onli 53mins past 0000h..haha..yah n mes turning in:)looking fwd to mtg shan at menolti tmr for hi-tea!yea!!!:)a last min arrangement..since me will be mugging in twn so might as well meet up right..haha..shan wun mind hors!!haha..:) shall go walk walk n shp bfore mtg u n of cos will situate myself in coffeebean n immerse in the aroma n ambience!!yeah!good life sia!!n shall go shp as well:)


(yongjie: birthday=mature, more chio, wiser etc...mes onli gg to agree with the 2nd!!haha)

aint suppose to *** aint suppose to **** but when daph mentioned they jus came..oh well..its okie..the higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment...y bother when one doesnt matter how, its gg to be dat way..deep breathing helps..keep breathing..aint worth the effort,time,****

shall enjoy this day as its my day n yah..ive great frans with me n my closest bestest fran gonna dine with me:) thanks yanshan!!!:)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

no excuse

with the advent of techno theres simply no excuse..
no excuse to say i dunno
no excuse to sae i forget

no nid to promise wads not meant to be, this reflects how much it is..
'lemme be the one to remind u', yah as though dats really gonna be the case..
dunnid much, dunnid ani jus simply show tt remembrance or at least knowledge
choosing so reflects the amount..should i thank u for tt? maybe den doesnt it mk u a saviour? wadever..

not letting me to be affected..for the past sems, me seemed to be cursed..weird pple, unforseeable events, hopefully this time rd nothing of such will happen, heh!look last sem of exams lemme conc in peace lahs!at least if anything is gonna happen let it be a good one..dun involve me in all the crap n unnecessary stuff!

dunno wad to say, aint gg to say..letting it be has been the case..wondering if smu wld be a better choice back pt regretting, no pt wondering, its destined to be this way, to go this way n yah..its gg to be over soon!OVER!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

taiwan coming true!

there are 2 things to be happy about today!firstly, went NATAS fair with mei n her 2 frans so in the end we managed to settle on a 7D package there, with a price of onli 926.6 including of insurance, airport taxes, tourguide's tips..heh, wad a bargain right? least the 4 of us r happy bt it..secondly, best of all is that huishan is gg with us oso!!!yeah!!!she is my closest fran ive made in ntu n yeah!!we can go for our grad trip tgt!!thanks ger!!! really looking forward to it!!!yeah!!yipppi!!guess we r all veri excited :) haha

hmm..gonna brag a bit bt the itinerary..haha..we r gonna stay in 4/5* hotels thruout and AND AND!!!wads real exciting is tt we r gonna stay in the 5stars hotel where jerry yen aka dao ming si filmed his debut ahow--meteor garden...wah!!!cant imagine me have been dreaming of the sheltered swimming pool, the wen zuan!!!haha..good good n mes gg to enjoy all these with my mei and my good fran!!!yeah!!!n theres another night at another 5*!:) the food? guess its quite good oso..haha..oh yah at least we r travelling on EVA air instead of chinaair, hmm..SQ is simply too expensive alr..haha..oh n we r gg take a train from taipei to hualien..first time on a train..hw issit like i wonder..

cant wait!n so mum is nagging now..n i literally now!!!urghh..okie..surprised to see felix n jeremiah at the air as well..yah..

its been quite long since i had eaten at KFC..hmm..gonna treat it as an exception cos bdae is cming?hmm..shall not take a heavy brekkie n mon gonna swim!!

seemed like a long day..gonna sleep n wake up early to mug..test cming!n next exams cming n off to taiwan!!!:)

hw i wish me haf a more supportive parents or at least dun nag n nag..i can feel tt mes irritating!snap like siao..can understd hw it realli wonder..suddenly mes appreciating my hostel room more!sighh

Thursday, March 22, 2007

a word of thanks

work hasnt started in kp n me has gtta noe 2 colleagues! feel good of them is my hallmate, ex-victorian, in jcrc during my term as well..not dat we r super close but at least shes someone i thing is dat she interned dere last summer..mostly positive feedback frm her:)
another fran is his fran..phew luckily aint gg to risk as well..thanking god for tt:) i mean realli din wanna wrk in the same company..ya mb mes trying to avoid or shld i sae im afraid..haha..oh well, no lahs wads over must be over..liking the current status:) so happily he intro-ed me to his fran on msn (vice-versa) ytd..guess this is the onli thing he has done for me..yah..or mb those 'few' things if my memory aint failing me:P thanks though
this fran of his is a high flyer, just like him..same sec sch same JC as wonder they r good pals..a law student as well guess dey mus be dble spec tgt..stress..imagine wrking with this kinda of peeps..super stressful:( so this wrld is full of elites! oh man, to think tt me cn be considered as 'cream of the crop'..haha..there r many others whu r much better, they r those whom i term as ' the bubbles/vapour of the crop!' haha..hmm..quite curious to find out whu this colleague is esp after reading his testimonials on allrounder dats wad his friends claim..bowler, softbowler, magician, guitarist, eloquent, a jammer, a smartie etc etc..wah!rich pple's kids r like wonder he noes him..of cos lahs..RI RJC kids sia!my god! stress me out of my wits man!n hes dads base in hongkong..wondering wad hes wrking as..n hw cm his dad is featured in the papers? hmm..
quite surprised dat he hadnt plan his grad trip..shocked when he asked if he cld weird lahs..n the new colleague is nice enuff to fill me up w a little info of hk..helpful though..
hopefully with this 'good' start of hafing known 2 frans, i will be able to start wrk with a 'BANG":) no matter how hard me will wrk towards my dream, our shared dreams:)

today's thurs..n 2 more days to NATAS excited as me n sis r gg to book our first ever trip overseas tgt:)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

UP-ing the stress adrenaline

everyone's starting to feel stressed up again..wad to do?its the exam time!yeah..n ive gtta agree dat the engine pple r definitely much worse than us! reading mei's blog as well as zhiyu's blog..even darius' blog makes me feel empahthetic twds in those many lab reports, tuts etc etc..not as if me dun hafta do tuts n churn out project reports..but theirs like an every week's affair so its alot much much terrible den mine!
hope u guys can manage n yesh!survive thru ya?

dun realli like my da bo mu to call us..i noe its rude but sometimes me realli feel like jus telling her dat me mum aint free or in..everytime she will update ,y mum bt the members' life of my paternal side..we aint close to em at all or to put it straight, we dun even wanna b in contact w em..okie its bt filial piety n suvh..mes tired ofhearing those stories repeating again n again especially when my mum is hafing menopuase now!wah bestest!its as if oil has been added to fire lahs..KAOS!non-stopping nagging at my poor dad..non-stop churning of the past..the victims?of cos us lahs..whilst we r all trying hard to mug our brains away in the little small spaces we can find at home..we wanna jump down n die tgt mans..mb dats y me n mei wanna go out n mug n yah..dat will be it in a week's time cos my papers r starting n me shall ask mei least go to our fav haunt to mug dere will be some peace..

yes mes portraying a rather ugly image of mum hafing menopause but dats only when shes aggravated n agitated..othertimes?oh well guess shes fine bahs..i dunno but we r afraid dat dad will blow up one day too..sometimes me thot tt it isnt dat bad an idea to keep in touch with grandma?ive nv called out to her since we moved out of dat hse..ive nv seen her since den..nv haf i seen or recog the rest of the family..nv in touch..for us we onli haf our maternal side uncles n aunties..a small small family tt explains my damn slack CNY visiting routine..haha

one thing to look fwd to this week is todays suki at CCK and fri/sat's NATAS fair to book our package to taiwan with mei n her frans!yeah!den its taiwan in early june!!will cm back n conc on teaching my tutors n prep em for their mid yrs..n hopefully dey will continue thru the june hols!den will haf income mahs..shans interested to go with my hall guys to hk in june..hopefully dey will be gg den might as well jus tagged alg..haha..den me gtta quickly save more to go to hk in june as well!haha..

meimei!work twds our hols k? dun put too much stress n pressure on urself..scary to read ur blog entries..seems like u will be exploding or really kill urself mans..scary..i dunno wad i can do to help u also..jus take care n lets go mug n slog tgt like wad we did for the past sems to prep for exams..after dat its the annual reward of 3 mths break!jiayou ger!!

okie time for a 2 hr mugging session bfore gg to meet yj n daph:)

oh yah!thanks hs for org a bday dinner next mon:) thanks alot for the effort esp when exams r nearing..din expect u all to rem:) so its real heartening..
n mel!thanks for the has nv org a bbq bdae before, thanks for offering kh's condo for a celebration..its the thot that counts..thanksthanks!!

im blessed with great and thotful frans! wanna thank u peeps for being there when i nid u guys:) kudos to all!n i hope i will be the fran u peeps will look for whenever u nid help or a listening ear! ill try my best to be a good fran:)


Monday, March 19, 2007

waraKU'S MY favourite!

haha..all ready to 'DIG IN'!

yumyum..our me n mei's fav: BABY OCTOPUSSies!:)

n here comes the MAINs!woohoo..

have been asking ard for new eateries as mes quite tired of gg to jus those handful which i always was quite 'despo' tt day n started searching online for new places..
theres a new authentic thai restaurant at vivovity, reviews are not bad, prices quite reasonable..haha..looking at the pictures jus made me salivate!haha..hmm..shld go there after my exams..hmm..shall bring mum dere since shes a fan of hot spicy food..
another's peranakan food at joo chiat--chilli padi..have been saying tt we will go but till now still haven so its time to gif it a try!
hmm..haven been to minolti at raffles city..haha..okie great!after exams shall go find shan at smu n we can happily 'drop' by for lunch/dinner!idea!
dere another up-market fusion restaurant at rafflescity's were great n of cos prices start from the low me still haf a to try out!yeah!happy!:)
oh yah not forgetting pei's treat to suki..tink she has been waiting n as a sis me shall fulfill this promise of mine!
this wed gg suki at cck with daphne and yongjie:) cant wait!baby octopuses n jellyfish, sashimi etc cming!!!haha
today's the last day denience will be ard in hall so us gers r gg to cook n haf a 'feast'..hmm..dunno hw me can contribute though..haha..time flies man!n its 29 more days to my first 2 papers!yesh!n ive started to load my engine..haha..
quite glad tt me had gt my GE proj drafted out n hopefully kj n joey can asap contribute their part n we r off with it!next will be the presentation of our strategic sia..the stupid game..
woke up early this morn wanting to go swim in the end it poured like noone's business so came back to hall n mugged one chap of 311..yawns..shall nap soon n revise my jap bfore von n charmaine come..when night falls me wun haf the time for myself to do work so betta buck up n make use of these free hours:)
seems like me gtta forego gg taiwan with yanshan this summer if jetstar still refuses to haf promotions for june..will be gg 4 NATAS fair with mei n her its gg to be choose n book by sat! fuss of planning since its gonna be a tink of it gg on a tour mb a little more ex but its safer(like wad mum is always preaching bt)can visit more places live in better hotels etc etc...mei dun worri though its ard 3 weeks in advance of ur actual bdae..can still celebrate with u if ya pals aint in singapore yet...:P looking forward to taiwan!

Thursday, March 15, 2007


it's been quite enjoyable for the past few days..or shld i sae past week.with some events occuring n happy news here n there:)

happy for mei for her first recorded n uploaded song(me wan too!!teach me)
happy for vonnie over her attachment with EY
happy for daph cos she has found her happiness
happy for peipei for her improved academic results( me will definitely treat u to suki after ur mid-yr ya!!work harder!)
happy for charmaine cos she has decide to face it and hopefully become a stronger person
happy that dads able to attend my convocation in july
happy dat my midterm quizzes are over
happy dat me daph n yj will be gg for suki's buffet next wed bfore the exams!
happy cox me gtta noe more n msned n cared

today's already thurs n i cant believe tt the weekends are here once more!everyweek jus pass like nobody's business!especially this week..mb it's cos me came bk hall onli on tuesday hence the speed..wah!oh well, ive always been looking forward to tmr cos im gg to watch the 'cyborg' show starring rain with mei tmr!yeah!shall go waraku tmr too:) feeling so xinfu!or issit sinful?haha

jetstar hasnt been hafing promotions for june..sigh..hence the trip to taiwan will shan seems 'bleak' that case me shall go with mei in may with her uni frans bahs..felix mentioned tt the hillstreeters may be thinking of gg hk this june!hmm..wondering if me will be able to tag along..haha..shall see how..but its so weird if daph wun be gg den me will be the only ger..hmm..cfm weird..oh well, to think of it aint really important for me if theres no trip to happy as i am has my sis wad!jus ask her?haha..shall let her noe tmr over lunch:) yeah gonna wear my new pull n bear denim skirt tmr n my nice top again!so happy to be clad in pretty wear!!!okie, this is vanity or wad dey sae bimbotism?haha

tonight's the last event for this year--hall dinner. cant deny tt it was really duper super fast lahs..jus remembered last year ard the same time i was in jcrc..similar setting, same venue etc etc. this year's much worse cos for choir performance there gg to be like jus 8 of us its like an huh?hall choir?pengs n having the thot that me can slack ard as a final year n 'dissolve' in the midst of the crowd isnt gg to work cos dey need sops!alas!okie since its the last event in hall this year, since im leaving, since me will haf no chance to stand on this hall 3's stage, since im a good n loyal hall 3 choir member, since i was once in jcrc, since i noe my junior..i will be 'nice' to help out with my pathetic voice! :)

its gonna to be my ge proj for this coming weekend!:) all the way mans!

Sunday, March 11, 2007


it was a really tiring fri cum sat!

rushed straight back to hall after lunch with von n guobin n his proj napping for 2 hrs still felt super tired so slpt again after an hr odd of youtube
the long n eventful night started frm 8pm..with duties or shld i jus admit tt they r sai gang..!haha..alrights la...end of term, end of schooling years..this is the onli way me can 'contribute' to hall for the last time? shant complain so much!yah
practiacally sat in the roving vehicle'car with the chair of the night cycling committee, huanlong, frm 1130pm to 630am. of cos they were mins when me was out n WALKING STANDING (not jus sitting)..times when me was hafing fun with the hs n lh peeps!last out of hall event tgt..though not mani gers jus me daph n 2 junior was alrights cos we haf a bunch of our hs guys..crappy souls! the rest of the time was in the car helping huanlong with the picking up of phonecalls frm the route leaders n calling them for updates while hes driving, planning of the schedule..flexibilitys involved..alas!the worst was tt me aint awake n had to depend on ko-hi!haha..yah caffeine for us..else cfm cnt survive the afterall we reached east coast in the car whilst the garang cyclists 'flew in' in the bikes!haha..nearly gt 'killed' when me told them tt i was tire n my legs were cramped..haha..not cycling but siting!haha...
by the time me gt home, was alr 8pm..after was slping time frm 9 to 4pm!haha..n had my early night at 830!plus all the way to this morn(sun) 530!haha..jus revised my jap for my quiz on tuesday..mes gg nap soon to haf enuf energy for 3hrs of tuition till 3 ltr n yah its jappie revision again!
cant wait for this cmcing fri cos mes gg to watch cyborg starring rain with mei!n mes gg to wear my pull n bear skirt!haha..pretty pretty!
this session is a session of break-ups!cfm!after hearing so many of them in hall..quite sad..oh well..shant be a kaypoh n me shall jus mind my own business..!yawns

Friday, March 09, 2007

the waiting game

wait..dats what we wan others to do..or we unconsciously will wanna y wait?y issit dat weve the tendency to wanna procrastinate? issit cos we aint sure or issit cos we just dun feel like progressing? its a long process, a long time..the result? can be positive or negative or dere wun even be an outcome!
it's a time when ive cm to realise dis no longer applicable..initiative is the wrd..quoting von: deres no pt looking back, aint us..since its the past, its gone, we will look forward n move on!
no more waiting game n me shld wrk like mei n wrk towards the shared dreams no matter hw's short so jus t end this waiting game for goodness sake!


my sweet frilly pokkie top!

sisters in black:)

Saturday, March 03, 2007

looking forward

so nice to have gone out with mei today..apart frm gg to sch on monday, tues to the pool, thurs to aunts place n today to ms' kbox n bugis..ive been a 'good' ger n is gg to be one tmr again..on the one hand, me cnt really ask my frans out as dey r busy w tests, me sis w lessons, shan whu has started sch huishan w tuition during jus rest at home n youtube is my mes really glsd dat me gtta go out after gifing tuiton at 1..

sworn tt me will nv go marina sq's kbox for good!lousy sucky service! aiyas n bestest both of us forgt tt we shld go to the one at suntec!alas!haha..oh well..we did enjoy ourselves..drooling over wuzun n da dong in their fei lun hai's mtvs, busy tking shots of ourselves n recording our to resist when our phones r so multifunctional?haha..i wanna go k soon!haha

thanks mei for enlightening me, wad uve said are true..wishing us all our best n we shldnt gif up on our interests, dreams, desires..yah mes gg to grab any opportunities which come by:) thanks..haha..looks lyk u r always shwing me the way..

looking fwd to our movie outing on the 16th mar..guess dat will really be my last last outing..1 mth to my first 2 papers so hey!mes gg to mug again! n dat means more trips to coffee bean:) my 'mugging' cafe:) had the caesar salad n my fav. mocha n dey were splendid!hmm..salads healthy n filling so dats gg to be on my foodie list for long:) yeah! wondering if me shld bring my ygest sis out for sukis buffet since ive gt the craving for jap food:)haha..shall c hw n depends on my dieting outcome..mes forever under this 'self-torturing' regime so wads new? tempted to gt the nivea's cellulite cream which in offer so its now 29.9 instead of 36.9...haha..shan will cfm scold me n comment dat i mus be crazi!haha..hmm..jus wanna be slimmer mah:)

todays sat so it means recess' left w a bk on mon w mei n its gg to be all the way till fri..fris gonna be our hall's night cycling event..thot me wldnt be involved this yr..oh well,its always so unexpected..daph told huanlong to ask me to be the first aider!haha..thanks daph a good idea to keep me involved..haha..whu ask me not know how to bike?so first aider lorhs..gosh..tink ive gtta to be aided instead.not the other way!
so its gg to be an overnight thing..ok so dat means full scale mugging in hall during the week days!

have been watching corner with love starring show luo n barbie tsu..barbie's so elegant looking!her clothes, style, behavior cool!i definitely wanna be lyk her!so pretty some more! not as goodlooking as wu zun..but ma saes he me mum n i have different taste..jus lyk her commenting dat my frans r not bad while me tink dey r jus mas std aint HIGH!haha..wadever..
theres dis segment whcih was so close to heart..truly reflected wad i felt..wth!mus dey include those? wadever experienced had been experienced?yeah dey mus have..n the best was one of the actors' name is his!gt more coincidental not?not dat his is super unique but its not exactly dat common wad!told mei this afternn n she gasped too!oh well..gonna continue with this show while waiting for hanakimi's last epi tmr to be uploaded on mon..den ill start my girl..n en dats it!its back to books

gonna look for a temp job to try kill my 2 mths bfore wrk starts at kpmg..hopefully cn gif tuition oso..yah admitting tt mes a workaholic..really can sit still at home n least earn a few more hundred bucks for me to spend..haha

meis sae its obvious mes materialistic!wah..wads so evident?dun understand..i mean i dun realli stuff r mostly below 30 n me seldom buy tops which r bv 30 depending on the material n design..must admit dat me gt 2 to 3 expensive bottoms but dey din cross the 40 for shoes..okie..most ex my imported birks=60..dats it mah..not counting the wrking suits which i gt for pa last april lahs..accessories..veri few, a long necklace=36..anithing else?yah toking bt facial?hmm but tt i sacrificed too esp m,y nov n dec hols last yr..terrible terrible..hating the life hafing to live w limits..urghh!so restricted! big item?gt a digicam!:) okie so now i noe wad mei means!

Friday, March 02, 2007

my little nephew n me:)

was at aunt's place ytd..quite fun playing w pengpeng..haha..young boy at vocab, fast learner, smart! cfm a bright future!haha..hw not too when my uncles(grandpa) a chinese tutor, my cousins a masters in TCM, his dad a masters in eee n uncles n aunties masters in chemical eng..n us!his aunts potential hons grad frm NBS n chem eng!haha..hopefully yah? pretty boy he is..n WE SO LOVE HIM!!!!:):)