Monday, September 25, 2006

pretty siloso!

wasnt supposed to be at siloso today cox me was intending to stay at home to the end me relented cox gtta pass the access card to him at harbourfront this morn..true dat it will b weird if i were jus go dere to pass e key n jus cm home..cfm off!n as usual the hall peeps will try to start some unnecessary rumour in the end went sentosa w wasnt too bad afterall though me n my freshies proclaimed tt we r taitais n jus sat in the shade n refused to join in e 3 if us jus crapped n oogled at the babes n mani hunks but dere were bikini babes!!haha..dere were onli 5 freshies n lotsa of seniors n mes the onli one frm the side whu went..daph winnie deniece mummy din go..sighh..but at least i was entertained by the freshies..woohoo..of cox entertaining w the presence of my hall queen n her roomie plus another pretty junior n my eye candy n his roomie..haha..furthermore gt my yr 1 hs eyecandies..haha..n yr 2's?hmm..wah so mani..cfm happy!haha..
sadly we were pretty divided into 3 grps: the freshies, the super seniors n the current hs..hmm..a bit bad as i can feel tt the freshies r a bit left least mes mixing w em!quite happy w myself cox through this short gathering, ive gt to noe em betta!yah im enjoying this kinda of feeling n hopefully they r feeling likewise too:) making new frans is always fun for me..its rather easy cox im kaypoh?im chatty?crappy?haha..dun care lahs..mixing wif hot babes n hunks!whu dun wan ritex?haha..oopss!
as ive mentioned before, without fail every gathering someone will haf to mention bt him n me..aiyos headache!since yr one..hmm..can gt a bit tired u noe?but dun care lahs..see hw lg they can last..tahan-ed for 2 yrs plus alr might as well jus let em continue..after lunch we jus sat down at one of the benches n watched the peeps play n the beach-goers den me rushed off at ard 3pm cox of tuition in the end changed my mind n cm home cox mum n sis n dad r all sick..alamak!!sighh..but had one at 8pm..
so dere goes my sunday! more week to the killer 306!im gg to die but me cnt let myself to jus die!
ytd was well spent n im always right tt my sis is really my confidant!she understds me so so well jus tt we haf no time dats all!my sis my sis!thanks mei mei!!wanted to shop at far east as well however, we hanged ard bugis for so long tt in the end we shoped dere frm 2 to ard 8 plus including dinner! was cfm a great shopping trip!bot a pair of ripples for pei our belated bdae gift for her..glad tt she loves it!tsk!!den me gt an exotic belt for 10..damn damn pretty!!will go well in jeans!haha..mei bot stuff too..myuk's pencil case..den went bugis street where we spent the bulk of the time!hmm..saw a veri pretty yellow top but din gt though it was onli 18 cox was lazy to gt a tube to go w it..haha..den was glad tt me bot a princessy top!a long one to go w denim pants!haha..nice!!i like!cox it looks good!meimei bot a halter one frm the same shp n with my ultimate bargaining skills managed to gt em at below 20 each..den mei bot a bag frm maryjane..quite nice as well! good..its so so nice to shp
we had dinner at ajitai..kuo meimei is the spokesperson of the restaurant..haha..i luf the setting..we shared n the bill cm up to onli 27!superb price great deal!food was so so onli but e ambience was dere!confided in meimei..n she did gif her two cents worth!feeling better after toking to her..she knew wad i want she suggested tt me shld go NIE first since its the most feasible alternative..she knew i hate to force myself to accept EY..she noes me jus too well!thanks meimei for ur sound advices!n yah shldnt care wad others sae..others' comment so lg as i noe wad im doing its good enuff..deres no nid to explain to anione bt my behavior..ive to ans to myself instead!u gtta tk care too yeah?yah we can both wrk twds our penthouse dream!!!haha
told daddy bt my decision..he was veri nice, more understanding den ma..nearly teared cos of his response..hes so supportive..'decide on ur own n tk the path which u tink is easier for u' tt's wad he said..i was super touched cox he din blame me for wasting his money for putting me thru a course which im no no interest in..he din complain abt it..thanks dad!!!im sorry for not decideing properly..mummy was complaining on the other hand n as usual said tt ive wasted their money..yah i agree but daddy stopped her frm nagging..sighh..its my fault for not making a wise choice not mking myself realise wad i really wan earlier..if not..sians..most prob i wld haf ended up in poly doing ma-comm/tourism/hotel mgmt n dis means i wldnt haf met all the frans vj no nbs..of cox no him/em as well..mb tt wld be betta?den me wldnt be affected for the past mths..dat means me wld haf been wrking rite now!alot of changes i wld haf said..mwis more mature i can assure..shes noes n shes veri sure of stuff which i aint..shes definitely strger than me!enjoyed ytd's session so blessed to haf so a sis! n least im starting to feel tt my future aint tt bleak afterall
its late..i shall wrk hard twds my goal..ive done it once, done it twice n im gg to do it again!!its my life n im gg to steer it fwd heading twds my goals..not gifing up on things n i noe at the back of my mind tt goal will nv be extinguished..its really not the end for imperfect joleen

i will survive eventually

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