Saturday, September 23, 2006


feeling tired din accomplish much..suppose to finish chapter 5 of 306..instead was so exhausted tt me slpt for 15hrs n now still feeling the ZZZZ monster coming
ytd's 304's test was sucky!sians study so much but result doesnt show!if onli my hand wasnt itchy to haf changed the ans i cun haf jus passed..urghh
oh yah thanks zhiwei for ur bdae treat at jack's place orchard!!its been a long time since ive eaten at jack's!!n hopefully the swensons dessert was good enuff too!haha..interesting to hear bt ur diving trips n experiences!!so cool!wait till mes free to organise a 02S44 gathering..haha
toking to lin online n she mentioned bt the photos which clarence had uploaded..yah n it really brought back fond memories!those days when we gathered at the delifrance at long ago tt the outlet has alr been replaced by the current asian kitchen..our xmas dinners followed by lord of the ring 1,2 n 3!still remembered von waking me up in the middle of the show cox me was so tired tt me jus dozed off!!haha..n best clarence was busy wishing us merry xmas when the clock striked 12!haha.. n the rest were lyk huh?haha..n celebrating darius' bdae last yr was at his hse n we had steamboat!haha..den me n von stayed over n watched a super crap shw w his bro funnie..those were the times..
clarence glad to haf read tt u r doing fine n busy settling down..n mus tk more pics of france k?UCL mus be so zai n post pics of ur room n sch k?i wanna see!!!haha
n darius!!u too! i wanna see pics of imperial college n oso pics of ur roomie..hopefully hes not gg to be a gay yah!!if not u cn jus arouse him n see wad he does!!!haha..all in all jus haf fun yah?
lin was saeing ive still gt time to consider..yah more of less its true..thanks ger for the little advices!thanksthanks!:)thanks frans for being supportive..the final decision means alot to me..thanksthanks..
mummy nv sae anything..i noe she wun be of much help..all alg since yg shes let us choose our path..when i was in p6 i knew veri well dat me had to excel ive always been in the best class my head is always held high!i mixed w the best peeps in sch..not exactly an elitist cox no matter hw good im im still not e best in class n in sch..jus cn sae im definitely no where below..i knew veri well dat my aim was dunman dream sch cox my cousins were dere n i knew tt if i were to enter tt sch my parents wld be extremely proud of the end i missed my 3 points..i failed:(
i din regret gg TKGS cos its a turing point for me..a change frm a meekly n soft spoken ger to one whu had to constantly speak up in w the class discipline n basicalli be a busy-body..ill now my pals still remember me as their chairman..haha..ive been lotsa frans even peeps whom i dunno noes of my existence!i was jus so so surprised when my one of my uni frans joy recog me when me dun even rem seeing her in my life in tk!waah..qiang!again i knew my is to get into VJC no matter wad..not even TJ cox i hate the i made myself study..started lyk half yr before hand n the sch lib becm my home!mugged till dusk bfore me headed home i rem..tink till the librarian noes me..yah n so me gt 4 points enuf for me to enter VJ n stayed..
it was den tt me started to fail my physics so i drpped first time in my life ive failed a subj one cld imagine the impact on me!of cos apart frm tt being the class rep again enabled my jc life to be extremely much so tt im still in contact w my jc pals!!im jus so happy!my tk my jc frans!i knew uni is the next phase of my life..other than tt it was cloudy..i aint sure wad to studi..i din noe my interest till now..i din!regretting big time..real big time!!was to do amend lorhs?
daddys really getting old..fell sick tink its gastric..hes always speakinbg so little but u noe he does care..i saw him real up close uve wrked hard..all ur sad to haf seen u aged..i wanna help i wanna contribute can i jus lyk stike a few million n u cn jus stay at home or go travelling n enjoy life w ma?it aint an easy yr for ya i guess..tik this the 3rd time this yr for u to haf fallen ill..u used to be getting worried:( ma too..both on medication..high blood n cholesterol..sighh
nows shes nagging again..complaining bt us..complaining tt children r a burden..complaining tt one shldnt gt married..the fuss..the illnesses which will follow when ones children grow up..etc. etc. seldom does she paint a good picture bt least all tt ive hearf were n r going to be negative ones..:boys no matter hw nice they r they haf an when they gt married they will chuck u aside, as bfs dey r good as husband u will see their true self etc. tec. sians..mb i do agree an extent..mb tts y i cn feel the impact on me..tink me sis too..on the other i cn sense her worries tt she wans us to find a bf soon or issit other wise?but all tt shes saeing pt to the former..dunno mb its jus typical mummy whu lyks to complain but its hafing an impact on us i can cfm!!so man or guys to us doent matter..
walked past prada n gucci stall at paragon ytd n thanks zw for reminding me bt my aim of hafing to upgrade myself!hopefully mes eligible enuf to walk in n sae i wan this n that!wah i wan!!den i can bring my mummy alg..n tt pair of diamond crusted heels!!woohoo!!dats damn nice lahs..but..hmm..dats so far away mans!
tmrs gg shopping w sis..going to dress nicely n wear my princessy heels!!tink ill gt blister!haha..but nvm!pretty can alr!haha..pengs cant stand myself oso but its onli when im in nice looking clothes tt will mk my day betta!
ill miss teaching my china kid..he did so so well for his prelims!im jus so proud of him!1st in class n 9th in standard n he gt 73 for eng!2 A* but missed by a mark to another A* for proud of him!he will do well i noe..jus 5 more sessions den ive gtta sae byebye..its good in a sense cox me will haf more time n nt travel all the wae to bedok n stuff but..sighh..parting aint sweet..renxing uve gt a bright future ahead of u!a bubbly n brillant kid u r..hope me din bore u to death yeah?will miss the days when u keep calling me lao shi lao shi..thanks for the memeries n experience n i wish u all the best for ur PSLE!u will excel n perform!a high flyer u r..hopefully u will rem me as ur first kou you lao shi..n hopefully im of help to u yah?thanks for everything boy..ill never forgt teaching u:) gtta take care n haf fun when u r bk in china after ur exams..go n eat the food which u missed lyk yang rou tang niu rou mian n ur fav. jiao zi etc..5 more sessions n dats all..
gtta gp slp alr..waking up to mug for 306!sians

may the power be w me..
waiting for the 6th of oct!shans!i miss u!!!cya den!!

being nice doesnt mean it mus be least its not necessary..

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