Sunday, February 04, 2007

12th feb!

12th feb will a day to remember for me!its gonna be exciting!fun!interesting!!yesh!!n mes gg to ensure dat mes gg to enjoy every moment of it!though its onli gg to b a 3 mins plus segment, im sure ill treasure those shortlived momentS!my hearts thumping..real hard..bloods so xciting!cnt wait for 12th feb..BUT!me aint prepared for it yt!!haven chosen the song to perform..but ive gt a trump card!haha..a super zai fran to duet w me!cool..aint sure wad we will b singing..feel lyk doing the latest duet by cao ge and zhuo wen xuan: liang shan bo yu juliet..dunno hw it will be like..haha..looking forwrd to the ktv session on thurs!sds fun..
a little apprehensive to ask him to acc. me for this annual hall's MOOD FOR LOVE competition cox me dunno him afterall..gtta noe him thru hall's choir during the caroling period went out w him n yl for a ktv session,plus a trip to the esplanade to support him at his SW CDC's choir concert..yah dats its a bit paiseh though..hopefully we will pull off a good performance!
yeah!tmr me shall go swim..its been 2 wks since my last swimming session..missing it!cool!:)
shan was at my hall last fri n guess we had fun watching shw..exchanging secrets??haha..n of cos our supper!( hey babe!mes hafing a terrible sorethroat mans!) almost cfmed tt we r gg for our free n easy hk trip frm the first week of july!cnt wait!n hopefully it will be well under 1K!!!we r the budget-ers!!haha..wondering hw much taiwans trip w mei n her frans will cost..hopefully within budget den me wld haf conquered both taiwan n hk in a 2 mths!haha
oh recently upped the pay for associates by 200 bucks so now it stds at 2400..hmm..bfore cpf gd hopefully me as a risk associate will be entitled as well!haha.. shall go slp n swim swim swim tmr!!!:)

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