Wednesday, February 14, 2007

jus another day..

today's 14th feb(wed),a special day but for me its the 22nd year which im spending alone..haha..cant believe im on earth for 21 yrs+ alr! doesnt feel 'normal', mb cox its meant to be different..yet for me it shld be the v-day gift? free day!no class today!i tink im jus so fortunate to b spending it in my room, finished watching 5 episodes of tokyo juliet, studied for my jap n TADA!time flies n its alr nearing 8pm!so this day is gonna end soon!cnt believe mes so lethargic tt me took 2 naps!yawning away now!haha

wanted to blog on mon, tues but din, mb aint inspired enuff to 'pen' down my thots..haha..

it was a great mon i felt..nt tt my perf was damn good, i thot i enjoyed the process quite well..cant explain y i felt tt way..mb its the company?i dunno..thot its nice of him to agree so my wish was fulfilled, thot it was tough cos he aint as slack as me..thanks alot fran!one whom me dun really noe but bothered to help:) thanks!

for the past 2 weeks, me din join huishan n khakis during lecture cox von gtta leave earlier n it aint nice to be sitting in front with her eating her lunch so we sat with him..situated right at the back n i mean really at the back!the last row!haha..its really nice to be conversing like normal..its really comforting!im happy tt we r good frans??:) yah let it stay tt way ya?:) thanks alot for being part of my memories in uni!thanks!thanks for the encouragements and i wish u n her well ya!

that day he msn-ed. well true enuff its cos he needed my PA report as ref.. din noe y but i was a little irked when i sae the msg..wanted to send my gt my lappie reformatted so all i cld sae was 'im sorrie, i aint of any help'. as for u, its in the past, far away tt me cnt exactly track which day it was.thanks aniwae gor!

hopefully nothing is gonna happen back at home..hopefully wad he said was true, just a CNY card..i cant stop u frm doing anithing more, but pls tell me wad i can do to help u move on in life?aiyos..not tt mes bothered by it or wad but i jus cnt understd y u cant move on?tink its hard..but this the 5th year dude!alas!dun u gt wad i mean?uve gt ur life n ive mine!i can jus quietly pray hard tt u can gif up n mv on lehs!oh pls dun drive me nuts hor:(

spoke to mum minutes ago n im glad me called home:) looking fwd to the reunion dinner on sat!with my aunt uncle cousin n hubby n nephew!!cool!its the first time hes cming to my hse!!im so excited!bet my family is!!esp daddy who has been real busy preparing n shopping for groceries at least 2 weeks bfore!my mummy??bot toys as a gift for him..haha..y?cos its his first visit so my mum said mus gif him a welcum gift!haha..sds duh right?but oh well!pengs so cute!!hw not to pamper him with lotsa n lotsa of luf n toys!!haha

guess me wun be blogging for the next few CLARENCE!if u r reading this entry..HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY!!!haha..our best LAOS buddy!!enjoy urself ya??i noe u will!cfm!!!haha..cnt wait for u peeps to be back!!n we wan gifts!! von n lin wan!!!haha
n to darius n zhenhao as well as clarence again!happy CNY!!!

gtta go read up my notes le..cant wait for this week to end n hopefully mei can cfm the ktv on fri!!cant wait!:)


cLaReNcE said...

Thanks a lot for your birthday wishes!!!

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