Friday, February 23, 2007

being shallow isnt a crime..issit?

finally the recess is here again!boo..after tt its 6 more weeks to exams n dere!end of semester and end of my uni life!dats really fast..not tt my current sem is super hectic like previous yrs but jus wanna its a jus 1/12 of my uni life left! will definitely start to miss everyone, the events, my commitments, my close frans. whom ive made during this period..etc. etc.. feels good to have good frans like daph graduating tgt with me!
daph!thanks for being dere for me when i needed ur advices, thoughts..ur presence really makes me feel much much better!thanks ger!
huishan is yet another close fran whom ive made..those times when u had to bear with my complaints, babblings etc etc.. will definitely miss those bitching sessions we had over the phone, in sch etc..haha..mus keep in contact ya?:)
of cos frans like mel,joey,kit,edmund,danny,zikai,alvin,delvin do play a crucial part during this period!i wanna thank u all n hugs too!

since its half a sem more me will enjoy it n leave the rest of my reflections till ltr:) okie..that will be cfm boring to my 'avid' blog readers i guess!haha

suppose to be studying jap now but my brains dead lahs!its sleeping time though i jus napped for an hour!wad to do?so exhausted..aim: slp early tonight n wake up earlyto mug bfore mtg shans for our light detoxifying lunch meetup!haha..hmm..okie..mes cfm gonna lose all the weight which i had gained over this festive session..swimming swimming n stop munching!back to the routine!

was updating huishan bt the recent events in my life..yah shld be 'events' i guess since i feel tt my life is jus normal..nothing real challenging or tough, unless u consider 11 hrs of sch per week, finding entertainment to spend the remaining time, pondering over the unnecessary, wondering y sthg happened/doesnt happen and dreaming over the impossible as TOUGH!haha
yah was telling her bt stuff n the conclusion(mb our conclusion:P): im shallow!told hs tt me was browsing thru one of our fran's friendster photos n wah! her new bf is cfm a good looker!not tt her previous one was bad or average..its jus tt her current one was even better looking than the previous whose alr very good looking(am i making sense here?'s like wow!is it in the name of jealousy?or is it jus admiration for my fran?shld be a mix bah..haha..oh well, she herself is a hottie, a pretty lass!so its pretty babe n cute hunk!where to find such a combi?cfm difficult right?haha.too bad hs cun access her site else we will be gossiping bt it alr n mb shld rope in joey as well!haha:) me really pale in comparison to her mb dats y me aint entitled to such 'good fortune'!oopps!

so it boils down to looks?hmm..i guess so bah..character, personality, communication count but c'mon lahs bfore u getta noe the person better its looks first right?get wad i mean?haha..okie i can 'hear', 'sense', 'feel' some violent objections cming my way!haha..ya can stop reading now ahs..haha..if this isnt so, den why pple bother to try to noe another via friendster?dun tell me thru friendster u will be able to noe the person better..hey its the photos lors!u tink pple will b so free to browse n b bothered to check who n who out n leave a msg asking for a meetup?oh please!dun cm n bluff ur way thru lahs..den wad bt those pple whu approach another on the streets, the train n try to ask for numbers n attempt to start a ones so free im telling u!no one!n dey have agendas!

even in sch dere r weirdos(not pinpointing anione i stress). those whu dun gt wad ya mean n keep cming back at u..those whu try hard to impress but jus simply aint impressive at all, those whu try to attract attention but ended up being a turnoff!loads n loads more..puff!

mums worried, frans r curious. when worries n curiosity start to fade away deres no onger any excitement in waiting for any news, updates..mb the next thing i will face will be matchmking sessions!haha..

remember e other time me n hs went to the wrg tut class for our 311 module?dat mus realli b sthg to remember!not tt anithing happened during the class or wad..guess both of us took notice of the 'gang' of not to when dey move ard in grp of 5?4? how not too when at least 2 of them r prominent, tall n walk with 'an air'!hmm..dats my feeling..n how not to when me told hs tt one of them looks cute..haha..for 2 fris as we were walking to class frm can a we 'met' em on the way..n yea!dey recognised paiseh lahs..MIA for so mani at least 3 sessions being seeing us again..n yah its not surprising for em to fig out dat weve either dereg frm the class or went to the wrg room..guess the former is likely possible..else it will be super embarrassing!haha..
n today, me n hs 'met' em on the way again..hmm..not on purpose i mus swear!wad to do when our tut timings r the same..we concluded dat todays dere presentation with em clad in white long sleeve shirts n jeans..untucked..looks sloppy i tink m another in a pink one..hmm..we were cfm intimidated when dey walked behind us, overtook us n tries to attract attention by speaking so loudly..hmm..hey!dere were onli me n hs earli in the morn nid to purposely act cool right?or shld i sae beng-ish?dunno y we quickened our pace as we headed to the flight of stairs at the nanyang audi..asked hs y we did dat..haha..n we admitted tt we were pressured to do so..weird feeling but frm a ger's instinct dey r trying to attract our sttention cfm!but for wad?crazi ahs?tink dey r jus bo liao..haha..hopefully wun c em on the way again when we have our next no shuai ge to bio alr..haha..besides the pt!

yawns..tink im all prepared to climb onto my bed now after chucking wads in my mind here! todays facial was not bad other than me having to 'dig' for my contacts which went out of place during the massage!haha

looking foward to mtg shan tmr n wearing my sweet pretty little match ger top tmr!!haha..yeah!n its gg to be another phototaking session!

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