Saturday, February 24, 2007

7 weeks later

its gonna be 7 weeks later bfore me and shan can meet up again:( so sad..n 7 weeks later will be my exam week!yah mid april..sighh..haha..

todays the chingay parade so instead of our usual meetup in town, shan suggested vivocity..a bit relunctant at first but in the end thot its not a bad idea to go somewhere further away frm the turned out not bad:) waited for dearest shan for almost an hour haha..bfore we even started shopping mes alr tired frm walking into and out of espirit, topshop, pull n bear etc..din noe u f hafing diarrhoea poor thing hopefully will recover soon
had our super light lunch at marche(for shan its brekkie), the view was nice, good thing we sat beside the window..however, there were some food which werent available e.g. hot crepes!wah pengs and some we had a fulfilling mushroom soup plus bread n plain crepes w ice cream..quite full after dat considering dat i had my brekkie..
felt depressed when me lost one side of my beloved clip on earrings..urghh!cant remember where i lost it n me mus realli admit dat mes DEPRESSED over its lost!not onli cos its expensive ..its also my first pair of earrings..:9 okie me shall go bugis n try to gt a replacement next week:) hopefully will haf! shan bot a shirt n a denim skirt frm that for me, i got myself a mini denim frm pull and bear..haha..35..was indecisive but thot that its gonna be my last shopping session n the next will be after the exams!so jus whacked and bot it!haha..wanted to gt the brown one but shan said its hard to match w tops...furthermore, me have 2 browns ones so happy with my buy n its a birthday gift for myself yea?phew, mummy nv nag at me when i showed it to her jus now..was worried dat she will sae tt its SO SHORT!yah i mus agree tt its short..but hafing compared with the other pair its of the same length..haha..oh well jus gtta be careful n alot careful..aiyas!im jus so happy with this buy!shall post a pic of it soon:):):) it sort of lifted up my mood a little after dat..
its real amazzing dat we walked for 3 hrs on our heels n i din even realised it! den it was alr 6 odd..haha..leg breaking exercise cfm!so we went to chill at a coffee bar..arghh..forgt wads the name alr!sheesh..real short term memory:( so nice to have slacked dere as usual..felt so slack so slack..oh yah n thanks SHAN for treating me to the coffee n the blueberry cheesecake!thanks babe!
so ive decide to go taiwan with shan since we r so tempted by the hana kimi show! dere goes our hk trip..its good in a way as mes wun nid to sav up for 2 trips..haha..mums nagging tt we shld go on a tour..she jus doesnt geddit!n threatened dat me cnt go..aiyos how to persuade her lehs?but shans mum allows her to do unfulfilling to go on a tour lahs..go visit the memorial hall?go to the zoo?go n visit museum?wad kaos dats not our aim lahs..we wanna go shop eat walk!dun realli wan to go sightseeing lehs..sians
great!mes gg to bed now!time check 10.55pm n waking up early again to mug for jap tmr, tuition n den mug again!:) good can rest!

received the moe letter reg the postphonement of it really seems like me mus start drafting a rejection letter!wad the crap me gt myself into!go mess with moe n hafta spend time clearing up this shit!brought it upon myself..anione care to help?haha

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