Tuesday, December 05, 2006

cool timetable!

phew..luckily we managed to gt the slot we wan for the module!!haha..so it went as planned..will be in the same 311 class as huishan, kj iris, joey!cool!!hopefully cn be in the same proj grp but shant be greedy yah?mels tking the mon slot so diff frm us..hmm..luckily still haf lect so cn still see one another?

ytd went kruishin bo w kj joey n iris..haha..not bad not bad..went shpping n went orchard..this yrs lightings not as pretty..i prefer hafing a white xmas!!!haha..

had a relaxed swim ytd morn!shall go w mei tmr again!!haha..cool damn earli so the suns not a prob!!mes gg to swim regularly now!!n its blading next wed cfm!!:)

gg to DT's cocktail reception tmr .iris kj r gg DT..hs most prob EY..me?waiting still..haha..no hope?mb..nvm if dun haf ive MOE..:) nt bad oso:)
me n shan gg for wallet shop intervv tmr..hopefully cn gt the parttime job n ill wrk my free days..yah we r gg to save up..hopefully cn save enuf for grad trip..if ive enuff shall join kj iris n joey on the europe trip..backpacking in europe!so me n shan r gg to wrk..for me dres another!!taiwan trip so ard 3.5k?so my aim??earn 3.5k!!!a bit hard but wad to do?slave drive myself!!!haha..

cool..todays gonna be a fun fun day!!mtg yanshan in 65 mins time!n im still at home haven prep yt!!oh no!!gonna be late..but im happy cox im 'prettily' clad?haha..second time at vivo!haha..shan cnt wait to c u!!haha:) cheers

nice weather..good mood..beautiful day!!enjoying my life as it is!!!onli hope dat mum wun nag so often..haha:)

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