Wednesday, June 14, 2006


everyone lives and when we live, we spin our own stories
stories which reflect happiness, pleasing, memorable moments that we yearn to keep
stories which involve anger
stories which are repetitive and
stories which are painful, which hurt..we wish we can forget

weaving my story daily..every single moment..every single second..
every step i take it's part of my story
every passed second equates to one second less in my life
one less entry in my life

thy story is inspirational
im touched
nv expect the ending which seems to be nv ending
living hell i guess
looking back is nice
looking back brings memories
looking back is sweet
looking back brings pain
it is this pain that mkes us wanna suffer
suffer quietly n wlllingly
this pain which we refuse to admit to regret

reality rules the past
wads past cant be relived
wads past cant be w us animore
wads done cnt be undone
living in wads done, living in memories wards off reality
however, reality still reigns

choosing to turn back against this past is difficult
its tedious
it seems impossible
wanna let the past go but the past doesnt wanna us go
does it mean when its gone..its really gone?
gone with the wind?

its a choice remember!
its a difficult choice

we r the scripwriters
we r our playwrights
we r one another story writers
most importantly, u r my novel writer

my novel writer who crafted the bulk of my story
my novel writer who impacted me the most
my novel writer who took me so far
my novel writer who formed my smiles, my cries, my hate, my love
my novel writer who becomes jus another normal companion
the novel writer who gradually fades away from being my novel writer
not wishing u to be part of my novel writer again
u hafta go craft someone's story..
u contribution to my story had ceased and shld ceased
i thank u sincerely for being a contributor
i thank u for those moments

if ya r reading fran, this entry is urs
gtta noe a little better
hafing a habit to worry for frans
hoping everyday is a new dae for all of us

my frans u hafta be happy
my frans rem, stories once written r hard to erase
every step we tk, every thing we do etches our story

my story, ur story, our story

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