Thursday, June 22, 2006

love is not simply jus MCQ

my lappie is gifing me problems!hopefully me cn finiah this entry bfore any tricks occur again!sighh

'love is not simply jus MCQ'
'i will use my life to protect u forever'

these r the two phrases which ive picked up frm the channel u shw this evening..a taiwanese shw i guess..there were childhood frans n de guy promised the gal dat he will be her prince william sweet!

in real life nothing lyk this will happen..n i really MEAN NO ONE!dats y watching such dramas is jus so lame..for pple lyk me whu r so free yeah?so wad?i tink dey r so romantic..nvm im a dreamer..full of u noe wads up w my nick?princess?yah its an imagination..noeing i cnt be a princess..never!

ill gt a makeover dis cming hall's dnd!yah dat means i mus scrimp n save for jus dat night..dat few hrs!but its all in the name of FUN!yah..a nice hairdo a cool mkup a beautiful dress and ill tk loads of photos!haha..feels lyk prom!its gonna feel so real since im in my fianl yr..uni no prom so dnd will be the substitute

my mum is so weird..was telling her that my senior manager is veri nice n she immediately asked if its a HE/SHE!OLD/YOUNG!haha..mummy..oh my!wad r u tinking bt?its a HE!hes in his early 30s n nice..n dats all!oh pls..mummy u n ur funny thots!its nt the first time shes asking hw yg or mummy ahs..

i always feel blessed cox i believe im surrounded by many nice n helpful pple..definition of nice?i dunno..ive a high threshold for alot of things..or shld i sae ive a high tolerance level..if i sae i dun lyk u den most likely u r a gonner!dats it!i seldom hate a person..i dun..its better to haf another fran den an additional easily satislfied..easily pleased and contented ger mb dats y i feel rather depressed when me dun gt appreciated or sth. i dunno..i live by this motto: u gt treated the wae u treat others

was reading a fran's blog. such a co-incidence..the latest one was bt love as well..haha..he blogged bt gers behaving similarly as guys..esp when it cmes to luf..being sweet to their ex n their future steads..doing the sm n saing the sm sweet things to their past n future beaus..haha..i agree n me dun deny dat ive frans whu r lyk this..hes one i guess

as for me?me can haf frans whu r lyk this but this is their private life ive no rights to interfere n mes nt so nosey to want to be involved..its a personal preference to haf multi-bfs/gfs?sometimes i believe its jus fate..yah tricked n fooled by fate

i choose not to follow the crowd..i noe wad i vision is mind is conscious..i noe wads right wads wrong..i noe wad cn work out n wad cant..i dun wanna waste time n waste others time..i dunno if these attitudes r correct but again i choose to live by these
guess its becox i hate to be led by the nose be it at wrk, in sch or wadsoever..being a leader for close to 7 yrs..i cnt help but wanna go against everything im uncomfortable with..of cox me noe my limits..
mb these had caused hurt to some..wad i can see is 'sorry'
lyk ive mentioned dun ask me y i noe..i jus tink its impossible n pls dun try to mk me hurt u deeper by repeating picky?ive stoned?im cold?wad ever u sae..

nv in love..only crashes..dunno wads this four letter wrd is about..guess its a candy in disguise..basing on hw u choose to chew this candy can turn into a caramel can result into a dark chocolate or even jus a white chocolate

my 'prince' will gt all my attention i care my concern..tink its bt gifing my best putting in my heart my soul..likened to my attitude in other arenas me noe my sturbborness, my determination may not gt me anywhere

waiting is the word for now..chances n opportunities

hating my sensual self

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