Tuesday, May 02, 2006

jewel in the palace

planned to devote part of this entry to 'jewel in the palace'!
ive jus finished most of the episodes..cox still missed by a few..gtta finish em tmr afternn since mes gg to slack at home!!:):)

toking bt jewel...her spirit is definitely so admirable!dere r parts where its filled with sorrow, some with happiness, some with hatred, some filled with sweetness::) changjin's determination, perserverence, innocence, her willingless to sacrifice her life etc really set me thinking! compared to her im nothing!she lyk my idol!tink its a veri successful serial..it made me wanna weep with her, feel with her, hate with her, share her happiness with her..wow!emotional?yah tink maybe:P i lyk the ending..i lyk the ending cox changjin ended up marrying the guy she loves, one whu stood by her whenever she needed someone, someone whu truly understds want she needs, someone whu truly loves her, someone whus willing to sacrifice his top official post jus to start afresh with her..how sweet!

sometimes i do dream..dream of the special someone:P haha..toking bt dreams..was reading darius' blog bt dreams!hey darius, sometimes dreaming is good sia..but dun dream too much yeah?mus gt enuff rest!haha..
(oh no!feel lyk rewatching jewel again!haha)

yeah felix jioing ktv again!hopefully its gg to be this week!thurs?fri?
thurs morn gonna blade!dats if she recovers frm her flu!poor gal fell sick before her last paper which is tmr..sighh..my youngest sis oso..so unfortunate..me musnt fall ill ahs..gtta go slog 24/7 for the next 8 weeks!for PA for $ for my future..it can be considered my stepping stone for now..of cox me hope i can gt sth better!sth which i enjoy doing..sth which is closer to my dream..

im a dreamer..im too imaginative..sometimes its a disadvantage..it can be impractical..but everyone has his dreams..its a fairytale its when u wun gt hurt..its beautiful..even if its a bad one its temporary its fictitious..fallin into lala land..

he asked hws me n him..ive nv thot bt this qns for a lg time..suddenly i dunno hw to ans..yeah..hes busy i guess..hes so far yet those memories simply jus surfaced again..i din wan to..im sorry..its hard to thoroughly forget..im halfway dere..i wun forget..i choose to treasure wad i had..yah to treasure..sighh..i tink its part n parcel of growing up:P no choice lifes hard..im not as fortunate as changjin i guess..n in reality that kinda man wun appear..cfm dun haf!!haha

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