Friday, May 12, 2006

first day at keppel tower

yesterday was the first day we tax interns were at keppel tower located near tg pagar order to create a 'good' impression me wore my long sleeves as usual but ended up perspiring like mad when i finally reached the train station!DAMN!!urghh!wad made me worse was that the train was so so packed that there wasnt aeven an inch for me to step into the carriage!(kah hon, me noe wad u will be thinking!!yahyah..haha)that caused me to be late n all of us had to speed walk lyk mad to keppel!

ey's office at keppel twr is much pleasant lking or shld i sae furnished compared to the ocean's bldg..overall not too bad..n we gt treated to lunch at one of the restaurants at craig rd by the partner!wah we din gt this treatment when we were at the audit department..but afterdat, the 'bomb' computation..sigh..wondering hw different GST works..i chose GsT over corporate TAx cox me wanna try new things since ive done personal income tax at IRAs, studied corp tax so me always yearning to be different chose GST instead. there r only me n another SMU guy in least i aint alone yah?haha..shall see how when mon starts..mon will be another day of trging den its really dwn to the meantime me shall enjoy this lg week end n do my tax computation!haha..

ytd wanted to go kbox w sis n her frans in the end it turned out to be so ex cox its public hols day eve!wah the end went to watch poisedon!!haha..the shw started at 720pm n we decided to watch n bought tixs at 730pm by the time we went in after collecting my popcorn we were alr late n the shw started..haha..but luck was on our side!haha..minutes into the shw sth cropped up n they restarted the shw frm the beginning!!haha..if we werent lucky den wads this called? was sth lyk perfect storm n i wanted to resurrect that moments when i watched it henceafter reading the reviews n the movie followups in the papers decided that me mus watch POISEDON! will be da vinco code!i wanna go to the lidos theatre!!i lyk the popcorn there betta!!haha

okie..running late..shall continue with dis post again

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