Tuesday, November 01, 2005

so bored..

so bored by the amt of readings ive to digest!
read thru sets of them this morn..wow..aft reading was suppose to summarise n map em out but was so strained mentally dat i jus read n read..today mus finish these 2 modules so me cn start w the papers tme..shall do the mapping chap n by chap..given the time cinstrain tink i cn jus do a guide for the linkages n the references for use in the exams..luckily 3 out of 4 r open bk exams!but still needa understd wad..!

jus gt so sick dat ive to mug thru more readings for info systems so decided to cm online..but it seems dat everyonr is busy mugging so nt toking to anione one msn..msn has becm a must since hall days..haha..

jus checked my ntu mail n saw a mail frm my prof for taxation..haha..lifted my spirit a little!y?cox the title read:76 for AA305 quiz 3 keep up the good work!
haha..okay lorhs..i did wrk quite a bit so..yah..mus kampate!

so sian so sian...guess wad playing pinball on my lappie..

sighh..thot cn enjoy ct chalet but may haf caroling at jp on the 20th n 21st..shit lahx..but gd in the sense that at least we din haf too few places to carol this yr else will relect damn badly on us as cultural secretaries..urghh but i dun wanna forgo my break n gathering w my ct pals!tink gtta travel to n fro..see hw ,,yt to cfm..

problems problems problems..

act.dey sae when we blog we mus be prepared dat watever we blogged will be divulged..will be widely read..its nt a palce for private entry..yah..i agree..my blog is accessible to my frans n their frans whom i may or may nt noe..act. dun really lyk the idea of having links dats y my blog doesnt provide links to aniones..on the other hand me dunno hw to link..haha..comp idiot can?haha..

though i noe my 'secrets' will be read..i din really try to hide any specific stuff..being a straight fwd gal..n one w big ego..haha..those who noe me since dunno when will realise dis..haha..my feelings are evident..dere r things which wld luf to blog but i jus cnt cox yah..so ive another 'hard copy'..yah..wad deters me frm blogging some 'sensitive' issues is the fact that huishan act. told me dat me seniors act. went to serch for my blog cox someone cm across it n read sth bt him..yah..so im so super wary..

toking bt him..yah HIM..'deres nothing called bro n sis r'ship'..charmaine told me this..
maybe its true..i dun care alr..keep jumping in n out of this shithole is jus so exhausting..so nt gg to care animore..a part of me is inclined to him..y treat him so nice? on wad basis?no basis other den b n s rship which supposedly doesnt exist..

side note: tink i treat my frans fairly well so y dis discrapancy?i mean nt nw but den..wadever..if ya tink mes nt treating ya well tink u mus be super irritating..my threshold for irritatance is relatively high!haha..

dunno hw to repond to the current situation..usually guys r nt so persistant but..
shld i gif him a chance..he msged me again..i dunno..din reply cos ive really gt no time n if i do will i meet up w him?i mean dun even noe him,..hes a stranger whom i met on THAT train on THAT day..its jus so ridiculous..

maybe its cox of him..i shant continue else im jus propelling meself bk to the past..the memories which i wished i did not have..truthfully ive nv been dat comfortable w sm one bfor esp twds a guy..i mean cn tok n go out one on one..usually go out in grps lyk ctc..ill feel weird w a guy aln..no topic wads..mb hes *** dats y..n mb dats the reason for my inclination..no lahs shall stop all dese nonsense!

sometimes feel lonely haha..act. not really...mb its jus cox of the current situation of 'danger' dats y mb i tink i nid smone to provide me w the security..haha..a bodyguard in other wrds..

kudos to charmaine dat dae for sending me hm..n bothered to 'pick' me up frm hm to studi at macs..thanks thanks!
charmaine,if ya r reading dis i mus tell ya dat its really weird cos yah..i tink u noe wad i wanna sae..its a guy thing n ya r jus lyk my other gal frans frm my py of view..but u r jus special..since ive said so much i tink im nt afraid to sae dat i used to tok behind my seniors bk when i noe dey r lyk u..hope u r nt hurt by this sentence..i seriously apologise to u if i did..i mean its my true feeling..i duuno wad others may sae when we do go out tgt smtimes..gtta admit dat i wasnt comfy at first but nw who cares man!u r my fran n wad dey tink dont matter..i wanna sae a BIG BIG THANK YOU for ya constant support and advices..THANK YOU!glad to noe ya..lyk wad ive told ya..u r so interesting..haha..

tink tis is a super long entry which ill end here..gtta go bk to mug..problems will always be dere..its hw we cope hw we forgt hw we choose to handle hw we ignore..

as for me?ive yet to find out..nw its jus exams!
i WAN MY As!but will be more than satisfied if i cn gt all Bs..

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