Friday, November 25, 2005

a new look a new me?

jus gt my hair cut n nw its nt waist long but its shoulder length..suddenly i feel lighter..but i MISS MY LONG lg lg hair..

din actually expect dat it will be shoulder length..haha..jus went into the uaual salon n tk out a mag wif jappie weds den me jus lked at the pics n pted..the auntie saed..try lahs..quite nice..den she started trimming..cutting..thinning..n tada!a shoulder length cropped sis commented:so short..!haha..

ive lg hair for lyk 4 yrs so its time for i jus let auntie cut lorhs..she saed if i were to highlight will be considering..wait till i gt my next tuition fees:) haha..

i tink i lyk fresher..but peeps dun laugh at me kaex?i tink its nt bad..n me mum- a supporter for shorter hair, liked it a lot..saed i lyk yger..haha..asking me y i din cut lyk dis i wan ear holes..haha..lyk mes asking alot..

i miss my long isnt it?
but my hair will grow..bk to the usual length..jus a few mths..but nvm its a new look..a newer me..

zhiyu is gg to us for exchange.. hes gg holland for wondering y im nt gg anywhere for tinking of gg smu during sem 1 of yr 3..shall kiv this idea!

i was a bit shocked when he sad hes gg there for an exchange on the 22nd jan..i jus dunno hw to react over msn when he told me that..but i jus cool-ly asked when hes leaving..yah..dunno usual..asking me to go find a bf..tink so easy to find meh?jus anwhw pick ah?c'mon..mus haf sm std..

dis is wad mel said:'a bf mus be one whom u will be proud to go out with n to be seen with' makes sense in a way..a bf should b one whom u r comfy toking w, enjoy act. w, can be trusted, n will feel gd when u r w him..n of cox proud to intro to n be seen by frans:)
haha..alas!influenced by mel!melmel!u see lahs..

but its true i feel..but i realli dun lyk it when he asks me to go find one..hellos!u r despo to haf a gf but im nt eager to gt a bf!of cox i wun mind hafing one who cn care for me n do things tgt..its fated lahs..

tink god has been kind to me but the boys r so funnie..not sch/hall peeps but strangers..a scardy cat i mus sae will be damn afraid to go out w peeps whom i dunno!so even if dey mean no jus lyk letting em by one..

hall peeps r nice..lyk my uncle..hes so encouraging n funnie..thanks UNCLE!haha..hes nt exactly dat old freshie sm more...a yr older onli..but hes my uncle..u always make me laugh..n thanks for the praises!haha..trying to mk me happy onli..
den deres another fran zg..quite funnie oso..he bikes n offers to chauffeur me ard..but NOPES..i dun tk bikes..sorry..dangerous me mummy will KILL me if i were to ride on one!if nothing happens its okie..if really so unlucky dat i were to meet wif an accident..den im cfm A GONER!!thanks zg ..
these 2 boys r so cute..though dey r 1/2 yrs older dey act as if dey r my age..haha..dey will call me gongzhu/princess cox dey noe ill feel good! funnie..always play alg wif me..thanks dudes

den another hes jere for short..hes me n daphs khaki..act. tink hes closer to daph..den he said ytd during msn dat hes nt close to ani gals in hall other than us..i tk it as okie lorhs..a helpful pal whose always ard to help us..haha..a but pyschotic..lyks exotic animals lyk frogs..eekss..oh pls!haha..other den dat ok lahs..

dere r gal pals ard oso of cox..but none as close as vonnie,shanx tingx charms n linnie nt forgtting zhiyu n winnie!dey r my 'PRECIOUS' frans..yah..uni frans r mostly hi-bye..its true..i jus wanna sae thanks to huishan n melissa for making my uni life easier!great to haf known u peeps lyk kit edmind liying joey danny..n freshies too!

dere r other peeps ard whu r nice..wads nice?for me..i regard everyone as nice!as in yah..if ya r okie w me im okie w u..i tink im friendly enuf n if ya r nt happy w me den me haf nothing more to sae..

its amazing dat i do haf a gal fran frm hall whom i cn consider my gd fran..again hw gd is gd?at least to encourage n being there for me:)heys!u nv tell me ya r in dnd's bix subcom!

so my life is currently revolving ard gals heys where to find bf?dun ask me to gt a bf can..i believe if it cmes it will no use finding..if it doesnt den doesnt lorhs..i dun mind staying i mind?yah i dun mind!most of my gdy pals r still single wads..nvm ritex?let me be the pres of singles' club!haha..

shall highlight my hair next next week bfore xmas!den councilors u peeps cn see!haha..mus wait till i gt my pay first..its gonna cost much!haha

a new look, a new joleen, a new princess n a new me?

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