Saturday, November 19, 2005

its been a long time..

its been long time since i cn slack this much n sleep up to 12 nice..

mes waiting for my frans to finish their exams so we cn go out n play!

tink im gg to get hell frm the jcrc peeps..cos mes act. looking for jobs which im nt suppose to..but the thing is i need sm cash to tide me off w the hostel increment of 400 is no joke..luckily hafing tuition and my hall fran roped me in for a job onli during the weekends till xmas..heehee..tink its gonna be fun cox we r all hall peeps so at least will be hafing tgt..but hafta see wad im gg to wear for the job..see hw lahs..

wanna go ktv n hope me cn haf a session next week..mes learning sgs nw..haha..
once their exams start mes gg bk to hall again...
a bit sians..maybe yr 3 will mv out le..depends bah... wait to meet up wif yanshanx tingx n charms..ct councillors!our chalet!wows! fun so fun n our xmas dinner!haha..den other buddies like zhiyu charmaine..oh ya suppose to org a sec 2 outing?haha...forgt bt it..peeps like cheowlu n lynn..

lking at my wonder me mum is gtting worried bt my social life..y all gals?haha..shes worried y n i tink its quite ridiculous of her to do so..all alg in gals sch except in jc n im nt considered close to any guys so yah lahs..of cox my companions r girls lahs..for a while she was worried dat i go out w guys den nw shes even more worried dat im gg ouyt wif funni!haha..tink she asked more bt whu r the gals than when i sae im gg out w guy..haha..

mummy..dun worry noe wad me cn/cant do..n im nt dere yet..relax.. worries!

to pals still hafing exams!continue to mug hard n all will be over sn!
to those whu r free lyk me cn try to jio me out..haha..cox frans r hafing exams so..sians...haha...

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