Sunday, July 31, 2005


was so glad last thurs that i rented a veri princessy and victorian like gown for my hall's dnd this cming sat!
din noe dat my freshies r so enthu to go rent on wed when dey were act. suppose to do fund raising!!yah!its FUND RAISING!
will definitely take lotsa pics on sat!haha
its a dream come true..

ive come to realise that my blog is no longer a safe place to enter my personal life!to b more specific...those emotional crap which i had just gone through..
FRANS!dont worry im doing better nw!heehee..since sch has started im busy wif wk n hall life!so happy nw! frans new sem new hunks?haha... gg to do tut alr!lalala...

everything will be fine one day..
believe ill find my happiness soon...haha

take care peeps!
love u lots!

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