Friday, April 13, 2007

socialising blues

starting to gt worried..yes..hafing serious socialising blues..mum n sis have their is a 'party' an when dey like it dey will go pubbing etc..for them its their 'fun' culture? even when i clarified with em ytd..the senior assoc din deny..n the upcoming welcome party will be held at some club oso..oh mans..acc. to daphs fran..he said tt the partners n managers will drown the gers with drinks..n one of his guyfrans gerfran actually called him to go pick her up as shes gg to be drunk..alas..its true tt i can resist drinking n insist on taking non-alcoholic or those w lower alcoholic content? lime sds okie but me aint lime will gt drunk too..hey even rum n raisin icecream alr cmi...sigh..caught in bet. yah true gtta protect myself..wad dey sae all make sense..n me has gt common sense too!all the news reports on rape cases n stuff..hw not to gt worried?mb im tinking too much..but in reality these do happen..even daph told me to be careful ytd esp in kpmg..alas! i like to socialising but it definitely comes with a heavy price to pay!

jus cm bk frm a mugging n revision session from parkway least was at coffeebean!n nw im so full after the mudpie, the pita sandwich n my reg vanilla mocha iceblended!full like puking right now..feeling real guilty n SINFUL!but wad to do..craved for quite sometime n me aint quite satisfied w the sandwich which cm in a small yah went ahead w the mudpie..shall go swim on mon if dats possible bfore me n mei go out to mug..cnt wait to slim down..if a slimming company nids an endorser ill volunteer gladly!haha..fat hope mans!haha..unless me start my own den ill be my own endorser!haha
realised 814 really has a lot to memorise..all the techniques n stuff..wah..was reading thru the past yrs qns jus now..sort of gt a sense of wads yah jus gg to focus n depend on my photographic memory alr!GOB MUS BLESS ME!n me mus be done by sun for 814!

okie jus printed the exam case study..n thanks mei for letting me use the printer yah..thanksthanks!shall go nap bathe n start at 8+ gtta finish everything by tmr bfore mtg hs kj n joey on can revise my ge..its gg to be fast n furious!really!

yeah!fri gg meet hs to pay up for e remaining of our trip!gd least no nid to go alone..quite afraid of gg chinatwn cos alot of old men dere n me dun realli now the way ard people's park..was quite turned off by the massage parlours when me n yanshan went during the CNY period!so thanks hs!!:)

had my jap oral was really super fast lahs..even i was stunned when she said arigatou gozaimashita after asking me like a few qns..the period was rapis however, i think me did make a few mistakes..haha..wadever, its over so forget it!but i like my sensei:) shall gt at least a B+ so tt her hard wrk wun go to waste n of cos a gd grade will do justice to myself as well for being consistent?haha..

quite glad this weeks over, cos dat means im done with 814 pres n 311 pres..felt weird pres alone this morn..dunno y...haha..but hoped me din flop the pres right?since dr chan din pose any mind boggling qns means he understd wad i said! gd so it realli pays well to be prepared:) phew!so pres r over!was telling kj n hs dat i thot these were my last presentations...on second thots!IM WRONG!cos for my work ive gtta constantly do presentations to managers, directors, clients..different audience bases..okie..mes hafing jitters..i mean all my life ive onli presented to peers, teachers etc..but now?oh mans!thinking a bit far but its really gg to be coming true! okie im gg to pyscho myself..its part n parcel of my work..i chose this path..i knew it frm the can jus go to tax n audit which have fewer nid to do such 'public' pres...but yt i decided on i chose it i shldnt regret n by right i shldnt be complaining!but wad to do..this is my blog..ive onli gt here to complain n 'pen' down how im feeling..communication with mei n mum wun help cos dey wun understd..jus like when i told em excitedly bt the socialising ytd..they had their fair share of comments..fair cos wad they sae aint wrg but its oso cos of those comments which caused me to be grappling with fear with regards to the company..

quite happy tt our cesim game gt 8/10..heehee:) yah wanna realli thank kj n hs for their hard wrk analysing the strategies n stuff!!!owe u two a big one for my this gd grade!!thanksthanks!! n mes wuite satisfied with my 10% quiz result..too bad mes so blur to haf missed out the last qns..if me cld haf scored at least a % more!aiyas..guess its alright?n hey prof no nid to write dat big on my paper to tell me tt me missed out the last qns right??haha..but thanks for the full grad for th 5 forces!!haha..first time in my uni life ive gtta a 'gd' as a comment!!haha..felt great!!hmm..jus gtta do well for my exam to secure another b:) n hopefully for 814 can gt a b as well!so me cn maintain my b grade

tink its quite impossible to gt a 2nd upper cos majority bs..sians..dat means my pay will remain at 2.4k..for kp dey r paying 2nd upper 2.6 n 1st class 2.8!wah kaos..wun haf my share this time rd:) oh well me aint always lucky lah huh? hmm..quite glad tt me will haf opp to travel overseas for job assignments..daph said tt for audit it will be at least 2 yrs for them to be sent overseas on a job...realli looking fwd..sds challenging!who ask me to like travelling?haha

quite happy for a moment..quite surprised to see them again..yah the gang again..n i bet hs did realise their presence in the can b after our 311 class oso..haha..hw small can the canteen be when it wasnt even crowded n they had to sit at the table behind ours..tink dey were surprised too..cfmed..okie..since its the last day of sch..its quite a nice little surprise..gtta c my yr 3 sem 3's eye candy:) here u r reading the blog of a guy crazi fran!haha..but seriously speaking he cfm fits the bill i tink..oh well..hey JOLEEN!EYE CANDY REM!!yah n so me sint gg to see them or him wonder partner always saes dat me cnt b a lesbian cos im always so super duper boy crazy!haha..whey!wads wrg to be boycrazi? cos he has gt the std dats y mah..okie shant go on else it will be nv-ending!haha..cnt wait for exams to b over n gossip bt them with hs!haha..tink ill jus bore hs to death!haha

hmmm..kj saes my entries r always so long..trutrue..but everytime me always feel good after blogging:) realli..cos its a way of putting wads embedded within me if ya peeps feel tt they aint interesting..go ahead n skip paras!haha..dats wad my mei does!haha..

its a way for me to express myself..n shall owarimasu now!!haha..cnt wait to practise the 7 jap papers..look omoshiroi desu..haha..

nihon ngo nga dai tai suki desu demo he ta desu. sensei, arigatou gozaimasu. good luck to my tomodachi for rai shuu to sa rai shuu no shi ken! mata rai shuu no sui you bi! sayonnara!


Anonymous said...

haha. yes i noticed their presence. n they were so super duper irritating can. after u left for oral n kj went to buy food, they left the canteen shortly. think they knew tt we were studying for jap n dunno which idiot said "oishii wa" as they walked past me. I pretended not to hear. he said it wrgly still dare to say so loudly. not oishii WA lor. zzz..

joleen said... it..they are cfm attracting attention lehs..everytime walk ard in a 'troupe'..haha..hard to not notice oso..