Monday, February 26, 2007


was queuing at bank counter this afternn..long queue but me dun haf a choice

it wasnt him, but the backview resembled his. cnt help but kept looking his way..luckily its a back. the hairstyle, the height, the dressing, the feel..its jus so him.fortunately, it aint ultimately

suddenly, the feelings were familiar, so familiar dat me dun wish to remember

issit destined?or issit a trick played on me after such a long period?
guess me wun forget dat back..

Saturday, February 24, 2007

7 weeks later

its gonna be 7 weeks later bfore me and shan can meet up again:( so sad..n 7 weeks later will be my exam week!yah mid april..sighh..haha..

todays the chingay parade so instead of our usual meetup in town, shan suggested vivocity..a bit relunctant at first but in the end thot its not a bad idea to go somewhere further away frm the turned out not bad:) waited for dearest shan for almost an hour haha..bfore we even started shopping mes alr tired frm walking into and out of espirit, topshop, pull n bear etc..din noe u f hafing diarrhoea poor thing hopefully will recover soon
had our super light lunch at marche(for shan its brekkie), the view was nice, good thing we sat beside the window..however, there were some food which werent available e.g. hot crepes!wah pengs and some we had a fulfilling mushroom soup plus bread n plain crepes w ice cream..quite full after dat considering dat i had my brekkie..
felt depressed when me lost one side of my beloved clip on earrings..urghh!cant remember where i lost it n me mus realli admit dat mes DEPRESSED over its lost!not onli cos its expensive ..its also my first pair of earrings..:9 okie me shall go bugis n try to gt a replacement next week:) hopefully will haf! shan bot a shirt n a denim skirt frm that for me, i got myself a mini denim frm pull and bear..haha..35..was indecisive but thot that its gonna be my last shopping session n the next will be after the exams!so jus whacked and bot it!haha..wanted to gt the brown one but shan said its hard to match w tops...furthermore, me have 2 browns ones so happy with my buy n its a birthday gift for myself yea?phew, mummy nv nag at me when i showed it to her jus now..was worried dat she will sae tt its SO SHORT!yah i mus agree tt its short..but hafing compared with the other pair its of the same length..haha..oh well jus gtta be careful n alot careful..aiyas!im jus so happy with this buy!shall post a pic of it soon:):):) it sort of lifted up my mood a little after dat..
its real amazzing dat we walked for 3 hrs on our heels n i din even realised it! den it was alr 6 odd..haha..leg breaking exercise cfm!so we went to chill at a coffee bar..arghh..forgt wads the name alr!sheesh..real short term memory:( so nice to have slacked dere as usual..felt so slack so slack..oh yah n thanks SHAN for treating me to the coffee n the blueberry cheesecake!thanks babe!
so ive decide to go taiwan with shan since we r so tempted by the hana kimi show! dere goes our hk trip..its good in a way as mes wun nid to sav up for 2 trips..haha..mums nagging tt we shld go on a tour..she jus doesnt geddit!n threatened dat me cnt go..aiyos how to persuade her lehs?but shans mum allows her to do unfulfilling to go on a tour lahs..go visit the memorial hall?go to the zoo?go n visit museum?wad kaos dats not our aim lahs..we wanna go shop eat walk!dun realli wan to go sightseeing lehs..sians
great!mes gg to bed now!time check 10.55pm n waking up early again to mug for jap tmr, tuition n den mug again!:) good can rest!

received the moe letter reg the postphonement of it really seems like me mus start drafting a rejection letter!wad the crap me gt myself into!go mess with moe n hafta spend time clearing up this shit!brought it upon myself..anione care to help?haha

Friday, February 23, 2007

being shallow isnt a crime..issit?

finally the recess is here again!boo..after tt its 6 more weeks to exams n dere!end of semester and end of my uni life!dats really fast..not tt my current sem is super hectic like previous yrs but jus wanna its a jus 1/12 of my uni life left! will definitely start to miss everyone, the events, my commitments, my close frans. whom ive made during this period..etc. etc.. feels good to have good frans like daph graduating tgt with me!
daph!thanks for being dere for me when i needed ur advices, thoughts..ur presence really makes me feel much much better!thanks ger!
huishan is yet another close fran whom ive made..those times when u had to bear with my complaints, babblings etc etc.. will definitely miss those bitching sessions we had over the phone, in sch etc..haha..mus keep in contact ya?:)
of cos frans like mel,joey,kit,edmund,danny,zikai,alvin,delvin do play a crucial part during this period!i wanna thank u all n hugs too!

since its half a sem more me will enjoy it n leave the rest of my reflections till ltr:) okie..that will be cfm boring to my 'avid' blog readers i guess!haha

suppose to be studying jap now but my brains dead lahs!its sleeping time though i jus napped for an hour!wad to do?so exhausted..aim: slp early tonight n wake up earlyto mug bfore mtg shans for our light detoxifying lunch meetup!haha..hmm..okie..mes cfm gonna lose all the weight which i had gained over this festive session..swimming swimming n stop munching!back to the routine!

was updating huishan bt the recent events in my life..yah shld be 'events' i guess since i feel tt my life is jus normal..nothing real challenging or tough, unless u consider 11 hrs of sch per week, finding entertainment to spend the remaining time, pondering over the unnecessary, wondering y sthg happened/doesnt happen and dreaming over the impossible as TOUGH!haha
yah was telling her bt stuff n the conclusion(mb our conclusion:P): im shallow!told hs tt me was browsing thru one of our fran's friendster photos n wah! her new bf is cfm a good looker!not tt her previous one was bad or average..its jus tt her current one was even better looking than the previous whose alr very good looking(am i making sense here?'s like wow!is it in the name of jealousy?or is it jus admiration for my fran?shld be a mix bah..haha..oh well, she herself is a hottie, a pretty lass!so its pretty babe n cute hunk!where to find such a combi?cfm difficult right?haha.too bad hs cun access her site else we will be gossiping bt it alr n mb shld rope in joey as well!haha:) me really pale in comparison to her mb dats y me aint entitled to such 'good fortune'!oopps!

so it boils down to looks?hmm..i guess so bah..character, personality, communication count but c'mon lahs bfore u getta noe the person better its looks first right?get wad i mean?haha..okie i can 'hear', 'sense', 'feel' some violent objections cming my way!haha..ya can stop reading now ahs..haha..if this isnt so, den why pple bother to try to noe another via friendster?dun tell me thru friendster u will be able to noe the person better..hey its the photos lors!u tink pple will b so free to browse n b bothered to check who n who out n leave a msg asking for a meetup?oh please!dun cm n bluff ur way thru lahs..den wad bt those pple whu approach another on the streets, the train n try to ask for numbers n attempt to start a ones so free im telling u!no one!n dey have agendas!

even in sch dere r weirdos(not pinpointing anione i stress). those whu dun gt wad ya mean n keep cming back at u..those whu try hard to impress but jus simply aint impressive at all, those whu try to attract attention but ended up being a turnoff!loads n loads more..puff!

mums worried, frans r curious. when worries n curiosity start to fade away deres no onger any excitement in waiting for any news, updates..mb the next thing i will face will be matchmking sessions!haha..

remember e other time me n hs went to the wrg tut class for our 311 module?dat mus realli b sthg to remember!not tt anithing happened during the class or wad..guess both of us took notice of the 'gang' of not to when dey move ard in grp of 5?4? how not too when at least 2 of them r prominent, tall n walk with 'an air'!hmm..dats my feeling..n how not to when me told hs tt one of them looks cute..haha..for 2 fris as we were walking to class frm can a we 'met' em on the way..n yea!dey recognised paiseh lahs..MIA for so mani at least 3 sessions being seeing us again..n yah its not surprising for em to fig out dat weve either dereg frm the class or went to the wrg room..guess the former is likely possible..else it will be super embarrassing!haha..
n today, me n hs 'met' em on the way again..hmm..not on purpose i mus swear!wad to do when our tut timings r the same..we concluded dat todays dere presentation with em clad in white long sleeve shirts n jeans..untucked..looks sloppy i tink m another in a pink one..hmm..we were cfm intimidated when dey walked behind us, overtook us n tries to attract attention by speaking so loudly..hmm..hey!dere were onli me n hs earli in the morn nid to purposely act cool right?or shld i sae beng-ish?dunno y we quickened our pace as we headed to the flight of stairs at the nanyang audi..asked hs y we did dat..haha..n we admitted tt we were pressured to do so..weird feeling but frm a ger's instinct dey r trying to attract our sttention cfm!but for wad?crazi ahs?tink dey r jus bo liao..haha..hopefully wun c em on the way again when we have our next no shuai ge to bio alr..haha..besides the pt!

yawns..tink im all prepared to climb onto my bed now after chucking wads in my mind here! todays facial was not bad other than me having to 'dig' for my contacts which went out of place during the massage!haha

looking foward to mtg shan tmr n wearing my sweet pretty little match ger top tmr!!haha..yeah!n its gg to be another phototaking session!

photo whores!

happy valentines day!

the rose from the hillstreet guys-darren, felix, zhao, jeremiah and jingda..thANKS DUDES!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

photo whores!

the cute bear on the bouquet

the legendary bouquet of roses

my sis n i on e bus!(we r the undeniable posers!)

trying to achieve 'the perfect' shot on the bus!:)

FINALLY! a satisfied product of our endless smiles!

okie..self indulging shot! CNY 'dress'..haha

alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5034355422171884018" />

hw to resist a close up shot esp with my makeup on??haha(too bad aint obvious:P) daphne and winnie entertaining ourselves while waiting for the arrival of guanjun..late lahs!haha

a simple formal CNY wear for day one..haha..anything will do lahs..look nice n pretty can le!haha..grins

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

HAPPY birthday DAPH!!

HAPPY BDAE DAPHNE!!! haha..tink this the 3rd time mes wishing u alr!hmm in 5 weeks' time it will be mine!eeekss!hate the 22nd yr n mes cfm dreading it to be here!!!alas!!!pls dun cm mans!!hope daph enjoyed herself n bet u did right?with us ard!haha
may all ur wishes come true n our new bdae wish: hope to find a bf a nice, sweet, thotful as ******...haha..we shall keep our fingers cross yar?haha..

todays the 3rd day of CNY n mes glad tt me went for the gathering a jeromes place..yar at bradell, far, but thot might as well since ive gt nothing on today n mes graduating soon so might as well spend more time with my hall peeps..not dat me gt nothing to do at home..jus dun feel like doing shall finish up tmr since tmrs my free day!heehee

so was at jeromes house played 2 rds of mj in a blurry n confused state den watched a bit of shws, guessed me dozed off bahs..after waiting for our mr. darren to appear which was alr 7pm we headed to junction 8's cafe cartel..ordered chicken n mushroom macaroni, not bad but since it was alr nearing nine so me din finish the food..hmm..feeling fat mans..but paiseh to order salad in the end shunzhao the hungry bioy finished it..good at least not wasted!nice to be cutting cake n celeb daphs bdae dere again!haha..rd 1 was last thurs!!haha..supposed to go watch movie in the end due to e limited number of shows n the odd timings we decide to jus go tt time it was alr 10pm..yawns..haha

luckily darren drove so he sent me daph n zhao home!!so nice..glad he did mans since mes hafing blisters!dunno y will haf blisters since ive worn dat pair of heels a few times le..aiyos..painful..haha..mus thank daph mans..tuo ni de fu!haha..:) a nice chap he is..thanks daph thanks darren..haha

hmm..shall go slp early swim in the afternn myself out of the hse mans!exercise since ive input quite a bit..n mes gg to revert back to my formal diet regime!haha..hmm...guess mes rather good at calculating n est my intake this few days..okie mus jiayou!!n so dis explains y my mum has to coax us into eating those CNY goodies!aha.

really cant wait for recess to cm n mes gg to ensure dat mes gonna go swim at least 2x n mugged for my jap, do my ge proj!veri soon its gg to be over!realli!its scary but its the reality!

gg to haf a sweet dream tonight i hope!a good dream to end this great day!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007


a day after ytd..glad ytds over..

it's so sweet for the hillstreet guys- darren, felix, jeremiah, jingda.zhao, to buy us flowers!nicely decorated with a heartshape card with greetings and pop-up heartshaped stickers! sweet..its the thought n effort tt wonder daph said dere will be flowers frm 'downstairs'..realli comforted to have received from them!:)

supposed to have slept early as blogged but was quite affected when my was 1035 odd i guess, thot me was save tt he eventually din carry out the plan..but mum called n toked bt the bouquet of flowers..ALAS!she sounded excited..but over in my room i was monotonous..such a headache explaining to her the situation explaining whu he is..aiyos!wad the crap!cld hear her excitment drifting away..n mes sullen..took me till today for things to sink in..but my stand is clear..nothings changed..

daph wasnt in her room then, aint back frm her work..suddenly me felt really lonely!realli despo to talk to a fran..someone!scrolled down the MSN list, he aint longer dere to hear me complain i guess..a pity..wad to do?i mus haf taken him for granted..brought it upon in the end left a msg for daph..nv me msged partner!thanks for replying..n i felt betta!thank u!!:)

guilty? yes cfm!dey sae its out of his own accord n deres no nid for me to reciprocate..true oso..i din force him to do anything n my stand has been tt he shld wake up alr!upon seeing the msn nick made me felt worse!mes a bitch lahs!im irritated!cfm really a bitch to be typing all these..urghh!wad can i really do to make him realise?zw said he gtta realise it himself so cnt do much..yah true mes not gg to gt bothered by it after this entry!so lemme carry on?haha

wad daph make sense but its hard! attached! hmm..but how?again its bt 'my stds too high' ,'lower stds', 'dun b too picky',....the list can go on bt me n my stds etc..perfectionist?mb..dats y me von n shan r still single bah..critics?to a lesser extent i guess..but still we r critical..condemning us?yes..jus condemn as u wish!

he asked if hes a potential..alas..guess the hall mus be talking bt it bah..wad to do..since ive thot of asking him to perform ive more or less expected it to come..hopefully dey believe me tt we r really onli frans, not even those kinda clode ones u noe..treasuring the shortlived moments n im satisfied..wad more can i ask of since mes realli living hall less than 8 weeks!yah ill really haf this as part of the memories..him?haha..trying to do some love test huh?no wy m i gg to ans that qns mans!n u peeps cn go on guessing with the male n female lead keeping mum bt anything n everything..

gt quite anxious when the pink handmade flower at my door went 'missing' for a while..dunno y but it felt bad when me realised its paiseh to have msned jeremiah n ltr daph passed it back to me!mb its cox mes used to seeing them at our doors..dats y..n mb its frm him..dats y?

sighh..tmrs gg ktv when mei!so happy!!yeah!!can sing without restriction!me aint gg to think so much..gonna go to class soon n back to revise my jap for tmr n have a happy hall outing to chinatwn n geylang..hope von will haf fun gg for the first hall outing w us!!:) von enjoy k?

n mei: dun be jealous over the bouquet of flowers k? deres nothing to be sad bt..singlehood rox k? i aint happy over this filled with immense guilt u noe?sighh..dunno hw im gg to face it when im back home tmr..sians..aiyas gg to treat it as a gift frm a fran since its FRAnSHIP DAY!!n i EMPAHSIZE its cox its FRIENDSHIP DAY!

a fun fun ktv session awaits!hugs ger!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

jus another day..

today's 14th feb(wed),a special day but for me its the 22nd year which im spending alone..haha..cant believe im on earth for 21 yrs+ alr! doesnt feel 'normal', mb cox its meant to be different..yet for me it shld be the v-day gift? free day!no class today!i tink im jus so fortunate to b spending it in my room, finished watching 5 episodes of tokyo juliet, studied for my jap n TADA!time flies n its alr nearing 8pm!so this day is gonna end soon!cnt believe mes so lethargic tt me took 2 naps!yawning away now!haha

wanted to blog on mon, tues but din, mb aint inspired enuff to 'pen' down my thots..haha..

it was a great mon i felt..nt tt my perf was damn good, i thot i enjoyed the process quite well..cant explain y i felt tt way..mb its the company?i dunno..thot its nice of him to agree so my wish was fulfilled, thot it was tough cos he aint as slack as me..thanks alot fran!one whom me dun really noe but bothered to help:) thanks!

for the past 2 weeks, me din join huishan n khakis during lecture cox von gtta leave earlier n it aint nice to be sitting in front with her eating her lunch so we sat with him..situated right at the back n i mean really at the back!the last row!haha..its really nice to be conversing like normal..its really comforting!im happy tt we r good frans??:) yah let it stay tt way ya?:) thanks alot for being part of my memories in uni!thanks!thanks for the encouragements and i wish u n her well ya!

that day he msn-ed. well true enuff its cos he needed my PA report as ref.. din noe y but i was a little irked when i sae the msg..wanted to send my gt my lappie reformatted so all i cld sae was 'im sorrie, i aint of any help'. as for u, its in the past, far away tt me cnt exactly track which day it was.thanks aniwae gor!

hopefully nothing is gonna happen back at home..hopefully wad he said was true, just a CNY card..i cant stop u frm doing anithing more, but pls tell me wad i can do to help u move on in life?aiyos..not tt mes bothered by it or wad but i jus cnt understd y u cant move on?tink its hard..but this the 5th year dude!alas!dun u gt wad i mean?uve gt ur life n ive mine!i can jus quietly pray hard tt u can gif up n mv on lehs!oh pls dun drive me nuts hor:(

spoke to mum minutes ago n im glad me called home:) looking fwd to the reunion dinner on sat!with my aunt uncle cousin n hubby n nephew!!cool!its the first time hes cming to my hse!!im so excited!bet my family is!!esp daddy who has been real busy preparing n shopping for groceries at least 2 weeks bfore!my mummy??bot toys as a gift for him..haha..y?cos its his first visit so my mum said mus gif him a welcum gift!haha..sds duh right?but oh well!pengs so cute!!hw not to pamper him with lotsa n lotsa of luf n toys!!haha

guess me wun be blogging for the next few CLARENCE!if u r reading this entry..HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY!!!haha..our best LAOS buddy!!enjoy urself ya??i noe u will!cfm!!!haha..cnt wait for u peeps to be back!!n we wan gifts!! von n lin wan!!!haha
n to darius n zhenhao as well as clarence again!happy CNY!!!

gtta go read up my notes le..cant wait for this week to end n hopefully mei can cfm the ktv on fri!!cant wait!:)

Monday, February 12, 2007

today's 12 FEB!!the lg awaited night!!

wah!cant believe today's 12th FEB!!heehee..quite excited but afraid of tonights event i guess..had a short practice in his room ytd..tink we r almost dere..but he seemed tired n really needed a gd gd rest! feeling quite guilty for pulling him in jus cox me wanna haf fun..wanna enjoy the 4 mins of 'fame' on stage..poor boy..but if he were to reject den ill be jus an audience..thanks alot for agreeing n thanks a lot realli!
hopefully it will turn out well ltr on..lyk wad felix said ytd:'wads dere to be scared. we r all hall frans..its to haf fun!' yah with these in mind me will definitely try to relax haf fun n bring out our best to impress n to prove to myself tt ive done it!its a performance which ive lg-awaited which mes yearning me mus mk the best of it!yes, the jitters n the initial stage fright n stuff but at least me aint doing it alone! ive done it last year so this year i shall do it again!a treat for myself!
im really looking fwd to tonight!confidence is back!wad i need is the correct atmosphere!haha..

glad tt meis mood is becming better these days..with all the stress n stuff..ya gtta buck up!starting to feel helpless as i feel tt weve drifted apart..not as close as we were in jc..guess its gonna be worse when me start wrking..hopefully we can still find time to go out to chill shop n haf fun ya?
shall go mug for a while..been awake for 4hrs n did nothing!haha..was watching hanakimi with daph in her room n bk in mine to watch tokyo juliet..
indeed mylife is so slack compared to mei n some of my peers!BUT!!felix is slacker!7hrs per week of sch onli!!4 hrs fewer than mine!!!hey!!!bestest!!!oh well we r still the busiest peeps ard cox we r occupied with games shws frans n him..his gf..haha

thanks for the encouragement..putting up my best ltr!

Friday, February 09, 2007

hot stuffy but fun!

just came back frm chinatwn with shan..tink this yr's trip aint fantastic cos din gt to eat the nice chee cheong fun at the market since its under renovation. now its at outram instead!of cox ots the end shan recommend this little eatery tucked at a corner of pple's park..hmm..tink the guo tie(S) were good..aint suppose to be eating those but haha..since shan has the craving n she cnt finish so me jus ate the end it turned out to be satisfying..the sweet n sour pork was ex but crispy ya..its been a long time since ive eaten 'so much' red meat!haha
first time dere at chinatwn with shan..poor ger by the time we headed bk home her legs were alr hurting cox of her heels..hey!4 more days!!no matter hw tough jus bear w it ya?jiayou yah!!den its gonna be bk to sch for 3 more sems!den u will be joining me in the corporate wrld!
toking bt work!received kpmgs letter n the starting pay for me is 2.4k!yay!most prob gonna start on 1st aug:)saw alot of wrking ladies in those pretty smart so pretty!mus be like them!!stay slim..n skinny?den me can fit into those pretty dresses be it formal or informal!wah looking fwd..heh..shans saes me lost wt..yeah!so my low carb 1000 calories diets wrking!im so happy!gtta jiayou!but one skirts gtting looser so its gonna be belts n more belts!haha) but im happy..though im also feeling lethargic..attributing my frequent exhaustion to the lack of food?haha..oh well..i dun mind sacrificing!
mon is cming!im almost done with one sg..but jus in case we lose our voices on mon we have decided to have a backup nt to lose our voices when weve chosen tiantian yeye by FIR?so weve jin tian ni yao jia ge wo by DT n Jolin Tsai..haha..n best!a fran of mine will be doing the same sg as us!sheesh!but jus gg to haf stress no stress..but gonna memorise lyrics first! gonna be bk in hall on sun night..coincidentally deres choir practice so cn save sm warming up time i guess..
it turned out ok for ytds ktv..was a bit apprehensive when yl cum make it its left w me n him..thot it wld be rather odd jus the 2 of far other than yj nv been ktv with other guy bfore..but its cos weve gt BUSINESS to pro as ever..he prepared his lappie n recorded the minus one for the sgs!realli din expect him to be so prepared!impressed?haha..mb cox hes experienced bah..feel paiseh for asking him to duet w me cos me sucks at harmonising!aaahs!me cn jus like sing the melody lahs n sm obvious it aint easy to sing either!dun tok bt being a singer!its gonna be worse!
tmr gg to trim my hair n yeah!no one will notice tt ive TRIMMED it!haha..but i noE!!!haha..
next week dere will be 3 hall events!cool!going to c alot of the hall peeps!hmm..haha..n dat means late nights:( oh crap!my dark rings!!:(:(

yupps!back to my lyrics memorising session!

mummy always asks this n that..whus this whus dat..haha..oh well..even if i sae she wun noe so me aint bothering to explain..always end at saeing: yah a guy n we r jus frans!haha..

Sunday, February 04, 2007

12th feb!

12th feb will a day to remember for me!its gonna be exciting!fun!interesting!!yesh!!n mes gg to ensure dat mes gg to enjoy every moment of it!though its onli gg to b a 3 mins plus segment, im sure ill treasure those shortlived momentS!my hearts thumping..real hard..bloods so xciting!cnt wait for 12th feb..BUT!me aint prepared for it yt!!haven chosen the song to perform..but ive gt a trump card!haha..a super zai fran to duet w me!cool..aint sure wad we will b singing..feel lyk doing the latest duet by cao ge and zhuo wen xuan: liang shan bo yu juliet..dunno hw it will be like..haha..looking forwrd to the ktv session on thurs!sds fun..
a little apprehensive to ask him to acc. me for this annual hall's MOOD FOR LOVE competition cox me dunno him afterall..gtta noe him thru hall's choir during the caroling period went out w him n yl for a ktv session,plus a trip to the esplanade to support him at his SW CDC's choir concert..yah dats its a bit paiseh though..hopefully we will pull off a good performance!
yeah!tmr me shall go swim..its been 2 wks since my last swimming session..missing it!cool!:)
shan was at my hall last fri n guess we had fun watching shw..exchanging secrets??haha..n of cos our supper!( hey babe!mes hafing a terrible sorethroat mans!) almost cfmed tt we r gg for our free n easy hk trip frm the first week of july!cnt wait!n hopefully it will be well under 1K!!!we r the budget-ers!!haha..wondering hw much taiwans trip w mei n her frans will cost..hopefully within budget den me wld haf conquered both taiwan n hk in a 2 mths!haha
oh recently upped the pay for associates by 200 bucks so now it stds at 2400..hmm..bfore cpf gd hopefully me as a risk associate will be entitled as well!haha.. shall go slp n swim swim swim tmr!!!:)