Wednesday, January 03, 2007

fortunate blessed timely

woke up so early as usual cox me jus cnt fall bk to slp at usual took a light breakfast today to prep for kuishinbo ltr!!haha..was rather excited to spot a few potential job which i cld tk up..was pondering whether me shld jus gv em a try..THEN
!!me jus checked my mail n TADA!me gt a reply frm a job which me applied via NTU's careermall!cool!!million thanks to daphne for reminding me!!thanks babe!!haha
so hopefully me will hear frm em real soon so ill be employed and earn $..n with $ me can spend n save more for my taiwan trip!haha..blessed child i guess:) really looking fwd to be a viewing this job as a hobby to pass time, free time during my non sch days so instead of jus slacking and lazing for 2 days in hall me cn go wrk!haha..

read meis blog, n i can really cfm tt shes really more mature than me..her thoughts n reflections.thanks for the most current din realise those if ya nv mantion it in the entry..i have to agree with feeling real guilty for not even realising it n its really shameful to onli realise it now..but wanna thank u for this enlightenment!yes i will definitely reflect more on myself

was talking to mum ytd..she told me alot of things..she can be quite understding i thot..hmm..mes gonna sign her up for a facial prog so we cn go tgt when i earn $ investment!n when shes happy i will be happy too!mummys bdaes cming in less than a mths time..n shes gonna be 47..dats fast..hmm, since me haf class on thurs me shall treat her to kuishinbo's buffet lunch on wed instead!so its twice expensive jap food in a mth!wah..cfm mus earn bucks..but as long as mas happy..its okie..i can scrimp n save..i really dun mind..:) splunging on my family..its okie:)

have been eating alot of jap stuff recently..mum realised too..haha..wad to do me luf jap stuff!heh:) last fri waraku, today kuishinbo, next wed suki sushi w daph..den me shall fast till 31st jan for the next rd of kuishinbo..wah seems like mes an avid fan of kuishinbo!

im gg to run n make an effort to swim every mon n jog with daph on tues n thurs!!we mus persevere daph!!lose weight!!haha..dun mind jogging in the morn n night!since so free ma..haha

hmm..going out with mai n ma to shp before mtg shan n charm at 7pm:)
tmr with b out w mei n ma again at eye center n bugis!

(he aint feeling well as usual..always dunno hw to tk care of himself..luckily his girl is nt tt bad afterall..doing well academaically..which is good too:P)

its gonna be a great 2007 considering the number of positive things happening to my pals, myself etc. even if dey arent, i choose to believe 2007 will be a good year, a yr when miracles, happiness and fun set in

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