Friday, January 05, 2007

favouritism or independence?

thot ive mple sleep for the past few days yet im still yawning..haha

todays the 5th jan..5th day into the new year and its great to know tt our dearest weilin is back frm korea!!cool!!welcum back ger!so it will not onli b me n von alr!now its me lin n von!haha..shall meet up w zhenhao bfore he flies off to US again on the 15th!

next tues will be the start of another term..its fast!my veri last term in sch!wah!i jus cnt imagine the number of yrs ive been in case. compared to my peers, they have jus entered uni a sem ago..wad to do?its their NS..haha..i will enjoy my last sem wrking mugging n hafing fun in hall! will be bk in hall with von on mon night..tink shes quite excited and me too!!haha..n im looking fwd to gg bk to hall this sem!haha..veri free veri slack with frans like daph, winnie, qianyi, deniece ard..and von!its gonna be more fun i guess! of cox my main aim is to mug n earn more cash apart frm my tuition fees!money aint enuf given all my aims goals n wants!haha

went out w ma n sis for the past 2 days..was it all bt favouritism?or was it cox its a sign of independence?mb im jus tinking too much..hate the idea when i saw sthg which i like n it suits me, she will ask her if she wants n buy for her..its lyk huh?dun mind paying by myself...ill definitely do so if im nt saving up for taiwan trip, not cox of her bdae treat..sians..mood was thoroughly ruined cox of those instances..tink its seen as independence? i dunno..nt really i guess..

its an irony, i yearn for independence n ive sort of gtten it. now?im questioning if im liking it..oh well, moving on to a life of a 22 yr pld, i guess, yah this is the sacrifice..consoling myself tt it aint favouritism..its a sign of feeling more comforted!

wanna gt a pair of heels frm charles n keith, yt me stopped myself.
wanna gt the nice collared top frm iora, n i restrained myself again
wanna gt the leather handbag at the robinsons sale, me drew further frm those displays
wanna gt the lather frm bodyshp, me resisted the temptation of entering the shp
the list can go on..nvm..aint necessities..dey r wants!haha

changed my mind, instead of treating ma to kuishinbo me shall bring her to nydc instead..haha..had enuf of kuishinbo, after visiting it twice in a month!wah..n me wanna puke out the sofshell crab, tempura etc its gtta me a lg while bfore me were to go bk dere again..this the diminishing marginal rate of return!haha..but me shan n charmx did haf fun eating on the 3rd! phototaking of the food drew curious stares..but hack!we jus enjoyed ourselves as we marvelled at them!cool!wonder when the four of us will gt to meet up again..hmm..shall go find shan for lunch during one of my free days!haha

was reading the papers daily be it chinese or straits times. todays life reported bt brazilians being bulimic and aneroxic..yah..i read w fear of ending up like dem..but i cnt in day out ill be counting the calories im taking..its become a routine..a routine which ive grown used to..yea i confess its an obession with wt loss, bt looking good..its like ive been programmed..i dun believe ive achieved wad i wanna achieve, still not enuff..mums true bt putting myself thru all these but me aint convinced tt im suffering..haha..yah i aint!after next wed's sukis me wun wanna eat buffets for a while..den dere wun be excuses for me to throw out wad ive eaten..its becming out gross n it happened for the 3rd time..issit uncontrollable?or issit me whu doesnt wanna ctrl? hate tking dinners..haha
oh well, sacrifices have to be made n im a willing forcing at nt an aneroxic nor a bulimic i assure..

surprised tt keith msned me tt day..glad to hear tt hes doing veri well at the royal bank of scotland!!haha..hmm..he said tt i looked as if ive lost wt!yea!dats it!!BINGO!!haha..but apart frm tt..he said tt he was impressed tt me gt all the 4 offers..yah..tink it aint tt impressive..i mean i noe of frans whu have all offers as well!like lijing n yah..furthermore my results aint great!not dat great at all..if not me wun be gtting such shitty results for this sem!hmm..a little disappointed i mus sae, but i wun wanna go thru all the trouble of appealing n well..wads more, ive gt a job..dats wad shan lahs..2nd upper is still betta den lower on paper right?nvm..shall live life as it is..i guess..

yawns..feel lyk sleeping again n its onli 11am!!but cnt gtta go prep for ktv which ive been longing for since the last session which was a mth plus ago!woohoo..ktv-in w my sop junior n cool choir weird to be calling him junior when hes of the same age as me..

its the ktv which im looking fwd..sians gtta meet him n pass him my sis book bfore dat..its gonna be awkward..cfm..hopefully, no stunts nothing..urghh..treating it as doing my sis a favour i guess..pray n pray hard..gonna rush off to meet yuanling at clementi! stunts no stunts no stunts!god bless joleen!haha

good dat mei is recovering well frm her repeat double eyelid op!good good!!


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