Sunday, October 08, 2006


i mus really thank GOD for his kindness and love for me..really really blessed!
just when i am busy looking for a paet time job on top of gifing tuition..n jus when me was bt to call up my usual tuition agency, my current tutee's mum requested me to teach his son as well!haha..of cox me agreed..w/o hesistation!first no travelling longer need to spend 3 hrs gifing tuition n travelling to bedok alr!phew!so m veri thankful tt mes financially independent to an extent again!
me dun nid a lot to keep me gg..though me do splurge now n then but hey!im a ger lehs!!haha
thankful tt mes always veri fortunate, meeting nice pple..renxing's parents n even nainai were so grateful twds nid to be grateful..i mean hes a clever kid whu has alot of potential n hes cfm hardwrking!but im appreciative twds them..thanks for the further pay increment!haha..hopefully he manages to get into dunman least me din mk it when i was in pri 6..i can declare proudly tt my student act. made it!!yah
always thankful tt me have veri good frans!not fogetting my tk n vj mates n a few ntu pals..thanks!!but i wanna specially thank zhiwei!zhiwei thanks the end me din go..i noe ive disappointed u..n most importantly ive disappointed myself..studies or shld i be more specific..cox of next fri's's y i din go..struggled quite a bit..esp. after wad u told me ytd at KFC..thanks for letting me noe..ive let an opportunity slipped past..but im realli grateful!thanksthanks!!:):) no wonder u r my good fran!!wun disappoint myself again cox me noe deres another coming:)
thankful tt mes hafing support though not full but at least mes aware tt dere r at least peeps behind me!thanks!
my hall freshie read my palm..sceptical over wad he said cox me dun believe his skills!haha..he said tt hes jealous!cox ill be hafing veri good life!!haha..thanks leh!i really hope its lidat yea?haha..if not den ill kill u!!haha..
suppose to meet von to go vivocity on tues but after weighing the opp cost decide to change it to next sat instead..atleast me dunnid to worrie bt 306 pres n 206 test! mes gg to put in my 150% to mug these few days den haf fun on sat!!fri's gonna haf fun oso..but sat's tuition will be rather early n intensive..hopefully he can grasp wad im teaching..1 mth leading to his p3 exams..aiyos me will jus try my best ya?
cant wait to von next sat!
ytd my pres treated to sakura buffet at somerset..not too bad:P wah ngiam n winnie dey all can realli eat!!so much its jus so scary mans!!me lyk the sweet n sour fish n the black chicken soup..tasty..yumyum!thanks yutian!n tt meal costed him almost 300bucks..heard frm winnie tt the past pres treated their secretaries to places posher than ours..luke treated his to pariss international..aiyos cant be compared cox lukes a rich kid!of cox lahs..n chuan teck treated his to one whicn is even more ex. than pariss!wah dat means its lyk so hotel or sth alr!!best!! feel wads impt is the fun n socialisation not interms of which is pricer..yah..i mean so wad if its ex..u still bite/chew/swallow the will still undergo the same digestive process..den exit frm the wads the pt..?mb for me whus not picky wun mind lahs..haha
tmr gg to pon 304 to mug for 206!yah so tt's a lect n off to hall to mug!mus finish on tue n study n complete the slides for 306..after this week den gtta start on 304's 2nd quiz alr!den 306 again!nv ending..sighh..
im gg to wrk twds it cox when all these r over im almost done..almost dere..i noe i will be blessed!!
thank you!!

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