Tuesday, October 17, 2006


was in a rather good n relaxed mood minutes ago till my mum the 'nagging machine' started again!yes!yet again..ISt target: daddy 2nd target: me, reason relating to contributions me hafta gif when i grad again 3rd target: my sis, reason for trying to stand up for me. poor ger..thanks for trying to speak up for me but in the end ganna scolded as well:( poor thing!next time jus keep quiet lyk me n jus ren!!
mb ive made the right decision to keep my room in hall..at least me can haf some peace..yes some peace..contemplating to continue next sem given my situation mb even if i gt into NIE?i dunno..jus so tired of hearing everything again n again..repeatedly..everytime im home every weekend..thot supposed to be the opposite?supposed to show more concern? vexed..

exams cming..stressed so stressed..betta start..else cfm die!fortunately dere r tests cming up so at least can force me to study now!!yah!NOW!
its off to Mac with huishan n mug again!miss mugging w u!!haha

tmrs gonna wake up early to read 304 text..den back to sch den off to MOE den back to hall again..all the travelling..sighh..but nvm

looking fwd to fri cox gg out w von!hey babe!jus read ya latest entry!heehee..yah shpping w u is so fun ya?a bit ge xi if we cn haf lunch me can intro u to miss clarity near ur sch!!haha..gd place rec by yanshan:) nvm next time yeah? ill promise to org an outing w u to celeb ur bdae!n we will wait for u weilin!!LIN U SEE THIS??WE WILL WAIT FOR U TO COME BACK!!4TH JAN!!yeS!!celeb w U!though it will be ard 5 weeks late!hey to tink of it u will be bk soon ger!looking fwd!heh ger on a spending spree ahs?wah..so jealous cnt wait to go on my taiwan trip w shanx n meimei next june..woohoo..grad will hafta be postphoned cox gg to wait for von so we can visit darius n clarence in LONDON!wah!!dat will be in UK!!okie dat means save save save!!my NIE pay if im in!if not den hmm..die lors! heehee good den can go visit london bridge, UCL and hmm..wads darius' uni ahs?ooopss!cant wait..we will b 22/23?alas!cant believe!dun wanna believe

slpyhead's turning in..zzzzzz

ohh..fd out whus he alr..so sweet..yah thanks!nice little 'surprise':)

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