Sunday, March 12, 2006

thanks MUMMY!

i wanna thank my MUMMY!yah my REAL MUMMY!(haha..haf two other fake mums in sch so mus dble specify!)mummy bot me a 21st bdae silver necklace!haha..SURPRISE SURPRISE! mus admit dat im nt an accessories person..the fuss and everything ..wear em n den mus remove!so troublesm!however, me mus mk it a point to wear it cox its frm my mum!its a necklace w a pendant in the shape of a key!haha.. n with a small 21 on it!pretty!:)

ytd went to my 3rd 21st bade party of the year..dis time rd is my og mate's!shes gorgeous mans..with the tube dress and makeup!haha..saw chris again( the ex ctc who went to tj aft 3 mths..still cnt fig out wads his chinese name!haha)..went w mel, delvin, alvin, xiaohan and our beloved and super-onx senior yongxiang! frm sch to loyang aloha was jus so far and crazi lahs!luckily yongxiang drove us dere with a 1.5hr stopover at eastpt for him to meet his fran den we set out to loyang at ard 7pm in his mini van..!quite fun though..his van is quite cool sia!not that kind driven by uncles!trust me!haha..
as usual parties r still parties..entertained ourselves and had fun i guess..i mean hafing been to three wad more can u expect?its the usual buffet den sit ard and maken..tok and den cake cutting..hangard smmore den try to mk our wae home..its gttting a bit dry i feel..
fortunately mes not hafing one else tink ill be bored to death bfore my guests r!

read a few blogs bfore deciding to blog now..tink its my hectic schedule dat disallowed me to meet up n participate in the many gatherings my pals had organised..keep hafin the feeling that im drifting apart frm u peeps..mb dats y im nt included in the group..mb dats y im forgtten sometimes or all the time..mb im tinking to much but i cant help it cox i cnt deny dat im nt affected after reading that entry..mb im putting too much into franships dat are jus nt appreciated..i dunno..its jus so disappointing yeah?tinking for frans all the while has caused me to becm a bit exhausted overtime..sometimes i do hope some of the efforts r reciprocated..mb there were instances..mb when dere were but i din realised..sighh..nvm i shant make a mountain out of a molehill..its undeniably saddening..dats wad i can say bt my current feeling as im typing:)

went ktv after joey's party ytd!again it was yongxiang whu drove us all the way frm aloha to katong shpping complex for a 2 hrs sessions starting frm 12am:)finally gtta sing..only me xiaohan yx n delvin was short but enjoyable i can say given the short session..not too bad at least it satisfied a quarter of my craving?or mb half?nearly fell aslp while singing sia!n xh nv sing at all!aiyos she went to listen to us sing!oh the end the 3 of us paid on her behalf!mb next time if we haf a chance to go sing k with u clarence we pay for urs too!
was really impressed w yx's singing!hes was frm RI n VJ choir n though hes so aimoh-ish hes also conversant in mandarin!mus realli listen to him when he sings!oh mans..heart melts sia!realli nice!we sang duets!he harmonised well too!senior!u r my idol!haha..delvin wasnt bad too his rendition of jay n lee hon wasnt bad either..xh din wanna sing so dat means the 4 to 5 duets me sang all of them!i lyk bei feng chui guo de xia tian my cox was hafing sorethroat so din sing well:)yx n delvin!thanks for the compliment!u two sang well too!haha..its seems dat im eaily impressed by guys whu can sing well and r talented culturally!!cfmed..haha
my love for singing has been nurtured since young i parents and family r all music freaks..counting the nos. of hokkien cds and mb a few madarin ones bot by my parents will jus mk u wanna puke..nt mentioning me n my younger sis..n my youngest sis is currently in choir!tink shes enjoying it!n i hope thru choir it will mk her more daring n wanna perform more!
tink my confidence picked up aft joining choir in hall 3..its of cox a diff feeling when u sing in a choir and when ktv-in..but tink its more or less a confidence booster in a sense..never thot me can perform on stage..never thot of even acting in hall's production for 2 consecutive yrs..though nt the leading roles im more than satisfied yeah?i lyk the makeover as in the will be better if they arent so thick! happy dat im gg to gt my mineral mkup set which ive ordered frm UK with shans!n cant wait to see u on thurs dear!!
i jus simply cant pen down my current feelings as in mb im jus bk to my old self as in less problems(or issit im jus cnt be bothered animore) mb in this way i can focus more on studies.dats good!i dun mind though..
exams r cming n its a period of immense n intense stress again 5 more weeks to them n 7 more to my freedom!bfore all these ive to conquer all my projects in these 2 weeks!all will end in week 13 n nw we r starting the 11th week!till nw ive comppleted one!one miserable but tedious one!yah...
im seeking inner peace so i cn jus concentrate..problems relating to hall, pple frans can results cnt be compromised!my aim:AABB for core n hope to gt 2Bs for GE:)
im more or less lking fwd to 23rd/24th, 27th, 29th n 31st of this mth..i dunno if dey will be fun..hopefully..hope it wun be a chore for my frans..n on dat day itself im gg sleep my day away as im so slp deprived!haha!
hoping to go ktv again soon!bfore my exams n bfore all the exam tensions build up..

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