Sunday, June 12, 2005

its GettINg oUt of HAnd

i jus cant pinpoint why im feeling so 'off' these few days!i hate these feeling and i dont seem to be able to control my current emotions..

all i can say is that my emotions are in a state likened to a roller coaster..or should i say i have split personalities?one moment hyper e other really feel lyk shit!yah a piece of shit!

today went out w my sister and she is currently feeling betta in terms of her gor..ok dats all im going to reveal bt her..

yah!im glad for her!at least she broke free frm the internal struggle..
as for me i dont know when i can do it?
trust me!when i say i AM trying not to think i really mean that!i tried and am still trying..
the more i try not to think about it the more i will..yah!i am finally admitting has been imprinted in my mind!it has scarred me!a deep deep hard to heal..too tedious too impossible to recover..i hate this feeling!

thats the reason why i choose not to face it..its no use..i dont want to listen hw she managed to get away from my case its not really applicable or should i say...i just dont know how to go bt doing it..

yesh!i will get jealous!i say i dont want to care but in fact i admit that i cant ignore n i am not as capable as what i thought i am..utimately ive yet to master..

yawnx!tml can wake up a bit ltr!then tuition and meeting shanx!

now im immersing myself in junjie's songs!love yi qian nian yi hou!mu nai yi!mastering landy's zu wo shen ri gua le and angela's yi shi de mei hao!

i wanna go ktv!


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