Tuesday, April 05, 2005

e lAsT laP

finalli it proj is over!dread it!yucks!
but finalli its over..super duper tired nw!haha..jus had dinner n yesh! half a pk of maggie egg 2hotdogs n jap mushrm..haha..gd diet!haha
slept at 2 but woke up at 530..coz of his stupid msg at 430am..so bright dat i woke up..

finalli dn w me single rm application..fine w all five rms n yeah!of cox gtting mayfair will be nice as in me first choice n nt depriving hanyan of her rm!mb gg redang this hols!!!haha,,great first time gg on trip w frans and guess wad!!mummy act. agreed!haha

nw mugging hard!
yeah!!but i tink nt as hard as last sem i mus still buck up joleen!
toking bt mugging..went out to mug after tuition at orchard..haha..suppose to meet charmaine at 530 in e end me skye n her ate at cartel..had salad as usual..haha..
wanted to go mac at ymca to studi but it was alreadi ard 8 when we were done. went heerens spinelli instead..open air n full of cigar smoke!i swear me nt gg to mug in dat kinda of environment again!

enjoyed toking to ya n fd out a lot frm u partner..i mean u r definitely more experienced since uve been thru a lot den me..glad dat u nic sds happier dese few daes..n dun tink too much!nice to haf a nice senior lyk u!interesting person n crappy at times..tink lyk wad u sae u can feel more for..dats y its comfortable to tok to ya..n analyse me probs.

thanks thanks!will try to heed yr advice bt him..yah..its nt realli worth it..passed him the prez n asked him if he noes mine..haha...n he frankly asked when!haha..yes partner..i shld consider wad im realli doing..silly me!yesh i need scolding..i need to wake up!u mus help me..haha..

hols cming!but hafta settle exams..wanna meet up w shanx n stuf..

me tink im gtting more n more vain..which is bad..im nt the joleen frm tk n vj animore..smtimes i dunno wad im tinkin..its nt wad i shld do..i mean..i cnt understd meself..mb im deprived of close frans..shanx tingx charmx!y mus we split..if onli u all r by me side..

mb ive been in a gal sch for too lg n gg into a jc n nt having a bf are affecting me..haha..nt dat im deprived or wad..but seeing frans gtting attached so fast makes me realli wonder wads happening to me.haha..ill b left alone?haha..no lah..

problems will surface in a r'ship too..n i tink im nt dat kind h who cn tk such things..im will luf him dearly..hold him close to me heart..gor kept saeing im e sweetest in earth!haha..u realli tink so?i dun..mb onli u tink so..me jus wan to see pple smilex so i dun mind spending a little more time n effort to shw close frans more concern..hope pple wnt gt e wrg idea..

even if i lyk sm one i wnt tk e initiative..hes gtta tell me!though its the 21st century but mes nt this kind..me gal leh..haha..out of pt! i noe..

pARtner..ur theory:its all abt feeling seems to set in..one cnt force another..if its here its here, we cnt stop it frm cming..im beginning to understd wad dis means!:)

time to nap n mug for acc ltr!no more msn n its studi time!!!

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