Friday, April 29, 2005

finally HAD sakae!

yah todae finally had sakae..din haf dinner ytd bf n lunch todae n no dinner no bf tmr n lunch..den will b gg for ctc mini gathering at marina to eat a bit n mostly veggie bah..

mus lose wt!

spent quite alot of money dese few daes but still gt lotsa things to buy!
urghh!!! haha
cnt blog for too dats it..

btw bought a mango skirt..a belt..a fox top..a pair of shoes

needa buy a cap..sports shoes
more skirts surf shorts a tangini..hahaso mani hw broke i cn gt

itS finALLy pLAy tIMEx

yah!its finalli play timex!

all the hell the shit the sucki life has past!finalli its over!gone gone gone!im feeling much lighter least im at hm..slacking slping gg out..getting rid of eye bags and stuf..coz opp cost is the nagging i get frm me mummy!but she means well lah

act.!its nt easy..for those who r an 'AVID' reader of me entries u guys shld noe dat me lifes is nt a bed of roses...

it lked lyk it was in the in yah the new pple..environment n stuf..the hall the studies the results n stuf..gradually the feeling jus vanquished..esp when it cmes to matters of the heart im lyk a plain smooth piece of paper..nw scratched..

mb its cox of being too uptight bt stuf bah..mb i jus cnt let go of sm stuf..haha..hope mes feeling a bit betta nw..

btw jus sm updates..

gor helped me settle dat joker desmond guy!
hes nt bothering me animore..act. i feel dat he means no harm jus e timing n mb nt fated lah..he scared me off!yah hes jus too bt his feelings n im frightened!haha...gutless joleen:)

hes trying to 'date' me out but mes realli packed dear!haha..dun realli wanna go out w him act. hes jus trying to find sth to do to forgt bt her n im his hou lu!yucks!its always lidat..but hes me fran yah his fan or wat he lyks to refer as his sweetest *** haha..yah his sweetest his best his watever..gtta gif him sm moral support though..hes nt too bad aft all huh!haha

gg for sakae w huishan n mel!we r the 3 maskateers?is this the spelling..haha..cnt rem alr!haha..den sagt will be stembt w councillors at marina bay..eeks smelly place leh!haha..den sun tuition n its me n me sis' timex!haha
next mon meeing vonnie n mb in the evening meeting him bah..seehw tue..sentosa den tuition wed learn hw to cycle n k box n tuition thurs n fri camp fri to tue overseas den bk for tuition wed meeting zhiyu..thurs n fri free at the moment sat vj clas gathering sun tk sec 2 clas gathering...

so u guys see y mes short of time?
den mes gg to find wk!

haha act. gt lotsa more to blog..but mental block yah..

oh ya charmaine(chikini) aft e 15th den jio u for sakae k?
i dun forgt me promise lyk guys do!

n i mean realli!guys dun forgt wad ya promise k!coz we guys haf ultra mem!n well rem all details u saed!a promise is a promise n once uve promised n its broken!!sorrie u r nt forgiven!

so rem!promise r meant to be kept if nt it wnt be called a promise!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

HAPPY birthday DAPH!!

HAPPY BDAE DAPHNE!!! haha..tink this the 3rd time mes wishing u alr!hmm in 5 weeks' time it will be mine!eeekss!hate the 22nd yr n mes cfm dreading it to be here!!!alas!!!pls dun cm mans!!hope daph enjoyed herself n bet u did right?with us ard!haha
may all ur wishes come true n our new bdae wish: hope to find a bf a nice, sweet, thotful as ******...haha..we shall keep our fingers cross yar?haha..

todays the 3rd day of CNY n mes glad tt me went for the gathering a jeromes place..yar at bradell, far, but thot might as well since ive gt nothing on today n mes graduating soon so might as well spend more time with my hall peeps..not dat me gt nothing to do at home..jus dun feel like doing shall finish up tmr since tmrs my free day!heehee

so was at jeromes house played 2 rds of mj in a blurry n confused state den watched a bit of shws, guessed me dozed off bahs..after waiting for our mr. darren to appear which was alr 7pm we headed to junction 8's cafe cartel..ordered chicken n mushroom macaroni, not bad but since it was alr nearing nine so me din finish the food..hmm..feeling fat mans..but paiseh to order salad in the end shunzhao the hungry bioy finished it..good at least not wasted!nice to be cutting cake n celeb daphs bdae dere again!haha..rd 1 was last thurs!!haha..supposed to go watch movie in the end due to e limited number of shows n the odd timings we decide to jus go tt time it was alr 10pm..yawns..haha

luckily darren drove so he sent me daph n zhao home!!so nice..glad he did mans since mes hafing blisters!dunno y will haf blisters since ive worn dat pair of heels a few times le..aiyos..painful..haha..mus thank daph mans..tuo ni de fu!haha..:) a nice chap he is..thanks daph thanks darren..haha

hmm..shall go slp early swim in the afternn myself out of the hse mans!exercise since ive input quite a bit..n mes gg to revert back to my formal diet regime!haha..hmm...guess mes rather good at calculating n est my intake this few days..okie mus jiayou!!n so dis explains y my mum has to coax us into eating those CNY goodies!aha.

really cant wait for recess to cm n mes gg to ensure dat mes gonna go swim at least 2x n mugged for my jap, do my ge proj!veri soon its gg to be over!

Saturday, April 16, 2005



dats wad he typed todae when he initiated on msn..haha..
it sds sweet..realli sweet..coz it cm frm him..*grinx*

i tink its onli for dat moment when i read it..haha..wads the meaning of 'love' in his dictionary?its veri vague..realli veri vague..he cn sae he love this mei a few times in a wk n hw sweet this mei immune..numbed after awhile..nt sinking in n nt takin these wrds literally as bfore..hes jus another better fran jus dat we r much closer?closer?nt exactly i shud tink so..

to is a sacred wrd which i wnt use so freely..its nt ani 4letter means a lot..onli reserved for 'the one'. so i wnt use it unless..having said so..means dat i wnt waste it on him..yah..I WONT!!

mayb im jus too conservative over such matters but wad to do?w me upbringing...haha..

he cfmed broke up her..i suppose so..i mean its e other wae..she broke up w him..hes super depressed i try nr to ask too much oso..dun let his current state destroy me mood to studi n lyk wad charmaine said..its silly to let his burden bcm mine..nt dat ill ignore him/shw less concern but jus nt as hurts n its tiresome to constantly do so..joleen is halfwae up the shithole..haha

ytd.he said:'dun leave me mei' i was taken aback a little'mes trying to protect dearest xxx! nt dat i wanna desert u..but ive had me share of ur troubles n thoughts..ur life..strenuous!so do spare me for once...i guess u cn manage ritex..i cn onli acc u dis much..hard to carry on..i wan a life too!

ritex nw..concentrating on ge paper dn!!todae left earli...first time in me life dat i left 45 mins earli in an exam!haha..will end on the 26th..but nt prepared for wed!! redang for 4 daes!yippee!w hall mates to relax!heehee n oso had palns here n dere meet w pals all over!of coz me beloved pal!yanshan!!!haha

nt forgetting me dearest n vonnie!!ct mates..weinee n me triplet babe!!!haha..oh yah..oso mus rem to treat charmaine to sakae..aiyo if nt start wrk no time to do all dese!oh yah!!

gg to take up singing classes again!heehee its gg be 4 times per mth for 150 bucks in a sch near bugis area..singing is me interest..a passion..its jus so nice to be indulging in music..close frans will noe me dreams:)

haha..was tinkin of me 21st bdae!!!
yah n act onli wanted to bk a chalet n invite frans to celeb..but gt a shock of me life!!im gg entend invitation to ard 160 peeps!most frans whom ive met in me life!
cox inclusive of me family members n relatives lah!!wow!will be holding on the 25th march..which is a sat!!so dose who haf access to me blog..u r privileged to noe bt di bforehand!!!start saving up n prepare for me da sou bah!

me needa save up lotsa more!!!dunno hw..tiking of hafin a bdae committee to help me out!ani volunteers? i need a venue n stuf..mb its too earli..but if dun start earli den no tell me if ya r interested to help me out k?thxs thxs!!! for a portfolio shoot which will cost ard 200 odd oso..die mes a spendthrift dear..but me mentality is that..since im yg i shud do wadever i feel afraid to grw afraid to see meself afraid to mature..i dread 20..but im alr 20..i wanna lk yg!

din wanna blog dis part..but since u guys managed to survive thus far..its jus a bit more bfore i revisit me lala land!

went jogging on tue..n was utterly surprised dat a guy named desmond approached me for gullicle n blur as ever..shwed him e wae..he claimed he has a tuition agency n thus gave him me contact..i was silly enuf to gif it to him!!!!me dear frans..dun scold me but dis is the joleen u paiseh..feel lyk digging a hole n bury meself in it!!urghh...

he said hes frm nus yr 4..doing ee..lives in blk 6 which is lyk e blk opposite mine..lyk i care..den suddenli he msged n called me but i din pick up..he keep asking me to meet up..but i refued n gave him excuses dat i needa mug..nw me frans sae i mus avoiod him n nt reply..yah i din when he msged me dis morn to wish me gd luck for the ge paper..

he said dat he wans to noe me..wan me to gif him a chance to noe me better!wad crap is this..thot dis kinda thing onli happens in movie shws?dunno wad sincere..first time noeing a gal lyk dis..hes sorrie n stuf..huh?wad dis?

tink im cursed to meet strange n despo pple..its scaring me..n ive to keep a constant lkout so dat he wnt appear within me vicinity..esp when i go to jog tmr..crossing me fingers real tight!oh no!!

though its lyk a confidence booster for me..but c'mon!dis kinda of thing is hw sucky!aiyo!!thot leaving hall for hm will be betta but nw it doesnt seem like it..lyk worse least sch pple nt so direct n frightening..dis case is serious n i tink hes real serious too!help help!!jiu wo bah!!

din dare to tell me mum!shell definitely freak out..nw shes lyk nagging over stuf lyk me dressing n stuf..short skirt..n most of the lyk hafing sex education at hm!oh man!!!wad the hell!haha..if i were to tell her..tink shell acc me everywhere as if im much protected overgrown kid!jus praying hard dat hell forgt bt me n nt do anithing funni..

yah..its nice to haf admireres but nt when its lyk dis..

dear all!
to those who r hafing exams:all the best for ya papers n we shall meet up sn!
to those who haf finished!: start tinking n quickly 'book' me k?im real busy...!!haha..
to those who r troubled over sae..r'ship/other personal stuf: god will lk after us as lg as we persevere..we will survive thru!

nitex!me gg to lala land!!

Monday, April 11, 2005

me purrfect match!

me haf been taking lotsa online quizzes n stuff!haha..self entertaining i guess..
haf been slping more den mugging..yawnx jus cm bk frm mac at bras basah where me n huishan mugged..haha
gg to studi again..

this test i tk todae after reading me dearest tingx blog!haha..

so ya suit the following traits u shall be e purrfect guy!haha....

Your dating personality profile:
You matched the following traits:

Athletic - Physical fitness is one of your priorities. You find the time to work athletic pursuits into your schedule. You enjoy being active.
Stylish - You do not lack for fashion sense. Style matters. You wouldn't want to be seen with someone who doesn't care about his appearance.
Big-Hearted - You are a kind and caring person. Your warmth is inviting, and your heart is a wellspring of love.Your date match profile:
You match with men who have following traits:

Athletic - You aren't looking for a couch potato. You seek someone who is active and who keeps his body in top shape.
Big-Hearted - You want someone compassionate, someone gentle and kind. A loving, nurturing person will fill that hole in your life.
Practical - You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living.

Your Top Ten Traits, Ranked
1. Athletic
2. Stylish
3. Big-Hearted
4. Liberal
5. Romantic
6. Wealthy/Ambitious
7. Traditional
8. Adventurous
9. Shy
10. Intellectual

Your Top Ten Match Traits, Ranked
1. Athletic
2. Big-Hearted
3. Practical
4. Outgoing
5. Stylish
6. Traditional
7. Adventurous
8. Intellectual
9. Wealthy/Ambitious
10. Conservative

me purrfect match!

me haf been taking lotsa online quizzes n stuff!haha..self entertaining i guess..
haf been slping more den mugging..yawnx jus cm bk frm mac at bras basah where me n huishan mugged..haha
gg to studi again..

this test i tk todae after reading me dearest tingx blog!haha..

so ya suit the following traits u shall be e purrfect guy!haha....

Your dating personality profile:
You matched the following traits:

Athletic - Physical fitness is one of your priorities. You find the time to work athletic pursuits into your schedule. You enjoy being active.
Stylish - You do not lack for fashion sense. Style matters. You wouldn't want to be seen with someone who doesn't care about his appearance.
Big-Hearted - You are a kind and caring person. Your warmth is inviting, and your heart is a wellspring of love.Your date match profile:
You match with men who have following traits:

Athletic - You aren't looking for a couch potato. You seek someone who is active and who keeps his body in top shape.
Big-Hearted - You want someone compassionate, someone gentle and kind. A loving, nurturing person will fill that hole in your life.
Practical - You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living.

Your Top Ten Traits, Ranked
1. Athletic
2. Stylish
3. Big-Hearted
4. Liberal
5. Romantic
6. Wealthy/Ambitious
7. Traditional
8. Adventurous
9. Shy
10. Intellectual

Your Top Ten Match Traits, Ranked
1. Athletic
2. Big-Hearted
3. Practical
4. Outgoing
5. Stylish
6. Traditional
7. Adventurous
8. Intellectual
9. Wealthy/Ambitious
10. Conservative

Sunday, April 10, 2005

tink its really TRUE!!

Every Gals R born Different....
Some's up to your taste, some's not.
& out of millioNs of Gals, there's bound to be the
Right One
juz for you.

Do you know?
Gals= cute, sweet, faithful, determined,
caring and
has a beautiful side which no one else
other den
her Prince can see.
Gals= When they cry, it would means tat
heart is really bleeding and tat you have
hurt her
too deeply.
Gals=They smile the sweetest when you
them really happy...
Gals= They are really beautiful...even if
they're not
facially perfect, they're beautiful in the



could really love a guy for who they

They could learn to forgive & forget their

That's just how noble they are................

But guys don seems to understand.........

That's just their surface...................

Being strong is juz their surface...............

They need you around to be there for

That's why they would miss you badly
when you're
not there.............

Love might not be important for the

But it's everything to a gal.............

The taste of love is the same taste as

It's sweet and bitter...........

All they wants is a perfect sweet ending
in their

Don hurt them...........Gals are fragile.......

Love your loved ones with true love........

Not pityness.............

SMS an " I Love You" to your gf..........

She'll be surprised and happy............

Only then could you be able to see.........

Her sweetest smile........

The most beautiful side of her...........

Feel the love and care she showered on

Until this, you'll find Love.........










tink its really TRUE!!

Every Gals R born Different....
Some's up to your taste, some's not.
& out of millioNs of Gals, there's bound to be the
Right One
juz for you.

Do you know?
Gals= cute, sweet, faithful, determined,
caring and
has a beautiful side which no one else
other den
her Prince can see.
Gals= When they cry, it would means tat
heart is really bleeding and tat you have
hurt her
too deeply.
Gals=They smile the sweetest when you
them really happy...
Gals= They are really beautiful...even if
they're not
facially perfect, they're beautiful in the



could really love a guy for who they

They could learn to forgive & forget their

That's just how noble they are................

But guys don seems to understand.........

That's just their surface...................

Being strong is juz their surface...............

They need you around to be there for

That's why they would miss you badly
when you're
not there.............

Love might not be important for the

But it's everything to a gal.............

The taste of love is the same taste as

It's sweet and bitter...........

All they wants is a perfect sweet ending
in their

Don hurt them...........Gals are fragile.......

Love your loved ones with true love........

Not pityness.............

SMS an " I Love You" to your gf..........

She'll be surprised and happy............

Only then could you be able to see.........

Her sweetest smile........

The most beautiful side of her...........

Feel the love and care she showered on

Until this, you'll find Love.........










Tuesday, April 05, 2005

e lAsT laP

finalli it proj is over!dread it!yucks!
but finalli its over..super duper tired nw!haha..jus had dinner n yesh! half a pk of maggie egg 2hotdogs n jap diet!haha
slept at 2 but woke up at 530..coz of his stupid msg at bright dat i woke up..

finalli dn w me single rm application..fine w all five rms n yeah!of cox gtting mayfair will be nice as in me first choice n nt depriving hanyan of her rm!mb gg redang this hols!!!haha,,great first time gg on trip w frans and guess wad!!mummy act. agreed!haha

nw mugging hard!
yeah!!but i tink nt as hard as last sem i mus still buck up joleen!
toking bt mugging..went out to mug after tuition at orchard..haha..suppose to meet charmaine at 530 in e end me skye n her ate at cartel..had salad as usual..haha..
wanted to go mac at ymca to studi but it was alreadi ard 8 when we were done. went heerens spinelli air n full of cigar smoke!i swear me nt gg to mug in dat kinda of environment again!

enjoyed toking to ya n fd out a lot frm u partner..i mean u r definitely more experienced since uve been thru a lot den me..glad dat u nic sds happier dese few daes..n dun tink too much!nice to haf a nice senior lyk u!interesting person n crappy at times..tink lyk wad u sae u can feel more for..dats y its comfortable to tok to ya..n analyse me probs.

thanks thanks!will try to heed yr advice bt him..yah..its nt realli worth it..passed him the prez n asked him if he noes mine..haha...n he frankly asked when!haha..yes partner..i shld consider wad im realli doing..silly me!yesh i need scolding..i need to wake up!u mus help me..haha..

hols cming!but hafta settle exams..wanna meet up w shanx n stuf..

me tink im gtting more n more vain..which is nt the joleen frm tk n vj animore..smtimes i dunno wad im tinkin..its nt wad i shld do..i mean..i cnt understd meself..mb im deprived of close frans..shanx tingx charmx!y mus we split..if onli u all r by me side..

mb ive been in a gal sch for too lg n gg into a jc n nt having a bf are affecting me..haha..nt dat im deprived or wad..but seeing frans gtting attached so fast makes me realli wonder wads happening to me.haha..ill b left alone? lah..

problems will surface in a r'ship too..n i tink im nt dat kind h who cn tk such will luf him dearly..hold him close to me heart..gor kept saeing im e sweetest in earth!haha..u realli tink so?i dun..mb onli u tink jus wan to see pple smilex so i dun mind spending a little more time n effort to shw close frans more concern..hope pple wnt gt e wrg idea..

even if i lyk sm one i wnt tk e initiative..hes gtta tell me!though its the 21st century but mes nt this gal leh..haha..out of pt! i noe..

pARtner..ur theory:its all abt feeling seems to set cnt force another..if its here its here, we cnt stop it frm beginning to understd wad dis means!:)

time to nap n mug for acc ltr!no more msn n its studi time!!!

Saturday, April 02, 2005

jus to update..

busy wk?nah..nt realli..skipped tut on thurs morn..jus cnt wake meself up to go sch..

its gg to b to n fro for this last wk den cmes the exams n break!


econs, biz law and it still more /less on time..but scared..everywk do tut dun haf xtra time to mug..

todae tuition ended earli..went parkwae to gt gor his bdae him a pierre cardin 'metal' pen w his name engraved on it!!haha..hope he lyks it!had a hard time tinking of wad to gt him..

m i too nice to him?
i jus cnt help it!

u noe wad..he din even msg me to wish me on me birthdae..act. i expected bfore dat..i expectd him to forgt n nt do anything...
luckily i was prepared else ill b super miserable that he din msg me..

but who cares ive gt lotsa other msges!!thxs babes n dudes for the msges..n thxs huishan n mel for the macro mini puremilk skirt..its damn short...omg!!!

haha..dun realli dare to wear it...haha..
wanna thank u guys for remering!at least my dream for a peaceful n quiet nitex was realised!haha..though i spent it mugging in me rm the whole nitex..i was happy..deres serenity in me..he wished me happie bdae n we chatted for quite a moving to mayfair if realli successful n hes trying to gt himself out of the gl thing so i tink its fate daft we will nt haf a chance to find out more bt each other..haha
wanna thank him for e e-card he created using 'paint' n the msn's bdae cake n candles..thank u u guys for 'keeping' me online..yesh!its indeed a satisfactory nitex
wanna thank twin n huifen for the wishes..thanks alot..
wanna thank u charmaine for 'singing'me bdae sg over sms!haha..dats sweet..
wanna thank charmx,tingx n shanx for remering!luf u n miss u babes..
wanna thank ct frans for ur wishes!realli surprised dat zhenhao, kirit n even zhixian remered..
wanna thank nee,ginny,zhiwei n triplet oso!!oh no!!so mani to thank
COZ cnt forgt me closer councillors!!clarence for calling..von n darius..
wanna specially mention me mum n dad for this sis for the new bags!!me mum sis pei for the pen..haha..u silly gal..

though it was a hooha this year but i dun mind..coz i was mugging for 2 tests!!n jus let me shw off a bit!! 72.5% for it n 95%for econs!haha...see im smart!!jeremiah n darren!!!i dun need smarties!


hafing thanked so mani pple..cnt believe dat gor u r nt included in the list..u shld b at the top of e list act.!

as ur mei!i wanna thank u for being me gor..i noe this sounds silly but u r still me gor n i noe u will always treat me as ur mei yesh!ur onli mei for ur troubles onli...but at least u pour ya em onto may b a burden on me but as lg as u r ok..i wish u all e best..

cnt wait to pass ya ur prez!n ur reaction!but guess i wnt b able to see dat..
cnt wait for exams to b over
cnt wait to reside in me lalala land for daes
cnt wait to do lotsa of things during the hols!!

so in order to enjoy..ill mug hard for gs results!!!

AABC is me GOAL!!!

take care frans!

Friday, April 01, 2005

cool analysis of mmmmme111

Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this worldSo much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time

You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficultYou are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.

Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.

Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.

cool analysis of mmmmme111

Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this worldSo much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time

You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficultYou are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.

Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.

Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.
