Wednesday, November 15, 2006

it's coming n going fast!

suppose to be deep into my sleep!hmm..shld quickly complete this entry and concuss!

finally signed up or 2 upcoming w sis..jus to enjoy n gif ourselves wadever opportunities dats available!haha..

went out to mug today..well had a super sinful drink at pac coffee parkway..haha..jus ordered mocha brownie w/o thinking cox me din realli haf time to consider wad to drink!haha..

nice!saw a lot of caucasian..n taitais i least its more conducive than yoshinoya..shld go mos one of these days since it looked as if its newly renovated..hmmm:)

nearly bot another pretty top jus now but was carrying lotsa stuff so had to gif dat up!sighh..nvm..shall go shp after exams..plenty of time!haha..hmm..hafta go find time to go facial!gt a 100 bucks mary chia voucher..n me jus bot meself a new wallet shp wallet!heh..gonna wash my GUESS wallet frm shan tingx n sad a bit dirty alr so mus wash..

hmm..thurs the start of my first paper..hope it cn jus cm n go den me cn start on my 206!!!if nt its cfm death for me!!sians

nvm its gg to be over soon!yupps all the way mans!


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