Saturday, November 25, 2006

when too mani becms a chore

received my moe letter 2 weeks ago n im supposed to go for a briefing this cming tues for a briefing n to hand in the contract...

ytd was out studying w too calls frm deloitte n kpmg for intervv n my fran told me tt ive gt shortlisted for pwcs as well!pengs..wads more?an ey's contract in my cupboard!

thot im settled for a bit wavered ytd n i mean now..supposed to be aslp but decided to blog cox gt no one to grumble to!sians..mei mugging for tmrs exam..
hw not to b wavered when uve gt a potential job w pwc waitng for u!!not tt ill cfm geddit but if i realli wan it ill mk sure ill ace the intervv!!cfm!!sighh..
feels great getting shortlisted by all esp. pwc but wads the pt if ive chosen nie?

yah the pay the reputation the ego of a great company!!compared to teaching?
but i can cfm in the long run ill enjoy the latters life more!!

so its NIE NIE NIE!!!!!

shant be wavered but ill still go for the intervvs a challenge?see if im gd enuf to gt into pwc..another challenge for myself? i shall sae bye to the lg run high pay job!! welcum me to the life of a teacher!!jus realise im may be an elitist..dun realli wanna teach acctg cox usually special n express stream schs dun offer tt..shall go ask if i cn select schs basing on the eng subject..hopefully can:P but i tink chances r low!

following my heart following my instinct n dey choice is rather obvious..another year in ntu..dats it..yupps..dats all!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

getting excited once again

yah after tmr's paper ive a paper left which is on wed! n im not done w revising dat yt..gosh!!!:( wadever im done with revising w tmr's done..phew.nt dat im armed w 100% knowledge n confidence of dealing w all qns..but ive tried my best alr..wadever cmes up tmr me will jus haf to try hard n apply..tink im still okie apart frm not noeing hw to reconcile stuff like the Minority interests shit..the rest lyk passing journal entries r alright..having done the past yrs' papers..possibility of reconciling is rather low..praying hard

hey mei read ur blog..wah pengs hw cm u tiinking of such things so weird..anw nothing wrg with keeping touch w a fran right..its okie lg as hes not a desporado or sm baddie den i guess its still ok..haha..hopefully not lyk the one whu always try to initiate a conver on msn..wah can gt a bit irritated esp when im busy..:P

hmm..was browsing thru the blogs n realise tt clarence's blog has the most number of pics! galore!!cn compete w lin alr!haha..tinking wad phone me shld gt..either samsung z400 a slider phone or the sony erricsons pick phone tink its 610i..cant decide but lotsa peeps hafing the pink one alr!so tink me shld jus gt the slider one..gonna spend a bit on decal for protection else it will gt scratched again!yah..mus quickly settle right after exams! exciting

yahyah..getting so excited over my schedule after the stupid paper next here it goes:

1st dec: acc. sis to sch to gt TB, lunch at jack's pl. w mei n ma
2-3rd: out to shp? look out for dads pres?
4th: bdae celeb w von!!
5th: outing w shans to vivo!
6th: choir camp in hall
7th: celeb dearest shan's bdae with tingx n charms!!
11th: celeb daddys bdae!
13th: outing w mei!!blading ktv!
16th: celeb little nephews bdae!!
19th: TTS n hall's xmas party far its lyk dis..pending activities:
ktv/east coast park outing w yj n co.
meeting w weinee
vj class gahering
xmas dinner w shan, von hs n lh
new year meetups? mani so mani!!great!
n ill top everything up w swims!!haha

hmmm..shan ahs meanwhile tink of ur prezzie k?tell us tell us!!haha

oh ya von!ive planned ur bdae outing as below..but im still tinking of wad we cn do in the morn..haha

2 to 5: ktv!
dinner at the balcony heerens/french restaurant at taka!!opp. mos!mongolian buffet at park mall(all sds quite ex hor) haha
afterdat either a movie or go admire the xmas lightings!
actually tinking if its too late u cn cm visit my hall..but its lyk a bit far hor?haha
morn we we cn go shp?or u haf betta suggestions?

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

it's coming n going fast!

suppose to be deep into my sleep!hmm..shld quickly complete this entry and concuss!

finally signed up or 2 upcoming w sis..jus to enjoy n gif ourselves wadever opportunities dats available!haha..

went out to mug today..well had a super sinful drink at pac coffee parkway..haha..jus ordered mocha brownie w/o thinking cox me din realli haf time to consider wad to drink!haha..

nice!saw a lot of caucasian..n taitais i least its more conducive than yoshinoya..shld go mos one of these days since it looked as if its newly renovated..hmmm:)

nearly bot another pretty top jus now but was carrying lotsa stuff so had to gif dat up!sighh..nvm..shall go shp after exams..plenty of time!haha..hmm..hafta go find time to go facial!gt a 100 bucks mary chia voucher..n me jus bot meself a new wallet shp wallet!heh..gonna wash my GUESS wallet frm shan tingx n sad a bit dirty alr so mus wash..

hmm..thurs the start of my first paper..hope it cn jus cm n go den me cn start on my 206!!!if nt its cfm death for me!!sians

nvm its gg to be over soon!yupps all the way mans!


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

mani tmrs

todays betta..

teary ytd..

thanks mei for the msg..changed my blog add n onli restricting to my closest letting the rest noe..cfm esp when most posts r sch/hall related..too onli my realli close pals n mei can read..yeah..

hmmm..was comtemplating if me shld join sfter thurs quiz to celeb kanjians bdae cox wanna mug den i thot cm bk oso too tired to mug..might as well enjoy for a while..treat it as a destress activity yah?den its my first paper next thurs..n shld start practising the papers n start revising for the consolidation on fri!:) gg suntec's chongqing quite ex..29.8 nety oh well thot gg krushinbo but in end end cancelled..mb when lins bk we cn go dere??go for the lunch?cheaper..since von n lin both lyk so we shld go!!heehee..

tmr shall go out n mug else ill be slpy in the afternn n nt be efficient again..haha..

i wanna gt a princessy dress..shld try getting frm isetan at wisma..went w von dat dae n dere were so mani:0!!!pretty pretty!!!

ive gtta treasure wadever i haf n wadever aint mine me wun force will tk sm time again to gt out..silly to haf fallen in unknowingly..yah when realisation becmes too late

Monday, November 06, 2006


feeling sick n jus had my medicine..slpt late at 2 though me knew me shldnt be..gtta slp more to recover fast..gtta noe bt it there n least im privileged to noe bfore the rest..yah..mb..thanking u for tt..realli

woke up at 6.30 this morn..mes tired but noe me wun be able to fall bk..told sis..she went quiet..she noes wad im tinking..i noe she noes..she din sae..she noes..i noe she noes..mei i noe u noe..thanks for keeping quiet at tt moment..din tk med after bf cox simply thot ill try nt to rely on panadol but gv in cox i can feel the heat rising in me..simply lazy to see doc..self medicating again?

finished 3 chaps of 304 at one go since me cnt go..cnt thru sentences after setences n still at tt sentence/phrase..alas..forcing myself to conc n focus so in the end managed..affected..y? i noe y..roughly noe..

treasuring the franship, treasuring the trust..thanks for the faith tt me wun sae..taken aback for a while..oh well..dats it..full stop..wishing u well
yah still gd frans:)

ma noes i told her hw i runs in the family i tink..same as mei she onli kept quiet..she noes hw i feel but jus din sae much at least ahe noes..n i jus wanna share w ma..

hafing a clearer vision of my life..meimei...i admire u!!we will wrk tgt k??our goal our life our dreams..cnt wait for exams to be over so we cn go out enjoy activities tgt!hafing plans here n dere alr:)which is good?at least my lifes occupied n my mind too..yeah its good

mus focus for the next 3 weeks..everything mus be off my mind..completely n nothing else..when it hurts jus slp on it..fortunately this isnt as bad as a yr n a half ago?
now its jus time for studies..anything else can wait!!!

lufing myself more n more..protecting myself to an extent tt its all lies in the wrd 'stupidity'

Sunday, November 05, 2006

DOWN finally

finally ill..i knew ill fall ill someday..jus haf this veri bad feeling
:( n yah these 2 days hafen been good..mb its exams stress..cun slp well oso..always waking up at 5+ to mug..will always wake up in fright..sighh..this wonder lack of slp n my eyebags r gtting worse:(

no choice this is the period..its the same for everyone..

oh yah today is LINNIE's 21st!!n me can openly blog down wad we did for her!!hhaha..hey lin hope u realli lyk the gift frm us yeah??all the way frm mango taka to korea via freight!! n vonnie oso feel lyk gtting but too ex..haha..:) y not u gt us one frm korea..haha..joking ger!hmm..21 alr!finally babe!!welcum on board!hope u will enjoy urself today!i noe u will!!

was reading mei's blog..yah i agree w her on certain issues..shes strger than me..strger than i!shes gtta clearer goals n vision than me..yah our penthse dream!!lets wrk twds it!!if nie aint my place ive to decide if its kpmg or ey..den i shall wrk twds the 2million..though me cnt possibly be a partner..hopefully deres a miracle tt sth is gg to happen

2 mores cming gg w mei!intense practices n selections!but gtta sign up first..yeas!i mus recover fast so my voice w be heaty stuff again!but i dun mind sacrificing for my interests my dream n life!!

wanna concuss alr..but toking to him..its been a long time since he initiated..thanks for the concern n the reminder..sending him the sgs but its so slow!urghh..dun care he mus learn else hes gonna geddit frm me when w k the next time rd..haha..oops!jus told me he gt attached..yah
ya dun seem to care or choose nt oblivious?den y do i always hafta care?

Friday, November 03, 2006


cool!!!im so so happy!!
had two sessions of KTV on 2 consecutive dayS!

finally our last presentation for the sem was over ytd!!haha..we r cfm the best team lahs!nv had so much fun wrking tgt in its jus quite amusing..e 5 of us gtta noe one another jus this sem to be exact 3 mths ago..n we behaved as if we havw known for years..dey r so approachable n i guess we r of the same frequency bahs..hhaa..most importantly tink kenneths the one whu gel-ed us tgt?haha..hes so funny..brotherly?or mb fatherly?haha..tink hes a veri funny n energetic fellow..

so us gers jus dashed into the toilet n gt changed out into our gg out clothes our pres was over..sians tink prof is bias against us..okie lorhs..but we dun care lahs..kenneths brought so mani things even his wireless keyboard!haha...his crumpler is super huge!!haha..immediately after class we dashed out of sch!!haha..we went crystal jade for lunch cos he wanna eat xiao long we went n the la mian was lyk so much n in the end guess other den kennie n rest of us jus gv up!n he ate lyk 7 xiao long baos lahs!!!crazi filling!he wanted to treat us but in the end we jus declined the offer..hw nice!!haha..we r close but nt close to tt extent i guess..haha..n we were all given names lah..hes kennie..yiing yng's yingying,lijing's jingjing, debbie's deb deb n mine? jo jo or he will sometime call me joleen funnie lahs..tink its this kinda of informality!
so went kbox at clementi!haha..n bestest!!we r all ktv freaks!!!tink all r regulars so r sang relatively well!!!haha:):) good good! thot hes zai but in the ebd he told us he goes ktv to jus listen!best lahs!!but we forced him to the ens as a SHE fan!all the sgs he sang were SHE's!!!haha..pengs..we were all lauging lyk crazi..bestest feat ytd!he sang one night in beijing w the falsetto n did a duet himself..the theme sg frm dunno hw long ago from shuang tian zhi zun!haha...deb video taped it!!so we shall post on youtube n bribe him!!! for 4 hrs n we refilled 15 bowls of tidbits!!haha..mus gt our money worth!!
conclusion?????!!!! we had tremendous fun!!!n its realli FUN!!haha..

this morn woke up earli to finish 2 chaps of 304 bfore proceeding to kbox at parkway w mei!!!!exposed to so mani new new sgs these 2 days n mes gg to master them all!!!duets n solos!! veri veri nice duets mus learn n make sure im super zai so tt me can force felix to sing next time!!!haha:) bet he doesnt noe!!dun care den its my time to suan him le!!!
realli luf singing w mei cos we cn sing lyk crazi!!shes always the one introducing the lastest n hippest sgs to me!!!heh!!n we always gv each other comments on hw we sded n ways to improve!nice!!lufing singing yuan dian n ah mei's zhen shi w u ger!!heehee...we shall go more more often after ur exams yeah?looking fwd!!mmm..okie as for now im looking fwd to a session w vonie on the 4th dec!!heh!!cant wait!i wanna go hark's cafe!!live on stage ktv!!best!cool!!okie tt ive to wait for yx?haha..den ktv's w my hall's freshies..hmm..tink dec is a singing season for me!!all these sesions n caroling camps n caroling seasons..ive been looking fwd to dec since uni cox me gtta go carol w pals in shpping centers n hotels!so cool but of cox will gt sick of the carols by the end of the month!!haha.. hint hint!!me nid honey water!!!haha!!!

immersing ourselves in our dreams..preparing ourselves for them..e feelings r back!im glad to be gg thru these w u, mei!!!thanks!!!:):) jus haf fun yeah?

as for now..its exams first!!!