Wednesday, September 21, 2005

a long time..

it has been a month since ive updated this blog..

cant claim that ive experienced a lot..but i guess it suddenly dawned onto me that i should live life as i am now!
ive been miserable for months..yah..quite i tink..always trying to put up a cheerful and happy go lucky front when im w peeps..sighh..

joined jcrc and the work is not too shiong..realised dat some pple act. changed their attitude twds me!i mean i may be too sensitive but as far as i know yah..i sort of sensed it!

last week was my recess week and guess wad i spent my fri and my weekends bfore the break wrking damn long hours at the natas fair for doubt that i had fun n met nice pals but it was definitely tough wrk!i earned $0!all to hall or at least managed to get 50 bucks back!nt gg to canvas animore manx!
met pple lyk vincent and ivan, alvin qiming jinhe etc. haha..quite nice to tok too. and yah gt to noe our rec n A rec secs betta funny!

mon and tues were 2 full days for course..not too bad i guess!den wed i quickly gt out of hall and went to visit my dearest baby cousin!so cute!so adorable!heehee...ahhhh!babies...hw wonderful dey r!

thurs went kbox w sis n had fun!so high!nv felt so so high for a lg time!so nice!thanks a lot mei!watched sound of thunder w charmaine in the evening..nt too bad but a bit disappointing i guess..overall?ok lahx..

fri went to wrk for a day n quited aft ultra boring..cant stand!
the rest of the days?tuition n mug..and tadah!end of hols and im back in sch nw...sitting in front of my comp after hafing my one n only meal for each day..typing this entry!
and yesh!trying to complete my IT proj!mys be done by today manx! trying to do soul searching n gt enuf rest!so i shall go slp bfore my next lesson at 230pm...yawns!

time check:1.35pm

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