Saturday, December 02, 2006

mb it aint passion..else y wavered?

facing a delemma..guess everyone is..

sighh..all the temptations n such..hw not too

everything is finally over!exams n interviews..todays sat n i was up since 8+..wanna go bk to slp again..yawns

waiting for the reply frm kpmg..some of my frans alr gt the offer on the spot..if me nv imply wrgly me shld be accepted too..haha..oh well i applied for risk whilst deirs are assurance n tax so mb its different?

gt the offers frm Deloitte n TOuche as well as PWC..but those r for audit..aint taking them up though its so so tempting cox its PWC!!!if its a positive frm KP den im really wavered..risk management..fraud detecting..internal auditing? sds fun n exciting..but ive realli gtta find out more frm seniors or even the manager if im really accepted..suddenly i feel lyk im more for this..alas?y lidat?thot ive settled for MOE..

im proud of myself..a big ego i aim for the interviews: to ace n shw wad ive gt n see hw far i can go..mb its a wrg the end gtta decide gt's full of temptation..n its bad..mb if im nt so welll educated mb if mes limited to jus a few choices me will be betta?confident n felt good after the interviews..thot i jus crapped the sessions away..each lasting at least 40mins..i dunno..jus gt veri driven n excited when i narrate bt my achievements..hope me din bore them to death..haha..the partner frm pwc even told me tt he went for a jog before my interview..told me tt his wife was teaching in tk n quitted in 1999..told me his daughter is in tk..his current n past residence etc etc..dats a cool lot!interviewer frm DT? ended up telling her hw frightened we were in lee kin wais lecture seminars n the tensed up moments dueing my class presentation..we had a gd laugh indeed..haha..KPMG's a little less casual but ti was comfortable enuf i guess..
so much so much for me to digest within this short after another..
was telling my sis e importance of studying n gt involved in sch in activities dun care wad jus gt ur lazy bum up n DO STHG!!im jus an average student..mb cos of e additionals dat y ive gt wad ive gtten..thanking n owed this to my alma mateur..TKGS!my confidence my character etc etc..the fighting spirit n stuff..
dun tink im good..seriously i dun tink im..kj was telling me dat me cn portray my self well..the bosses like this kinda of sis told me im more suited to be in the corporate wrld cox of my personality..i aint sure full of doubts bt confused by my abilities..i dunno..self-doubting is destroying but overconfident kills n its least by myself
will be realli drawn to kp if i gt the is highly perf based..bonus is dependent on perf n OT??haha..wad to do?intervv qns: wads ur view bt OT?haha..oh man wad cn i sae?of cox its alright promises partnership in 8 to 12 yrs' time!!dats like hw cool..with my personality n if i really choose risk my goal: 10 yrs!!yes..ill gif myself ten least the post of a risk director..well well it will be a bonus if im a partner..haha..its all tok n no action till now..but ive gtta realise it.
called my cousin whus a high flyer assistant director at PUB..a zai guy..his wife is as capable as 33 he has alr achieved this wan too!!tt means all the thought of hafing a more relaxed life n enjoyment which im seeking will be gone..again he told me dat i may be more suited to the corporate world..suggest dat
i shld try joining the rat race..he told me to condider 3 components: money(practicality), job nature(interests), environment( people) focus is on the last 2..risks diff frm audit as least frm my pt of view..people?dey 'look' okie i guess..whu doesnt but i believe im adaptable to pple..shldnt be an obstacle for me..mes open n i dun mind all types of peeps will diff personalities..haha though may complain here n dere but whu doesnt complain?money?lg term its good..hoping me can gt onto the fast track prog call the HIPO..with all the promotions n in the lg term looks good..
i wanna be over the rest..liking the feeling of power, acknowledgement n the ability to spend..yes being materialistic here..down the road veri soon ill be able to gt a bigger hse for my n mei r always veri impressed by the condos n the penthses alg parkway..pretty..sighh..its all bt social status..i dunno i wanna be able to walk into posh shps..clad in elegant clothes n allow my parents to eat well and live well..its time dads 50 today in 10 yrs time hes alr no..mb 10 yrs is a little too lg..ive gtta tink far!!so it seems dat risk aint dat bad all depends on the outcome of the interview..else im with MOE..
before it cmes me shant tink too much..gtta do up wad ive gtta do now:)n enjoy the free time while it lasts..cnt wait for the 13th to go blading w n ktv..gonna protect my its 3 sessions of ktv for the next 2 weeks..wah..haha
had facial my face is smooth!!! rid of those black heads n dead skin..scrubbed off the sis' comment: jie u gt no makeup on..eeks!!!haha..n bestest me saw my sec sch fran n mes so cui!!!aiyos..cnt believe feel lyk digging a hole n jump in!haha..its a lg term investment..the next session will be on the 18th n ill go again before sch reopens dats ard once per month:) gonna tk up an additional tutee so ill haf 3!!high maintenance?haha..wad to do?no lahs jus feel good to haf extra cash ard since next sem is more slack..guess its gods will..he has it all planned out for me..deres no the other half for me so me cn jus focus on wad i wan n wad im doing..thank you god for this..n i truly believe its for my own good
was reading meimei's blog..yah u r right..we shld make plans w/o the other half..its our life..whu noes wads gonna happen if hes gone..if hes to come into the pic hes dere to complement it to share the ups n downs..i agree..truly agree!
so broke liaos..haha..mus gif sem is gonna b a great sem i guess..but im forever overloading myself..with additional commitments..vons tking frence n i jus realised deres no korean..haha..told lin the wrg info alr n shans tinking of tking jap!!! dun mind but dun understd y the OPA's schedule is for this sem!!ellos we r reg for next sem ahs!!me gtta clear 4 aus..wanna mk it a 2 dats week but with the GEs mb hafta haf a 3 days..dun mind a mon to wed week!!haha..den will haf a damn long weekend for me to gif tuition n haf fun..
meanwhile..this the updated schedule for myself..

4th: swim n celeb vonnies bdae!!
5th: sch to reg for subj n meet yanshan to go vivocity
6th: swim n DT's reception dinner at hilton
7th: celeb yanshans bdae
8th: CHoir camp
9th: tentative ktv session w yj
10th: out w meimeis to gt dads prezzie
11th: celeb dads bdae
13th: blading n ktv w meimeis
16th: celeb pengpengs bdae
18th: facial
19th: hall caroling?
23rd: rioja's post exam n xmas celeb steamboat at our beloved cgl's hse

hmm..shld haf more dinners b stuff ard this period i guess..haha..wah its really time to recoup all dat ive spent this hols..n ive gtta be fast!!!

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