Friday, December 15, 2006


thot ive accomplished quite a lot this least im accountable for myself..its been tough making difficult decisions, putting myself thru various challenges, hafing fun making frans..getting to noe schmates betta..getting hurt etc. etc.
shld i sae its eventful? or was it shag? actually i cnt rem much..everything seems so distant..
jus veri satisfied tt ive accomplished wad ive set out to least me dared to challenge myself..ill nv forgt those times me n mei sang on stage in the malls..nv forgt the lg queue at the superstar audition..nv forgt the times weve trained..thanks mei..yah still hafing jitters for todays..shall improve for the jans one:) weve gtta jiayou!
finally saw hws the lee wei songs sch look like..not veri fantastic..haha...but it was no doubt fun..opportunities after opportunities for us to bond?hmm..more like argue over whus singing wad n stuff but in the end its still okie..not far we cn go but since weve this shared dream we shall proceed n test our limits..dere may not haf an ending but its the process tt matters
this is my passion, this is our passion..a shared dream
i miss the stage..yes i wun forgt the stage fright n was a aplendid feeling during those beauty wrld time..ill nv forgt hw hard we rehearsed, we danced, we memorised, we gt the end the performances were great!i miss those times..the singing n dancing on stage..on stage..basking in the floodlights, enjoying the limelight.. the attention, the silence in the theatre the appluases..the best was tt my frans my relatives n family were watching!oh my im really missing those times..still remember how my dance partner encouraged me n the assurances tt she will hold me tight n nt allow me to fall esp when hes surprised to receive her bouquet of beautiful..thanks pals for the little gifts oso
uni life is finalli cming to an end..jus one more sem to go..its realli fast.still rem teck wee shaking his head n sae 'its veri fast' yah!its realli seemed like ytd tt i went to the nbs nbs camp, hw i skipped hall camp, hw i gt sabo-ed during the SP night, the life as a JCRC-ian, the currently slacking yr 3..this yrs' halls foc was memorable..truly memorable..performed during the sp night n the praises frm my guitarist n freshie.loved n treasured every moment..thanks!
not forgtting the hurting moments..cun rem hw many weepy nights but after those its a strger me..looking fwd n nt turning has to go on..hurt is part n parcel n when it keeps repeating the heart will eventually bcm numb..yah..NUMB is the goal:)
marriage seems so ive gt frans whu r alr planning theirs..thats really fast!mummy always sae dun walk into the 'graveyard' so quickly..haha..wah if u two read this u r gonna to kill me mans..haha..if its here it will come..seriously wishing u all the best..hey n dun forgt lemme b host/perform hors!haha..
met up w shan today n gt all my days packed!!dats cool!gtta go swimming next mon again!!yeah!

updated schedule for one whu has a short term memory--me!

16th: pengs bdae
17th: tuition n caroling
18th: swim n facial
19th: blading,tuition, halls xmas party
20th: xmas dinner with shans tings n charms at kruishin bo
21st: ktv w von
22nd: tuition n caroling
23rd: caroling n rioja xmas dinner
24th: meetup w von to celeb xmas n her bdae!
25th: xmas breakfast w shan at minolti
26th: acc. ma to eye center
29th/30th:lao beijings tim sum buffet w shan

wah..damn pack!!wanna haf a new look for next sem!!shall go dye my hair brown instead of red!haha
cnt wait to go for pengs bdae party tmr!!yawns!its bed time!!!!

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