Thursday, May 03, 2007

beauty definition

yea finally was in town after exams last week!waiting for mei to finish hers on mon n my real packed intensive tuition sessions with my kids..still not very confident dat dey r well prepared for theirs which r starting next mon:( hmm..dats the max i can do i guess so agreed to rush bk frm town to gif my boy the last session..tinking on the brighter side of things..that makes it a full mth's least good enuf for me to spend in taiwan..yah..

great tmrs the day..quite excited as its really coming!cant wait to go 101 n do some decent shopping for my formal least some nice trendy short sleeves formal tops for work..wun be spending a lot on food..aint a foodie anw.. the famous fried stuff like the taiwan crispy chicken chops sold at the night markets do not tempt me..the bubble tea too..the most just one or 2 sips..haha...moreover, e sense of smell is off..tink its my sinus dats y i cant smell..wads the point only can point..but i wlll like to try the smelly doufu n the famous meesuan with mussels?hmm..aint eating the mussels..on the contrary mei n her fran r so enthu bt the food n her fran even sent her the info tt she had collated on none other than FOOD! n hs? focus on buying other stuff n eating less..!yups so wun be in sing till the 10th

great to have found a 4-5 days job frm the 14th to the 18th ytd!as exhibition hostress at the sing gd...8 hrs so nt too bad..doing with mei oso:) great can recoup half of my expenses man!n den gonna look out for more such stincts in recruit when mes back!gonna haf another one-communicasia n broadcastasia this for tt too! wrking twds n earn money to buy my watch for wrk!n great daphs gg to jio me for the isetan's sale n gss is coming!gd least this holiday is rather packed with slack time in between:) so me cn meet up with shan n frans:) yeah..

wads in the name of beauty? beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder..i noe n i understand..different pple have diff definition of this word..some r confident even if they r not dat perfect..its the confidence tts attractive..yes i can agree to always says just let it be..whether u r a good looker or not is point trying to do this n dat n with her emphasizing on pretty pple hafing a tough life..i can see where shes heading..yah
due to the influx n proliferation of the media n the upsurge of beauty salons, slimming centers, new slimming n beauty products how not to be stressed over not being 'one of them'? its not a sin nor a crime to yearn to be someone better..sighh..jus aint satisfied..frans whu have known me since sec. would have known onto the 7th yr n the goal is still unattainable..but with the future pay check i will be able to afford it..yah

y this thot all of a sudden..cos of the movie: 200 pounds beauty which i watched w mei wonder dey sae koreans r known to embrace plastic surgery..okie this a movie so its fictional but ohh well in real life i believe dere r such incidences where beauty can be bought with money..asking me for my stand? im not against tt...everyone has their own stds of being beautiful n stunning..yea true beauty n inner beauty r impt but bfore anything physical beauty is one of the crucial ones oso..mb the std may differ frm one job to another..e.g. hr,marketing personnels r mostly or shld i sae always gd lookers..not to mention celebrities..the latter is even more stringent! with reference to the movie, those whu aint so well endowed often take up the 'office jobs' okie..of cos dere r exceptions..but usually occupations dat dun rely depend dat much on looks..
wad i like bt the shw is tt though she eventually became a beauty in the end, with the melodious voice n perfect body, she admitted tt shes a fake n realised wad she had lost..kinship n least not a true blue bimbotic shw ya? so for dat mes gifing the thumbs up! to prepare to go parkway to do some last minute shopping, exchange $ help ma run some errands n head twds coffee bean for my salad n drink n set my mind on my self-help book:) yeah..

sheesh..rainy n i seriously hate gg out in wet weather!


joleen said...

hey frans!

in case you are wondering y i haven been's cox mes hafing trouble signing into the gmail account so to save me n u the fuss me will be setting up a new blog with a new blog add which i will post it here when it's done..

jus a short update:)
yah taiwan trip was greaT! n i tink we all had fun n it was indeed a memorable grad trip..haha..cant believe its over dat fast!currently busy with some stuff n i do nid u guys' help with my little survey which will be sent to ya mailbox soon yah:)..if possible do help me fwd it to other teenagers/youths whom u noe yeah?thanks a million n i do nid ur valuable help n support!

thanks a million


joleen said... as new blog add:

happy reading!

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