Friday, January 27, 2006


ill keep this entry short and sweet since i needa go off n head for home in 5 mins time!haha..

it had been a horrendous week for me..with all the shit and stuff.and wad made it worse was that i cun conc on my role..jus cun haf the feel of being enthu in my role..or shld i sae that particular part of the scene..alas..broke down n stress is partly the reason..

i noe alot of frans are veri concern!thanks alot!thanks for shwing, asking n leaving msges for me!thanks alot..i believe its another phase that ive to cm to terms with..yah..

okie..enuff of the sad n sobby stuff..jus wanna rest during the new yr n hols n mug n do proj!yeah!

hey happy new yr to one n all..
luf ya frans!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

smiley face?so cute!!

hey charmaine!
so sorrie to make u come all the way to my room just to wake me up for dinner just now..feel so bad esp when u r in crutches:( so sorrie..luckily deres lift..but still i noe its really hard for u..

wanna say a big big THANK YOU for the gift!its so cute!haha..its a smiley face!n i tink it really great to haf it as it reminds me to smile more!thanks yeah!hope u will smile too!

today he was in sch again..i was on my way to meet mek n kah hon during lunch..saw him n wanted to jus pretend i din see n tried to walk speedily away..failed he called out for me once..i jus pretended i din hear..den he called out again dis time trying to stop me frm the choice we chatted..her girl was jus standing behind..n the freshie whom we dun realli lyk was choice had to put on a good show..n dere my acting skills cm in useful!haha..aft a few exchanges me siam asap!

'u wan me to go meh?'
'yes!i wan you to go!'
dats wad i said n i actually spurted it out this aft..not hafing second thots bt it..
aft tmr..yah

glad that ive nice frans ard..thanks yj, keith, kah hon n charmaine for ur concerns..thanks for the listening ears..n i jus realised dat apart from charmaine im closer to the guys in weird..dey seem to noe more than the gals..

im slacking in my room nw..waiting for my hair to dry den concuss!yeah!tmr is free day shall finish my company law tut..memorise my lines..settle my pa..yeah!great..hw slack this week yeah?cny is cming me cn jus slack n slp thru n pia tut!!

always rem to smile:)

Friday, January 20, 2006

oh pls be careful!

tinking of blogging as im still waiting for my files to be downloaded!urghh..dunno y cant open!

thanks zhiyu for ya comment!thanks alot!
im so glad dat ive a fran lyk u!

ytd was mugging and halfway i heard a collison jus outside my block..i looked out of my rooms window..and i din realised they were my hall pple..mb i cun recog the guy whu was facing me..
i was really shocked partner!realli shocked that its you whu gt involved in the accident!
alas..was so stunned..cun help u in so sorrie..
hmm..pls be careful!u r still young dun jus expose ya life to such risk yeah?so worrying..sighh..

nw im so vexed..dunno which company to choose for my prof attachment this sem..sians..tink ill choose pwc and a bank..citibank?

yawns...sians tink ill try to dl tmr..its still nt pissed!

charmaine!get well soon yeah?pls pls be careful!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

joleen, i hate you..

i cant seem to concentrate on my tut..

warning:frans! this is gg to be another shitty entry..if ya peeps r too sick of wads happening to me..tink ya r dun carry on reading k? i beg u...

a pleasant surprise?i thot it was..NO!i rather not haf that 'surprise'..its not a pleasant one..NO!not at all!the wrd 'substitute'?i truly understd this word..a word which i refused to face..a wrd that hurts lyk hell!a wrd dat is jus so painful..a wrd that cuts deep into me..yah!this is the wrd!

the card he held was for..the waiting was for..

heart sank in again!
not as deep as bfore but bad enuff to trigger the tears..
weak?yah i am..

n all the suanings i gt in hall r not helping..yah..i laughed it off..yah..but do u peeps noe somethings r nt funny at all?not at all i tell u!simply rubbish..but i cnt lose my cool..nt in front of u..of cox not..dunno hw much u r to me..but jus nt in front of u..i dun mind as lg as u r alritex yeah?

n my door is definitely shut for so sorry..i really sorry..impossible is jus the really sorry..i noe saeing sorry will not help but im really sorry..

never hated joleen so much..used to be so proud of her..shes so full of shes nt only a piece of shit i tink shes jus worse than dat..i look down on her..i hope she can jus disappear to somewhere no one noes..

mummy..y do i haf to go thru this?

nice feeling

today jus passed w/o me really noeing wads happening..
no lessons today..wk up to finish my tut..n was so lking fwd to the ktv session..thay r jus jokers lahs..haha..jus felt veri relaxed when we were tgt..haha..the three of us jus crapped n as usual gt suaned again n again!haha..

cant really fig out y im lyk one of the closer gals to the hillst guys..even the freshies..mb im jus so kaypoh..haha..

its a sweet feeling that im hafing n hope the ktv session was longer..din really sing enuff! usual!

CNY is coming! to chinatwn w my mum n sis dis thurs will b gg w hall..haha..interaction time again..

jus had sp rehearsal n is disappointed cox ive memorised the lines but when im supposed to recite em..i actually stumbled..urghh!gtta buck up more sia!yucks!

n charmaine if ya r reading this..ya gtta take care of yaself yeah?dun be too hard on yaself..take it easy..tink betta conc on studying n wrking cn wait till we grad ritex..else u will fall sick very easily ya noe:( lets grad tgt next year okie?so we gtta wrk twrds that!!

okie..tmrs class at 830pm n its gg to be a super lg day..concussing alr..nitexnitex!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

theres a limit in wad we can do in Life!

i can only do so much..the rest is really up to you..its both ways..
maybe not..but im still waiting and a miracle may happen..if never?im contented with the current contented..cox yearning for sth impossible is gonna to inflict pain..n its stupid lahs!!(my insulating power)

now sitting comfortably in my new room in the replacement hall..jus finished reading my company law chapters and the rewritten assignment to be handed in next mon!haha..tmr gtta wake up early to pia law tut den off me go ktv with felix and yongjie at clementi's kbox..wanted to go with felix since last yr but in the end cmi, hopefully tmr none will pangse!

my new room is small but comfy lahs..haha..quite cooling at nice!i mean Freezing esp last week when the weather was so super cold!!practically in aircon room..
apart from the longer distance from nbs and the inconveniece of hafing to walk up the nie slope..tink this environment here is better as weve more side has only 5 single rooms lahs..haha..quite and serene..not so exposed i tink..

guess wad due the wet weather last week n my 'no grip' slipper i actually slipped n fell on the slope..alas..luckily nt mani peeps at that time yeah?if not ill be too embarrassed to go to sch alr!haha

recently, dunno y suddenly gt quite close to this bunch of tut mates whom me huishan n mel used to be wary of..dey will talk behind our back and some times even dio us?i dunno..but since sch reopens, we do haf lunch tgt..joke n mess ard..sit tgt during lect..haha..n we r known as SHE cox we always appear in threes! funny!
they r nice peeps lahs..n im happy for mel for being attached again..hey gal!u seem to be in bliss whenever u mention him..tink though hes nt dat gd interms of looks..he indeed has a kind heart..really surprised..u really changed a lot gal..used to be so critical of guys!alas!haha..
and thanks for asking me to gif me a lift back to hall and drive us ard..and kah hon oso..thanks for ya lift dat dae..

haha..its so nice to be ferried ard esp in sch when travelling is lyk..wah!

todays mon and a week from now hell be in holland..yah..hope he'll do fine..aft 6 mths?hope things will change on my part yah..definitely as i wld haf completed my professional attachment..celebrating my 21st bdae..had my photoshoot..taken my yr 2 exams and starting my last year in NTU..!

suddenly everything is gg so fast!last year?i jus remembered vividly the camp i went thru..the NBS camp, the hall camp which i ponned a no. of days..the hall life in year one..the beauty wrld production i went thru..hw i gt to noe my frans..cindy,hanyan..the seniors..qianyi,charmaine..the hillst and ladyhill christmas party we had for the past 2 yrs!oh man n im in the 3rd week of the 2nd sem of year 2!thats fast!so fast!FOC will be coming agin..n this time rd im a 3rd year and ill be able to spot any of my guy frans if they r cming to NBS!haha..very soon ill grad..very soon

im waiting for miracles..mb not..

its slping time!
gd nitex!
haha..tinking of my wish list sia!!haha

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

moving hall blues..

its quieter than usual..
mayfair hasnt been so quiet before..
suddenly faced w this' peacefulness' is hw scary or shud i sae lonely..
my cute freshies..e chatterboxes..the babes(inclu me?)oopps!r gone..
HAll 3 is gg to be torn down..suddenly deres a sense of melancholy to have to see this bldg cm to an end..
on the other hand..its really exciting to be able to live in a new rm!(nt hte cleaning part!!)
separation frm mf will mean a really serene place to stay..c'mon lahs..hw nt to 'enjoy' such 'comfort' when i have to pay 240 mthly?aiyos!
tonitex is the last nite in this Hall 3..i treasure this moment and the memories which i had here

ytd was marcus' bdae!lemme wish him: HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY MARCUS!!!

gg to slp sn..tmr will be fun cox mtg yanshan but me gtta go gif tuitions first..urghh!haha..

new i come

new resolution:i wanna be a superstar!

Sunday, January 01, 2006


its a wet new year today!haha..

me n von din slp ytd n was entertained by darius' brother..darren n his videos..dozed of several times during the shws..haha
in the end we slp for a while n went for mac breakfast at hougang central den bk hm..haha..

me cm bk n was fast aslp frm 1230pm!!haha to enjoy meself for the next few daes bfore my tuts r gg to start in week two..haha..this week onli lect so me cn play till wed!

gg go blade w sis on wed!heehee..n slack :)

me gt 3 white belts on hand

im gg to be realli busy w 3 tutees n wrk n sch n hall..wah..hw to live..haha..

p.s.:darius thanks for offering ya help..hmm..its least i noe ive frends ard!thanks!



me n von r currently in darius' hse!!
we jus had our usual birthday cum new year celebration!!haha..this time round at his place!!all the way here---at hougang!!haha

me n vonnie were stranded in orchard...n we din even buy his prezzie lahs!haha...den in the end went topman to get him a wallet!haha

N guess wad both of us were both late!!super late!haha..4 hrs late...oopps n we caused everyone to wait for us:(

so sorry peeps!!realli!! n von will be on time the next time k?haha

n im lking fwd to the 8th!!KTV!!
realli hope we will haf fun!!

a new year a new hope..a new heart..n realli hope that me will nt feel sad again...haha..n i realli hope so..hope his departure will mark the end of this crap!!yupps

best wishes...