Thursday, August 25, 2005

i M e CUTEST!!!cONfirm!

haha..looking at my nick and u peeps will realise im BHB!

was checking out this girl staying in my previous wing who is my freshie's love flr rep saes she's cute n TAHDAH!!no lor!ive QC her n concluded that im confirm plus comp n stamp CUTER!!she's more twds the bimbotic side leh...unless BIMBOTIC=CUTE?oh man!haha
betta dun probe too much but this equation coz dey call me a bim..

was talking to yanshan on mon online..came across this prickly topic of bimbotism..wad really constitutes a bimbo?

do these indicate bimbotism:
wearing short skirts
get suan by peeps every time u try to talk
cant ans. those lame qns
talking crap
accidentally say sth dat sounds foolish
taking a train away from e destination
asking if kopi-o is black
constantly checking on yrself
calling urself a princess,gongzu
claiming dat u r cute
refused to change into specs in the presence of them
talking on the phone till batt went dead and auto-shut but thought that e phone is spoilt
insists that u r NOT a bimbo.....

the list can go on n on..

if u guys think the answers to YES..den i pity you..cox u r reading a blog of a bIMBO..haha

wadever..i shall help to find out and answer this qns..haha

ive finally accepted the job to be the assistant cultural secretary for the has started and thid thurs is the cultural alr in choir and i wanna join geyao! cuturaal sec is jianming..we r both hunk n babe!
(thats wad they say lah!im not so BHB dey!)
hope everything will be fine

have been skipping some classes recently..tired and was doing self studying k!of coz slacking a bit lah..hmm..cant slack animore..alot of things cming up..aiyo..faints!
had a taxation test jus now and im lyk onli noe 40% of preparation of financial statements!its gg to be tested n fri lorhx!

kkie..shall quickly nap now and finish my tut for tml and revise my acctg..


dieting in progress
(btw if u guys noe wad really is a bimbo..enlighten me pls!!)

Saturday, August 20, 2005

happy birthday

current status: piled with articels n chapters to read..super articles n chapters!in school trying to finish the tuts..urghh..

me gonna blog quickly n get back to mug again!

todays friday..had been busy on mon n tue w hall's jcrc rally duties as an election comm went to meet shanx n tingx in the sm time went to get darrens prezzie n his cake for his 22nd was late for duty n had to tk a cabbie bk to ha..realised that i kept spending on cab trips bk to!a lot of bucks simply lazy to squeeze onto the bus w my bags of stuff:P

yah..celebrated for him after wed's polling n counting of the end we celebrated 2 hrs odd past his bday to be exact..was quite funny to see how they sabo both him n the flr rep zhenming..the guys..seniors stripped them to their underwear n made them cm out of his rm to parade n we gals had to autograph on zhenmings paiseh to see..i wanst n nt interested to look lor...headache..shakehead... they call it flr rep initiation..poor guys!

they requested to take pics w the two boys and we had to in order to end their sufferings..sad to say had to toast vodka w him..e bday boy..requested for only a bit...n hengx dey poured a bit away...hate the stingy sensation of vodka:(
if its his bday i wld haf siam!

heehee..enuff bt the complaints bt vodka

ytd we toked on msn..getta noe more bt him..happie:)
though its jus a normal talk i felt quite good bt it.
thanked me for gg to gt his prezzie n stuff..
no big deal..but i tink seriously if its nt his bday i may haf asked the guys to settle..haha

malu-ated my self in the in melvin maluated me!urghh!
wad e hall is he toking bt?urghh...
how to face each other lidat?stupid melvin!
was so so stunned

kkie...shall gt bk to e bks alr..else sure die:(

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


before i go for my 1030 class..let me blog down some thoughts...

that day i was at home..was blogging den halfway me dad accidentally switched off the comp power!sweat!for awhile i thot my lappie died on me!phew!

it was a rather fun day ytd!
not in the sense dat i ponned a 4hr i/s semminar nor cox i had to carry out my 5 hrs duty as a member of the jcrc election committee...

its the fun i had n is still relishing now..haha..
in the aft. was confused by the guys staying downstairs cox i was suppose to be toking to felix..suddenly few more cm into his rm one by one...thats wad he claimed..toking to me bt as a bimbo..n the best thing was that when darren told em not to bully me..2 of em act. went to change their nick to:'darren said not to bully joleen' and their msn pics to e pic which we took during dnd..!
and his nick becm:'joleen is my co-gl..dun bully her la!'
so funny!and one of their msn pics is still funny!
guys ah!grow up man!haha

its been a long time since we chatted..nce in the aft. and another at nitex!
maybe thats what kept me up tinll 345am ytd..jus toking on msn!thats bad!so ive alr decided to study in the day with my lappie off!and do light readings at night!

tml is his bdae!im gg to meet yanshan in orchard to gt him the prezzie and to meet shanx bfore her sch starts!...ive 2 tests next week man!but im lyk...oh through one subj but mus revise tb n make other one doing today!

haf lotsa things to do...

haha...he told me hes nt gg to b in today n wheres he gg to weird..encouraged me to join jcrc as cult sec..i maybe..but dat means that its gg to be very busy for me and i tink i might cox as he said its a once in lifetime thing...jus lyk being a gl...i din regret..kkie..

i betta gt gg!else ill be super late! tata...

hope u guys r doing well!
huggs n kisses!